Troels Bøggild Profile picture
Associate Professor of Political Science, Aarhus University. Research interests: Political behavior/psychology, Public opinion, Evolutionary psychology
Oct 14, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Faktatjek på de mange påstande om faldende tillid til politikere. Er tilliden
- faldet siden før FT19-valget? Nej
- faldet sidste 2 år? Lidt, Covid gav midlertidigt boost
- til S faldet? Ja normalt for regering
- lavere i blå blok? Ja normalt når i opposition
#dkpol #dkmedier 1/9 Data: To @Epinion_DK surveys (2x2.000 respondenter) indsamlet marts 2019 og sep/okt 2022. Repræsentative på køn, alder, uddannelse og geografi. Spørgsmål om politisk tillid og kynisme (uærlighed, egennyttemaksimering mv.) 2/9
Sep 10, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Article coming in @apsrjournal w @aaroe_lene @M_B_Petersen :…

We provide a new explanation for why most citizens distrust politicians and show that citizens themselves are part of the problem. 1/6 Most existing work considers elites (the media, campaigning candidates, foreign governments) responsible for political distrust because they portray politicians as self-interested actors motivated by personal electoral and economic interests. 2/6