A Peaky Blinder Profile picture
Adventurous Urhobo Boy with Interest in Health and Technology. EHR Specialist. On a journey to Hobbiton. Peter Obi Stan Account #TeamOBIdient #TeamArsenal
Mar 1, 2020 10 tweets 9 min read
Coronavirus Isopropyl Use update.

Dear Nigerians do not let yourself be swindled by pharmacies and stores.
Just get an alcohol that says 70% isopropyl, it doesn't matter what brand as I have noticed people would push certain brands on you.
#Thread As a doctor interested in the field of disease and epidemiology, I shall try my best in plain terms to share the importance of proper alcohol and its usage in limiting getting infected with the #Coronavid19.
Coronavirus is transmitted via droplets, meaning you have to be...
Jul 7, 2019 16 tweets 5 min read
Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction) and the importance of an early CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION 'CPR', #Thread...

I would explain in lame man terms what happens when someone gets a heart attack.

So like every organ of the body, even the heart that pumps blood..... Image .... to other parts of the body aslo needs its own blood supply to function well. So therefore the heart has its own blood supply from the artery called the 'Coronary Artery'.
The problem here leading to heart attacks and cardiac arrest is the fact that some of these arteries.. Image