NO HOSTS NO MASTERS 🏴& Profile picture
😷 anarchist plural collective of weird gay animal people | psych abolition now | queer and anti-assimilationist | from the river to the sea 🇵🇸 | #pluralgang
Mar 27, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I am a big fat hairy gay man. Lesbians can be bears. There’s a big overlap in butches and bears. Sometimes they’re called “ursulas”! :)

It’s sad to see young queer folks so disconnected from our history. It’s even sadder to see queer people split up into “boy” and “girl” boxes. There’s no shame in not knowing something. You don’t know anything until you learn it. But I think a lot of younger queer folks and queer kids are scared to admit they don’t have that knowledge or experience with queer history, and instead resort to disrespectful assertions.
Apr 29, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
If you’re one of those “Mental Illnesses don’t count as neurodivergence because unlike me, those freaks are ACTUALLY sick and need cured” autistics you are no better than ABA peddling Autism Moms actually.

Have you seriously learned nothing? Do you know what “solidarity” means? Neurodivergence is a framework which sees diversion from the normative neurotype as inherently neutral. If you do not agree with that assessment the word isn’t for you in the first place. You fundamentally disagree with the beliefs behind the word and its use.
Apr 29, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
if you’re wondering why that whole “feel your feelings” advice isn’t working for you it might be because someone told you to “sit with your rage” instead of to kick and punch and scream and yell and fight (literally and/or metaphorically) with your rage I already know how to numb and dissociate from and bury and quiet my rage, that’s what I was trained to do and I got very good at it. now we’re trying something different, where we actually use it for its intended purpose.

rage is telling you something important. LISTEN.
Apr 29, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Children in my local community were killed by abusive psychiatric “treatments” that are completely unregulated where I live. Their families don’t get to just move on. Their lives will never be the same.

I dare you to look them in their eyes and tell them to “heal and integrate.” I haven’t seen a dime for the psych abolition work I’ve been doing for over a decade. But my abusers profited absolute dividends off of “caring” for me and others they abused.

“Heal and integrate and move on” is a funny way of saying “shut up” isn’t it?

Fix your heart, Bella.
Apr 28, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
just got hate crimed in a sandwich shop for being visibly disabled and wearing a mask, how’s your Friday going? what’s a couple o’ slurs on a lovely evening such as this
Apr 27, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
you guys know that if you wanna know the history of something you can just type it into google, right? you don’t even have to harass minorities on the internet until they spoonfeed you the information! 1. google “paraphilia”
2. click on the wikipedia page
3. read like the first three paragraphs where John Money’s name pops up
4. google/click “John Money”
5. you now know within the first 2 minutes of absolute basic surface level research why I said that thing I said
Apr 26, 2023 • 25 tweets • 9 min read
Our mutuals are doing this so yeah. Sorry for subjecting everyone to this monster thread lol. Our first ever one? Made for fandom purposes to follow artists we liked who weren’t on other platforms. This one? To tap in to the large #pluralgang community on here and connect with other plurals. (Which, we have! Thanks to all our new friends. And old friends!)
Apr 26, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I hate that communities of vulnerable marginalized people are overrun with sexual predators and their allies and it gets turned into “discourse” or “drama” instead of a serious threat to the lives and autonomy of our most vulnerable. It’s not “drama” to the victims, you dicks. We talk about this because no one else is. Because we get DMs every once in a while or usually very young or otherwise vulnerable people who were victimized by someone in our spaces/communities who are terrified no one else will believe them. And I don’t have the heart for this.
Apr 26, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
If you have any involvement whatsoever with the “pro-paraphile” or “MAP” online community, block us. We will block you if/when we find out. You are not welcome in our spaces. No one who tolerates sexual abusers is. Do us a favor and take out the trash for us. It doesn’t matter whether you personally have abused anyone if you’re a member of or ally for a club full of unapologetic serial abusers. That’s what these online communities are no matter how much PR you try to run for them. If you were anti-abuse you wouldn’t support abusers.
Apr 20, 2023 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
Oscar Wilde was not just a child rapist but a serial child rapist and sex tourist who would travel to non-western countries for the purpose of raping children there. Major content warning for descriptions of CSA from the abuser’s perspective. This is from Andre Gide’s autobiography. Andre Gide was Wilde’s friend, and himself wrote extensively on being a child rapist and morally justifying the act of child rape. Wilde took a key out of his...what name then am I to give...
Oct 14, 2022 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
Please read this!

@/ScottHolyk has started an ableist harassment campaign against @QueerHercules, falsely accusing them (a complete stranger) of being an abuser based off of a tweet exchange and then trying to dissuade people from donating to their survival fund. 🧵 ImageImageImageImage This is all based off of @/ScottHolyk having an obsession with “narcissistic abuse” myths—that people with NPD are inherently abusive or violent. They had a disagreement about this and he proceeded to start a smear campaign against the stranger who disagreed with him about it.
Oct 14, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
There are some anarchists who think that advocating violence against abusers is dangerous, because anyone can be one and therefore “one of us” could be one.

But anyone could be a fascist, a violent racist, any other kind of extremist bigot. Yet we don’t consider THEM “one of us” That’s because, though we can find them hiding among our ranks, we know their actions go against everything we as anarchists stand for: the liberation of the marginalized.

Abusers can only be seen as “one of us” if you somehow think abuse doesn’t go against that. (It does.)
Oct 14, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
can we talk about how abusers often themselves accuse other people of being abusers in an attempt to flip the script, very often using ableist pseudoscience like those “these eye shapes indicate sociopathy” or “top 10 signs your partner is a narcissistic abuser” articles it’s common for abusers to accuse their victims of being the real abusers but it’s also extremely common for them to weaponize bigotry, particularly ableism, to lend their claims credibility and discredit the victims, preventing them any chance of being believed
Oct 12, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
I will gesture towards the fact that if a bunch of psychiatric patients with totally different disorders and experiences didn’t work together for their mutual liberation we would still be doing lobotomies on any woman who talks too loud (+ they still do similarly abusive shit) 🧵 “Queer” includes many people with WILDLY different identities and experiences. I can barely relate at all to a cis abled gay man. However, I’m in a community with those gay men because all of our human rights are being threatened and we need each other to survive.
Oct 12, 2022 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
I have to go to work tomorrow and I’m in so much pain wow everything feels hot and I can’t stop shaking and the light burns my eyes but I have a really low fever and IDK how I would afford a copay with rent especially since I just paid for a PCR test and I’m panicking and I feel like shit and I can’t miss more work and I hate this
Jul 9, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
a gay man saying “flag discourse is ridiculous, stop arguing about this” resulted in an onslaught of suicide bait/doxxing from exclusionists, primarily in lesbian community, primarily young teens

if this isn’t evidence of lesbian separatist/radfem ideology, I don’t know what is there is a rise in ideologies that create an enforce divides between men and women (or, often swapped to “men and non-men”) which are rooted in the transphobic, homophobic, and biphobic rhetoric of the original lesbian separatist movement. this is a TERF recruitment tactic
Jul 8, 2022 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
okay so this thread kind of blew up (woah) and I have even more to say on the topic! especially after seeing the responses of others. 🧵 any therapeutic practice or framework/modality can be used to uphold the hierarchy of systemic oppression. any kind of therapy can be abusive or harmful. therapy’s foundational history is that it was created to oppress disabled people in a variety of ways.
Jul 8, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
the way that non-psych survivors talk to psych survivors is fucking wild. imagine talking to other abuse survivors like that. “well I know your partner hit you, but I also had them as a partner and they never hit me. that’s just your own personal experience, don’t generalize!” “I know your parents hurt you, your pain is SOOOO valid, but I still think they had good intentions, just not enough resources. they’re really overworked and underfunded, I’m sure they tried their best. I don’t think that counts as abuse. this really isn’t fair to them.”
Jul 8, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
If you work within the psych system/as a mental health professional, know that your voice and opinion is not being centered on this account. You’re not disallowed from speaking but when I ask about experiences with mental health services, I am wholeheartedly not asking you. Even if you are anti-psych. Even if you agree with what I’m saying. Even if you also have lived experiences as a patient.

You’re working for the systemically oppressive system that is causing all of these issues. You’re going to be taken with a grain of salt, sorry not sorry.
Jul 8, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
fun fact if you do cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety/other mental health issues caused by being systemically oppressed and your therapist isn’t part of the same marginalized group(s) as you (+ sometimes even if they are) they literally just gaslight you. no really. “thought reframing” and “de-catastrophizing” are fancy ways of saying “realize that it’s all just in your head and you have nothing to worry about” which doesn’t really work when your actual fucking life is at stake and you are consistently being harmed and traumatized.
Jul 7, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Are DID and OSDD “trauma disorders”? Well, I don’t know exactly what a “trauma disorder” is, but let’s go over a few options. 🧵 If by “trauma disorders” you mean disorders under the “Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders” category of the DSM, DID and OSDD are both under the “Dissociative Disorders” category in the DSM. So, they’re not that.