Srirang G Doddihal Profile picture , Start-up engineer, tech guy धिग्बलं क्षत्रिय बलं भ्रह्म तॆजॊ बलं बलं. ಹರಿಃ ಓಂ.. !!
May 29, 2020 13 tweets 8 min read
Stackoverflow Developer Survey 2020 results are out :… 

Picture for #Ruby doesn't look good. For me, it has several signs of becoming exotic / niche (like COBOL) than being widespread (like Java). This has huge impact on hiring and talent pool (1/n) 1. % of survey respondents working on Ruby is : 7.1 Decreasing over the years :
2020 - 7.1 (Rank 14)
2019 - 8.4 (Rank 12)
2018 - 10.1 (Rank 13)
2017 - 9.1 (Rank 10)
2016 - 8.9 (Rank 11)
This by itself is not significant, but when read with other metrics it is meaningful (2/n)