Tatiana Andersen Profile picture
PhD Candidate▪️Political economy of biopharmaceutical R&D + defense-funded bioscience▪️Teaches political economy ▪️From the Patagonian Andes 🇦🇷🏳️‍🌈 She/her
Jun 19, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
The majority (69%) of the Morrison Ministry has a degree from the humanities, social sciences, law, and/or business. That is 16 out of 23 Ministry members. If they want to call themselves 'irrelevant' and 'not ready for their jobs' I won't argue #auspol In the past few months I have had the responsibility (and privilege) of educating 120+ human beings. They are future professionals, teachers, policymakers, diplomats, human rights lawyers, journalists, researchers, leaders. But to the government, my work is 'irrelevant' #auspol