Sibelius Seraphini Profile picture
CoFounder/CTO @woovibr 8 years building Startups
victor Profile picture Apoorv Singh Profile picture spooky scary claudino 🎃👻 Profile picture 3 subscribed
Aug 24, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
My speaker deck thread 👇…

Relay Modern - Is Relay Modern the Future? at @ReactConfBR

I still think we have a lot of investigate on GraphQL and Relay
Jul 23, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
CSS learning thread…
Jun 14, 2019 14 tweets 9 min read
I will talk about Practical AST (Abstract Syntax Trees) 🌲 at @frontinmga on September 14th. To understand what is an AST, you need to know a little bit of how compilers works.
I think the most tiny compiler is this one… by jamiebuilds.
Jun 11, 2019 22 tweets 4 min read
Scholarship #thread

In this thread I will talk about all the scholarship I've received in my life until now.
And how this helped me to be where I am today I've got my first scholarship on 7th grade of elementary school on 2006 by OBMEP(Brazilian Olympiad of Mathematics of the Public Schools).
This scholarship gave me a mathematics course every Saturday in a year.
Jun 3, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Oi, meu nome é Sibelius e sou um "amador" remunerado.

Nessa thread conto um pouco da minha história como "amador" Nasci em Itaquera, Zona Leste de São Paulo.
Estudei sempre em escolha pública, não fiz cursinho.
Passei em 1º no IFSP de Guarulhos no curso de analise e desenvolvimento de sistemas.
Passei em 1º na Unesp, mas acabei cursando Ciências da Computação na USP São Carlos
May 23, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
How to scale a Software House Thread

- use monorepos
- share as much code as you can from one project to another
- keep all your code up to date
- always refactor and improve your code
- use tests to avoid regression
- use lint and prettier to keep code consistent - use templates and codegen to automate patterns that emerged in your codebase (
- open source as much code as your can
- automate everything using CI/CD
- use lambda or kubernetes to automate your release process
- it should be easy to add new deployments
May 7, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
How to become a better developer

thread (not in this order) Contribute to open source
- watch repos you want to contribute
- answer issues
- contribute to docs (typos, more docs, blog posts)
- review pull requests
- create new issues
- send pull requests
Nov 9, 2018 39 tweets 8 min read
it'd be cool a talk/meetup about #JavaScript retrospective from 2014 until now a lot of stuff changed from there to now