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#Resist #Resistance
Nov 29, 2019 10 tweets 13 min read
@SenCapito @FoxNews @BretBaier I’m tired of the lies & you know better, @SenCapito & #GOP
When the hearings were “private” the mems of the committees were following Repub rules passed in 2015.
Repubs could ask questions to those being deposed until the Repubs’ questions were asked find name of WB. 1 @SenCapito @FoxNews @BretBaier Your pres, trump, threatened & wrote intimidating Tweets so Rep Schiff had to step in to protect the WB. (I think trump knows the name of WB anyway). Trump and GOP demanded public hearings UNTIL it came time for the pub hearings.
If you feel the hearings is a divisive exercise,2
Nov 4, 2019 20 tweets 6 min read
I feel that Donald J Trump must be impeached. Who am I to say such a thing? The most important thing I am is a citizen of the United States who wants all United States citizens to choose their elected officials without foreign interference. Other than that, I am Jane Q. Public. I first heard Trump ask Russia for dirt on HRC, but the Mueller Report determined there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. I didn’t agree but I accepted the ruling. It was at this time I thought, just like my students I don’t set them up to fail.
Sep 4, 2019 10 tweets 6 min read
@realDonaldTrump @LouDobbs I was told on Twitter, “Just because you don’t like someone smdoesnt mean they are bad.”
My response:
You’re right that I don’t like trump but that isn’t why I find him bad.
I thought he was bad when he was campaigning and asked Russia tfor help. (1) @realDonaldTrump @LouDobbs I thought he was especially traitorous (bad) in Helsinki when standing by Putin, trump said he believed Putin had nothing to do with election interference even though our intelligence officers had told him that they did. (2)
Mar 29, 2019 12 tweets 8 min read
@RepMarkGreen @RepTimBurchett How can you support trump who wants to run the country w/o oversight?
You two probably supported trump’s national emergency-you gave up Congress’s power to make appropriations. Are you just too lazy to do your job, not understand the constitution, not understand checks &balances? @RepMarkGreen @RepTimBurchett I look at the Repub party of today and you make me wonder what values you want your children/steps to seek in their elected officials.
Do you want them to look for a president that lies on an average of 10 times a day? How about one who calls others names on a regular basis? (2)
Sep 6, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
This is in response to trump saying that Nike sent a #TERRIBLEMESSAGE.

I don’t think Nike sent a terrible message.

I think trump sends a #TERRIBLEMESSAGE numerous times a day. His terrible messages affect our democracy. I think sending Repubs to Russia as errand boys to send and deliver messages between Putin and trump sends a #TERRIBLEMESSAGE.
Jul 30, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
1. If by, “. . . he (trump) is already enforcing those methods . . .” you mean that trump is enforcing strict obedience to his authority at the expense of personal freedom with no accountability to our constitution or the laws of our country then you are talking about an 2. authoritarian type of government. This is not the government that I’ve lived in for 65 years. This is the kind of govt that Russia and NK, for example, have.
1. I am for safe borders. The wall is not the answer. We live in 21st century. Figure out something better.
Jul 26, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
Town hall meeting via phone with OH’s Republican 6th District Rep to US House. What a bunch of trump propaganda!
I will be voting @RobertsOhioD6 for 6th District in OH for US House.
The monologue-trump on Putin/Russia.
Let’s look at the disinformation!
#voteshawnaroberts Disinformation:
Trump Strikes Syria & Tells Putin that Asaad bad
Trump warned Russia prior to bombing Syria & made sure Russia knew where bombing would take place. Putin met w/Assad on 11/20/17, Putin shared the meeting w/trump on 11/21. Trump knew Putin’s opinion of Asaad.