tae || aus ✎ ⁷ Profile picture
hi my name is tae !! bts aus, mostly yoonmin. '95 {she/her} gay black girl. minors DNI. turn on notifs it’s fun !! no reposting/no translations.
Alya Profile picture Kiwii⁷ 💙 Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 10, 2023 146 tweets 23 min read
#yoonminau | hiccup, the universe: the proposal

"Park Jimin," Yoongi swallows a deep breath. "Would you like to change your last name?" Image It's Jimin's final showcase, he's been preparing for months despite Sarang still not sleeping through the night. Yoongi's running the brunch spot & he's got a record deal on the table..he finally convinces Jimin to have a night out...💍
May 29, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
#yoonminau | in the stars

Yoongi’s looking for the sign he needs to ask his roommate out on a date. It’s been a year since he’s been harboring the devastating crush. Jimin is cool, calm, hot. Yoongi is, a mess. Finally, his hourly horoscope pushes him in the right direction. ImageImage “Jimin-ah,” Yoongi whispers into the darkness of their shared dorm. It’s just after 1:30 in the morning. Jimin came home an hour ago from the library, an English final kept him there late.

Yoongi knows he’s not sleeping yet by the way his toes fidget under the covers.
May 27, 2023 11 tweets 1 min read
I’m just always a sucker for a/b/o arranged marriage. This one has been in my saved for a year and I’m loving it so far.

archiveofourown.org/works/20061220 OMG YG’s an asshole?!?!
Apr 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Result of fondness is so fucking soft??? Oh my god I’m obsessed. Immediately nevermind bc myg just mentioned being possessive and I’m gonna need this explored right away.
Mar 21, 2023 110 tweets 14 min read
“When you find that person I swear it’ll click. You’ll just look at them one day,” he gives a giggle that hurts Yoongi’s heart. “And you’ll think, oh! I was looking for someone like you.’” The sunrise is coming in over Jimin’s head, the golden light hitting his cheeks just right. Yoongi inhales a deep breath of the salty air.
Mar 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Can’t stop thinking about a spicy Yoonmin au where jm goes on suchwita and they’re watching the smf music video. Immediately, yg’s ears go red.

“Cut the cameras,” he commands. The staff are confused. He turns to his guest. “We need to speak in my dressing room. Right now.” Jm follows him back, heart pounding. Is he upset that he made a song inspired by something from the rapper’s mixtape? Was he not animated enough for the audience? He’d studied his member’s show to be the best guest possible.
Mar 6, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
For someone like you I wonder if it might be important for me to explain the different between being in a relationship, being in love, and being physically intimate with each other. Because very seriously, this actually is not a lovey dovey story yet. Yoonmin are very bad at + feelings. So for a while, feelings aren’t going to drive what they do. What I mean is, just bc yg confessed he likes jm doesn’t mean they’re together now, liking someone is way different than loving them and even WAY different than being IN love with them. If they sleep together
Mar 5, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
yg keeps promising to never leave them in this fic and he’s literally dying why am I doing this to myself 😭 All I know is pain 😭😭😭😭 Image
Feb 22, 2023 93 tweets 12 min read
So unassuming and always innocent, Jimin smiles at the Queen. “I love children so much, your highness.”

She nods. “I believe we’re always looking for help here, aren’t we, Si-u-ah?” she looks to one of the workers. The young girl nods. She can’t be any older than a teenager herself. “Head teacher Lee is having her child anyday. We could use an adult set of hands.”
Feb 20, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
#yoonminau | whiskey kisses

Yoongi doesn’t understand what’s wrong with him. Jimin’s always giving the members pecks on the cheek, tons of skinship, and flirting with them. But not him. Finally, after drinking one night he gets bold and asks.

“Why don’t you kiss me, Jimin?” ImageImage Jimin chokes on his beer. “W-what, Hyung?”
They’ve been drinking awhile, the only two up after the other members have gone to bed.

Yoongi sighs lazily, “With the other members you—” he stops, wiping his sweaty hands on his pants. He doesn’t know what to say. He looks back up.
Feb 20, 2023 1591 tweets >60 min read
Jimin’s parents take over as the photographers for Yuna and Hyun, happy to snap what seems like a hundred pictures of the couple.

Jimin snaps a few of just the waterfall himself, uploading them to social media. “I should um, launch you on Instagram,” Yoongi says, taking his phone out of his back pocket.

Jimin giggles, turning back towards him. “Hard or soft launch?”
Feb 20, 2023 1582 tweets >60 min read
Jeju: Day 2 Image Jimin has had issues sleeping ever since he was a teenager. The doctors attributed it to a possible growth spurt coming on. But when he turned sixteen and hadn’t grown a single centimeter again for the second year in a row, they ruled that out.
Feb 14, 2023 139 tweets 16 min read
#yoonminau | my pretty valentine

hiccup, the universe a lovely one shot

jimin and yoongi have just left the doctor's office after finding out about baby girl, they're eating lunch. the heart shaped plates get put down, yoongi freezes. he completely forgot..it's valentine's day. tags:
♡ soulmate universe
♡ fluff
♡ tiny bit of angst
♡ smut
♡ sub/dom space
♡ top!yg bottom!jm
Feb 12, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
#jikookau | wished you were here

famous idol jungkook goes live for his fans and the last thing he imagines would happen is his ex jimin from a few years ago, commenting ‘I miss you’ at first he thinks it’s someone impersonating him. but once he clicks on the verified account, he realizes it in fact is the jimin he used to love. with mixed feelings he continues the live, channeling his emotions into punches.
Feb 7, 2023 1517 tweets >60 min read
Jimin meets Yoongi downstairs at his car when it’s time to head to the airport. The playlist Yoongi provided had helped in putting him to sleep. It also helped him oversleep.

He spent the morning running around grabbing all of the last minute items to shove in his suitcase. Yoongi called twice when Jimin was ten minutes over their time to leave.

“I’m coming, I’m coming I swear.” He balanced the phone between his shoulder and his ear. “I just need to find this pair of shoes.”

Yoongi hears a crashing sound. "Fuck!" Jimin yells. "Ow, ow."
Feb 3, 2023 1540 tweets >60 min read
s.l.y: chapter 3 Image Jimin didn’t exclusively go into radio to meet famous Idols, but he decided it was one of the perks. Over his last year he’s gotten to see some of the people who fill the playlists he listens to on his ride to work, when he’s not tuning into Busan Blues.
Jan 24, 2023 2069 tweets >60 min read
After a quiet car ride, Yoongi drops Jimin off at his door. “Do you think we convinced anyone?” Jimin asks. He’s leaning up against the wall, more tired than tipsy, and Yoongi can’t help but think he looks incredibly cute that way. He holds back a sigh.

“I don’t know. Namjoon calmed down, I think we’ll call that a win for now.”
Jan 17, 2023 32 tweets 5 min read
thinking about exes to friends with benefits to lovers yoonmin who met in the fashion industry years ago, dated, and it didn’t work out. but they see each other all the time at fashion weeks and always end up hooking up.

“Why don’t we give it one more go, huh?” this would totally just be pwp.

Like five times they hooked up around the world and the one time they decided to slow down and make it work.
Jan 8, 2023 1315 tweets >60 min read
Yoongi sighs. He’d told Namjoon to come to his office just to say he was going on vacation and would be doing the show remotely while he was gone for the ten days. He hadn’t expected Namjoon to so quickly put two and two together. “Jimin’s going on vacation at the same time with his family,” Namjoon had said, there was an air in his voice that sounded frustrated.
Dec 28, 2022 199 tweets 33 min read
#yoonminau | someone like you

Jimin begs his coworker Yoongi to play his boyfriend for the week on his annual family vacation, he's tired of being teased about being single. He's surprised Yoongi agrees so easily, unbeknownst to him, Yoongi's been crushing on Jimin for months.

Yoongi's mom is standing in the middle of the train station, her dark hair hanging just above her shoulders. Jimin watches as a his shoulders sag like he's been holding in all of his emotions for long. "Eomma!" he calls.
Dec 16, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
I thought of another Yoonmin au where Yoonmin are parents together but they’re not in love they actually hate each other but their friends died and left them their baby and now they’re forced to raise the baby together. And it’s just like Jimin hasn’t grown up at all! He’s a sleep till two, stay up until 4, no responsibilities guy who’s all about having fun. Yoongi is more reserved, he’s the head chef of a restaurant and he doesn’t get Jimin’s whole ‘no urge to be an adult’ deal.