David Dalglish Profile picture
Author of THE SHADOWDANCE SERIES, KEEPERS TRILOGY, THE HALF-ORCS, VAGRANT GODS, and more. rep: @verlit Patron: https://t.co/G59tVh9EzP He/him.
Oct 14, 2020 26 tweets 5 min read
I'm about to reveal the greatest trick I ever learned for finishing a novel at a decent rate. You all ready for this?

It's called <get there>. Usually I'll have an idea of what a chapter involves, and it's the exciting stuff. The fights! The angsty conversations! Something exploding! And it's pretty common for events to take place across a variety of locations in a single chapter, especially if you're combining scenes.
May 20, 2020 35 tweets 6 min read
Let’s ramble about something a bit more #amwriting universal this time around: properly dealing with negative editorial feedback. /1 Caveat that I’ve worked on twelve novels with @DeviPillai and @bhvide , who are both nominated for Hugo editor awards for 2020, so to say I’m lucky and worked with the best is putting it mildly. /2
May 13, 2019 36 tweets 6 min read
#GoTSpoilers I'm sick and fighting off a fever, and no one may even read this or care, but I got to get this out of my system or I'll just keep dwelling on it. So here's my random, vaguely in order rant about last night's GoT episode. Spoiler: it was dumb. It starts right at the beginning. Varys, the clever spider, the guy who has survived tyrants and takeovers, is suddenly a moron. Clever phrases? Careful wording? Nah, let's talk open treason with Jon Snow in broad daylight.