Tara Dublin, Rock Star Author & Kamala Voter 🪷 Profile picture
Author of THE SOUND OF SETTLING, A Rock & Roll Love Story. Opinions @HillReporter. Mom. NJ➡️PDX. Democrat. #SignTara #SwiftieOver50 https://t.co/AvD3vVEigP
🇸🇪 Sivan from Sweden Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 8, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I had two hard conversations today with two completely different friends who love me enough to tell me tough truths about myself

You're going to see some changes in how I approach my self-promotion, starting with releasing a lot of old things I've been holding onto /1 I've been terrified to #selfpublish thanks to my very bad previous experience, but I'm going to try it again with my novel so I can release both it and its backstory from my body and into the universe to see if anyone buys it. Then I can show agents a proven track record /2
Nov 1, 2022 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
#AMessageToElonMusk & everyone like him on this Twitter Blue thing to explain why you all need to stop joking about it & why it's really important to keep the Verification process for its intended purpose: protecting our identities 1/? Donald Trump blocked me in September 2015, but by then I was already a MAGA target even with something like 7K followers. I had tried to get @verified because I had been on the radio in Portland, but was denied. In Sept 2016, the MAGA cyberharassment really amped up 2/?
Sep 6, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
One year ago today, Matt Gaetz began harassing me online when he QT’d this tweet & nothing has ever happened to him while I got death threats /1 Then Matt Gaetz did a whole segment of his dumb Firebrand podcast about me where he encouraged his followers to “seek out” my social media profiles, and they sure did! /2
Mar 17, 2020 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
THREAD: This is what it’s like when a restaurant closes during #coronapocalypse:

Today we picked up our final checks. We are all laid off & are eligible for #Unemployment. Our GM & Chef/Owner set up the dining room like a grocery store so we could walk around & take food home /1 It was incredibly sad. We tried to maintain our social distance, but we’re a family so some people hugged. I tried to be logical with my food choices, but it felt so overwhelming because of feels, plus most was perishable food /2
Jan 28, 2019 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
Hey y'all, strap in. I got a brief thread to throw at you & it's a tough one. But it's important for me to get this story out, because I want to make sure no one goes through what I & others have gone through thanks to my former podcast partner, @jwadetaylor #MondayMotivation 1/ Last May I was approached by con man Jason Wade Taylor (@jwadetaylor), aka “Randy Hahn.” He skillfully appealed to my desire to find a radio audience again & used me as the “talent” so he could impress others with his skills as a “producer” & "activist". Nice mug shot RANDY