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If ones can't thrive amidst adversity, they will inevitably perish in their complacency. ~anonymous
Apr 16, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Someone gets it; a nightmare about to hit EU: 🇺🇦has been a huge human & sex trafficking haven in past decade, West's blind 🇷🇺hate just turned 🇺🇦into a new & huge weapon trafficking haven‼️

🇪🇺 your days are numbered: crisis of food + migrant + weapon = Kaboom!

@FinanceLancelot Also, word on the street is, many 🇺🇦warlords are under table selling many newly received weapons to whoever willing buyers, including 🇮🇱, 🇸🇾, 🇮🇷, 🇹🇷etc., & also, you guess it, 🇷🇺RUSSIA! Yes, 🇷🇺is buying many of our 🇺🇸Javelin, Stinger, etc....
Mar 1, 2022 27 tweets 12 min read
🚨 This is a MUST READ.

Russia attacking Ukraine is only the opening act of the movie, Russia (& China) attacking the $USD is the climax of this movie

Russia basically baited us into sanctioning them, a trap we gladly & emotionally walk right into it. Just remember, when sellers (Russia & China) become an absolute monopoly in the global market, then SELLERS SET THE PRICE (of $USD).

Sep 20, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Many in the West still thinks Evergrande (EG) defaulting international bond won't be a big deal, since not all Western banks/Fis hold EG's bond, so this is not contagion... these people CLEARLy don't understand how CDO brought down BearStearns & Lehman

You see, when EG default on international bond, it'll automatically shoot up all China's offshore corp bond yield, that is 1 big risk almost all Western banks are exposed to.

& then comes CLO & synthetic CLO; basically same thing as CDOs but it's corp bond instead mortgages.
Sep 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ I'm still waiting for my side of intel to confirm, likely by this coming weekend. @HRGPFOREVER

But I can share a little more what I know & speculation based on what are already reported in news: I believe something is rapidly developing in the banking & currency sector, 2/ and we are about to see, seemingly out of nowhere, HUGE amount of liquidity will suddenly be released through the main street (but NOT through gov stimulus) sometime shortly before Oct.1, so that banks may suddenly be able to meet those new requirement by deadline.
Sep 9, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
Keep eyes on them as this develops, I feel that they'll have great potential, especially after the major major crash & after the ultimate rotation begins.

Not like Tesla trying to do all by themselves (& now WAAAaay overvalued), the partnership deal that's going on between Nikola & GM is basically like "Apple & Foxconn"... this is BRILLIANT! This can put Nikola on a fast track of growth & up scaling.

That's a lot of potential.
Aug 31, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
1/ Many people gets upset why Trump suddenly went nuts to block WeChat. Although MSM doesn't say, I'll tell you why from tech (I was a computer programmer & network engineer before I started trading) & monetary perspective : most Chinese today use ...… 2/ ...WeChat (& Alipay) to conduct everyday money transactions & transfers; this happens in & outside of China. True that spyware is part of the problem, but widespread & quickly expanding Yuan settlement system sitting in everyone's phone that can get around US banks & SWIFT...
Aug 30, 2020 9 tweets 6 min read
After spending a long time in weekend reviewing all charts, I spot something I didn't see; here are my course corrections:

1st of all, more & more I see, the "mini spike" that I called out a week ago, it's not "mini" after all. It looks to me, it has leg! Image 2/
Yes, I still believe will go towards <= 0%. But ST, since 10Y has momentum, with many pro traders returning after Labor day, as QW-OpEx is shortly after, I see 10Y spike higher before doing a big throwover. I.e. 10Y surge is a head fake under macro deflationary pressure.
Aug 30, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
1/ Digital Yuan is quickly becoming reality; looks like CCP is fast tracking it, so they may have full control over all transactions. It's not nationwide yet, but they're "quickly expanding to more testing areas & cities". To me, THIS is a rolling out process. 2/ Remember I've said it many times: a successful monetary reform can only be best pulled of through smoke & mirror and bait & switch; hence, LIES.

China right now is in the middle of doing currency reform. It tells me, they really fear a deflationary bust, as well as fear...
Aug 19, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Waited for WEEKS, it's FINALLY time!

1/ Just bought a large trade on !! 🤞 Image 2/ Interesting how even today is VIX exp, gap only got closed half way, & VIX can't wait to get back up! Yet, UVXY is not bouncing; that seems like a divergence! Even if VIX may head down slightly again for the next 2 days due to OpEx, but the down range should be very limited. Image
Aug 19, 2020 7 tweets 8 min read
1/ I think I found out possibly why @WarrenBuffett exited 100%, sold large portion of & , yet⬆️holding on , & added gold stock...

PDF page 37/49 ...… Image 2/ I speculate, he expects an imminent GFC 2.0 that can bring down banks with much derivatives, yet without enough asset to cover.

If that's the case, just by looking at the table, I think HSBC is ready to DIE! Which comes back to the HSBC chart I tweeted
Aug 18, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
@chigrl @hvandrie what didn't happen in July, is now happening in Aug.; Iraqi PM comes to see Trump on Thurs. Aug. 20

Iraq oil production cut may be for real this time; the only way they can do that will be to diversify their budget away from solely rely on oil. Hence, soon opening up economy, and to pull in foreign fund for their private & banking sector.

And if so, I believe it's really time for USD-DXY to do an epic supercharge!
Aug 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Looks like Buffet knows, big trouble is coming for banks. 1/ Looks like Buffet fears & is betting 10Y will reach 0% soon, and fear NIRP may come.…
Aug 13, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
I can be wrong, but I haven't seen anyone reporting this in twitter yet.

Many media & merchants in HK are talking about it right now, because its impact is very far reaching; this will literally push many biz & whatever remaining manufacturers out of HK.… @chigrl @supercatmy @HenrikZeberg @SamanthaLaDuc @Jkylebass @lincolnsamelson @KobesyTrades @SantiagoAuFund
Aug 12, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Bookmark this tweet & links:

1/2 As US-China-HK situation escalates, HSBC has got hit hard, & its stock has been tanking. But, because of the following (& likely more to come), start putting HSBC into your future buy watch list.… 2/2 Because, as more manufacturers will exit China, sooner or later, the rise of Vietnam will soon be realized!

Vietnam ready for EVFTA, EVIPA enforcement: spokeswoman | Politics | Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus) - June 2020…
Aug 9, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
Many look at this through lens of fear.

Step back & think: either he's THAT stupid, OR, we're about to witness a USD regime change: monetary reform!

Furious Democrats Faced With A Daunting Question: Will They Dare To Challenge Trump's Stimulus Orders… Image What i say seems unreal, but come back & re-read in a year:

What if part of the monetary reform is to “re-finance” public debt, & to bring down commodity & asset prices, yet, M0+M1 value remains unchanged inside US? If so, TGA has huge amount of money!

Aug 8, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Wow, glad I took profit on Kodak during the surge!

I still have stake in the game for Fujifilm & Konica, just in case.... I think both of them will have earning reports in this coming week, will see what they may reveal. @MsResJudicata @StealthFred @Mujhunter @hvandrie @DunghLam @EricSr10560351 @supercatmy @Rosemary100 @Keith80519590 @chigrl
Aug 2, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Half Insider Intel:

1/ My sister works pretty high up in US food industry. During dinner she told me tonight, the emergency food industry suddenly is experiencing a rapid surge of orders (outlet through Amazon, Costco, Sam's Club, etc.) as if it was Feb.2020 all over again. 2/ More importantly, rice shortage is about to hit: she said rice vendors may soon stop providing rice to many food processing companies in a matter of 1-3 weeks; they were told rice vendors are not getting enough rice (US produced). Don't know the exact cause yet (but can be...
Aug 1, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
1/ So, 2 days ago I shared that, for those who missed the "Kodak ride", where else can you find other similar opportunities. AND THEN, today,
2/ after some more research, I discovered something even more fascinating: it seems to me, somehow companies that made camera films, they seem to have ready tools & experts that'll allow them to quickly jump into the pharma industry (possibly making API)…
Jul 30, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read

As I suspected, China's CIPS is READY TO ROLL! They're ready to decouple! If happens, it'll be an earthquake to the global market!

Chinese Banks Urged To Switch From SWIFT & Drop USD In Anticipation Of US Sanctions…

Image 1/ Here are other recent tweets I shared a little more about China's CIPS

Jul 29, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Guys, for those who missed the ride of Kodak, I think you may have a 2nd and the 3rd chance lining up.........

1/ (a) If Kodak is the face, then this biz is the heart: looks like they haven't got the Kodak memo yet

Eastman Chemical Company (NYSE: EMN)… Image 2/ Just by looking at their chart, if deflationary bust hits, they might go down quite a bit too. Either way, remember risk management Image
Jul 28, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
OMG, I totally didn't see this coming! Keep eyes on , it just rose 200%+ today!

If for whatever reason (#Wuhan gets flooded, export embargo, etc.) API & drug shortage problem occur, will SKYROCKET even more!… @supercatmy @chigrl @SamanthaLaDuc @HenrikZeberg @MsResJudicata @hvandrie @EricSr10560351
@Rosemary100 @family_benoit
@George02657408 @Braversa