The Bee Guy Profile picture
Creator of the one true native wild bee sanctuary on the planet - The Bee Sanctuary of Ireland. The only certified vegan organic land in Ireland. Disruptive.
5 subscribers
Nov 10, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
It’s winter. The buzzing has stopped - mostly.
So what’s happened to all the #bees?
You’ve been asking…so a quick thread to broadly account for our little #friends at this time of year.
Please #retweet and #share.
You know the drill.
The more informed the better for bees. 1/13 And they do need better from us!

Spoiler alert!
Bumbles - new queens in hibernation.
Solitaries - kids in cocoons.
Honeys - small ball of hot hive-bound bees.

So let’s start with honey #bees and get them out of the way as you know they’re not really our thing here.
Aug 10, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
It’s that time of year again.
What time you ask?
#Bumblebees sleeping on/in #flowers time of year we reply.
Lots of people asking us why?
Here’s a quick (long)🙄 thread explaining what’s going on.

Please #retweet/#share so more are more informed.
Thanks good people.
1/16 Spoiler alert:
To sleep on a flower may appear romantic and #magical but the reality can seem more tragic than magic for the bumblebees involved.

Flower sleeping #bumblebees are primarily males.
They don’t have a father.
Once mature, males leave the nest and never return.
Jul 13, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
Forget the elephant in the room. Let’s talk about the #bumblebees in the box.
A thread on the commodification of bumblebees to produce your #food.
The numbers.
Why it’s bad for wild #bees
How they kill them when they’re no longer of use.
Please #share
1/14 Spoiler alert:
#Bumblebees artificially produced to pollinate food crops.
Industry worth 100’s of millions of euros.
Poorly regulated.
Traded across continents.
Bees escape into the wild.
Spread #disease.
Breed with native #bees.
Suffocated when no longer of use.
Jun 2, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
‘Are these very small #bumblebees we’re seeing out foraging of late (May/early June) a specific species?’

A good question.
Thanks for asking us.

Here’s a brief thread to explain these diminutive beauties.

Please #retweet/#share with your crew.

For the small bumblers.
1/9 Spoiler Alert: They’re the first brood of worker #bumblebees and they’re all female!

These small bumblebees that you may have seen fitting snuggly into a buttercup as they forage over the past while, very often - depending on species - are in appearance mini versions…
May 26, 2024 14 tweets 6 min read
We’ve had a number of enquiries lately from people worried about having a bumblebee ‘hive’ in their garden.
‘Are they dangerous?’
‘Should I have them removed?’
‘Will they be there forever?’
Here’s a quick bumblebee lifecycle thread to explain.
Please #retweet for the #bees.
1/14 Spoiler alert:
Bumblebee nests generally exist for a matter of months.
Maximum number of #bees run to hundreds not thousands.
They don’t swarm.
They are not aggressive.
They don’t need to be - and shouldn’t be - moved.
You’re lucky to have them - enjoy and celebrate them!
May 18, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
Please #retweet/#share for the #bees.🙏🏼🐝

Again let’s talk about #honeybees in the context of ‘Saving the Bees’.
Let’s cut the bull and cut to the chase as there’s way too much confusion/misinformation out there which is a hinderance to & detrimental to genuine bee saving.
1/18 May 20th has been designated World Bee Day by the UN. This date is the birthday of the pioneer of modern beekeeping – Anton Janša.
But maybe in reality it should be World Honey Bee Day & #bumblebees/#solitarybees should get their own day.
Read on.
Apr 20, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
You knew #bumblebees were friendly but…is that bumblebee actually waving at you?

Please #retweet/#share for the #bees.

When talking to people about bumblebees (which we do a lot!😊) they tend to mistakenly associate them with two things; honey and stings.

Here’s a thread on #stings to set the record straight.
We’ll get to honey another day.

Thanks, as always, good people. 🙏🏼🐝

1/12 Spoiler alert!
Quick version.
It’s not a wave it’s a warning.
One leg up - back off.
2 legs up - seriously back off!
Belly up - wtf dude get the message!
#Bumblebees only sting as a last resort.
Can sting more than once.
Don’t die when they sting.
Males can’t sting!
Apr 7, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Sunday Morning with the Queen.

So you’re a queen.
Bee that is.
Bumblebee if you don’t mind.
And you’ve had your furry buff little arse buffeted and soaked by wind and rain since you emerged from hibernation.
Spring they say?
Not around these parts.
Not this year.
You need…
1/4 …a moment.
Somewhere dry and wind free.
To get your shit together.
Yes #bumblebees need those moments too!
And just inside the open door of a polytunnel is the ideal place.
To get off those wings and stretch those legs.
To pause from the constant, relentless search for…
Apr 6, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
Another Spring Saturday morning with @the_beeguy (follow him - he’s good, possibly even the best! 😊) means another vital thread concerning #bumblebee queens at this time of year!
Please #retweet/#share as EVERY QUEEN BEE THAT SURVIVES GETS TO ESTABLISH A NEST that otherwise would not happen. This has knock on effects going forward. Let me explain.
#bees #Bumblebees don’t understand glass - they get confused and trapped and exhausted.
And they die.
Likewise with polytunnel plastic.
So if you see or hear a bumblebee buzzing and banging against a window in your house SHE NEEDS YOUR HELP - AND QUICKLY!
She’s in trouble.
Mar 30, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
As always, many people asking us about #bumblebees at the moment - WHY THEY’RE SEEING THEM ON THE GROUND - so here’s a thread to explain what they’re up to.
Please #retweet.
Every #queen that survives means a new colony that gets to exist & produce new queen #bees for next year!
1/9 Spoiler Alert!
Quick version:
Queens just out of hibernation.
Hungry and house-hunting.
Rest often between flights.
Don’t move or help for an hour unless in immediate danger!
Flowers best option.
50/50 white sugar/water next best option - NOT HONEY!
Don’t bring her inside.
Nov 19, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
It’s winter. The buzzing has stopped - mostly.
So what’s happened to all the #bees?
You’ve been asking…so a quick thread to broadly account for our little friends at this time of year.
Please #retweet and #share.
You know the drill.
The more informed the better for bees. 1/12 And they do need better from us!

Spoiler alert!
Bumbles - new queens in hibernation.
Solitaries - kids in cocoons.
Honeys - small ball of hot hive-bound bees.

So let’s start with honey #bees and get them out of the way as you know they’re not really our thing here.
Aug 20, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
People asking us about big #bumblebees they’re noticing on the wing at this time of year.
Here’s a quick 🙄 thread explaining.
Please #retweet as the more people who know that these are queens the more likely that someone will help some out meaning more colonies next year.
1/15 And every colony counts!
Spoiler alert:
The big #bumblebees around now are new queens.
They’re feeding up before hibernating.
It’s vital they have access to forage.
If you find one trapped in a poly tunnel/in your house let her out quickly - every queen that survives is…
Jul 29, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read
Another weekend
Another thread bee people.

This time taking a quick look at the horticultural industry’s real dirty little secret.

Peat was only the starter.
Get ready for the main course.

Please #retweet/share.
For #bees.
For #change.
For #better.

1/18 Spoiler alert:
Bees need more flowers.
Buying flowers at your local garden centre, DIY store or supermarket?
You might be inadvertently harming bees.
Plants likely pre treated with chemicals with the potential to harm bees.
The horticultural industry knows this.

Jul 22, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
Mornin’ folks.

We’ve had a lot of people enquiring about and commenting on #bumblebees asleep on #flowers, especially at this time of year, so here’s a quick (long)🙄 thread explaining what’s going on.

Please retweet so more are more informed.
Thanks good people.
1/16 Spoiler alert:
To sleep on a flower may appear romantic and magical but the reality can seem more tragic than magic for the bumblebees involved.

Flower sleeping #bumblebees are primarily males.
They don’t have a dad.
Once mature, males leave the nest and never return.
Jul 1, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Forget the elephant in the room. Let’s talk about the #bumblebees in the box. A thread on the commodification of bumblebees to produce your #food. The numbers, why it’s bad for wild #bees and how they kill them when they’re no longer of use.
Please share.
For bees.
1/14 Spoiler alert:
#Bumblebees artificially produced to pollinate food crops.
Industry worth 100’s of millions of euros.
Poorly regulated.
Traded across continents.
Bees escape into the wild - surprise. Not!
Spread disease.
Breed with native #bees.
Killed when no longer of use.
Jun 17, 2023 11 tweets 8 min read
When talking to people about #bumblebees (which we do a lot!😊) they tend to mistakenly associate them with two things; honey and stings. We’ve covered the honey fallacy before so here’s a thread on stings to set the record straight Please #retweet for the bumbles.
1/11 #Bumblebees have the capability to sting for sure but being the docile gentle creatures they are they don’t like to use this capability - it’s their nuclear option! The ability to sting is a defence mechanism to defend their nest and themselves if they are being…
Jun 10, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
People asking us about the very small #bumblebees they’ve encountered (if they’re lucky this year!😔) over the past few weeks.
Wanting to know if they are a specific species.
So here’s a brief thread to explain what they are.
Please #retweet if you find it interesting.
1/9 Spoiler Alert: They’re the first brood of worker #bumblebees and they’re all female!

These small bumblebees that you may have seen fitting snuggly into a buttercup as they forage over the past while, very often - depending on species - are in appearance mini versions…
May 27, 2023 11 tweets 9 min read
Okay folks as we seem to be heading in to some warm dry weather we need to talk about #bees and #water.

Please #retweet this to provide bees a helping hand. Thanks


Given that they can collect water, their nectar based diet and their ability to generate…
1/11 …large amounts of water metabolically during flight #bumblebees are less prone to dehydration/desiccation than most terrestrial insects.

However they still need safe access to water.

Research suggests that #bees locate sources of #water by smell rather than sight.
May 6, 2023 17 tweets 12 min read
So let’s talk about #honeybees in the context of ‘Saving the Bees’.
Let’s cut the bull & cut to the chase as there’s way too much confusion/misinformation out there which is a hinderance to & detrimental to genuine bee saving.
Please #retweet to help the bees that need it!
1/17 Context:
There are 3 basic types of bee on the planet.
Of the 20,000+ species of bee only 8 are honey #bees.
Around 40% of bee species are under pressure worldwide.
Honey bees are not in trouble.
Honey bees are not in trouble.
Apr 8, 2023 11 tweets 8 min read
Queen #Bees - HELP THEM OUT!
Another important thread concerning #bumblebee queens at this time of year!
Please #retweet/#share as every queen bee that survives gets to establish a nest that otherwise would not happen. This has knock on effects going forward. Let me explain.
1/11 #Bumblebees don’t understand glass - they get confused and trapped and exhausted. And they die. Likewise with polytunnel plastic. So if you see or hear a bumblebee buzzing and banging against a window in your house she needs your help - and quickly!
She’s in trouble.
Apr 1, 2023 9 tweets 8 min read
Many people asking us about #bumblebees at the moment - why they’re seeing them on the ground - so here’s a quick thread to explain what they’re up to. Please #retweet as every #queen that survives means a new colony that gets to exist & produce new queen #bees for next year! 1/8 #Bumblebee queens emerge in early spring from #hibernation and immediately need to feed - that’s why early flowering plants are so important. Apart from feeding their mission at this time is to find a suitable site to establish a nest. Hence you will observe queens flying low 2/8