Steven Sandor Profile picture
Award-winning Editor, @EdifyEdmonton. Author of booky things. Writer of magaziney things. Sort-of soccer broadcaster. Repped by The Rights Factory.
Nov 23, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
OK, it's taken me a couple of days to go through the #CanMNT match and see some of the reactions... but all I continue to see are people calling for Band-Aid solutions for a program that needs to built from the bottom up. Let's be honest. The #CanMNT success (getting to WC 2022) was kinda like the Iceland blip. It's more about demographic luck (having 3-4 elite players all born within a couple of years of each other) than a systemic awakening.
Jun 6, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Coming tweet stream/storm: Today's craziness brings to a head what we've been seeing in Canadian Soccer for years. We should have seen it coming. #CanMNT #CanadaSoccer In Canada, soccer is going in two vastly different directions at the same time. The #CanMNT qualifies for Qatar. The #CanWNT wins gold. But, even before COVID, player numbers were down in Canada. And, there has been a stunning lack of success for the pro game in this country.