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Lance (Host) - Métis / Dave / @ItIsMeKyleG (Edits) / all: He/Him NOW GO:
May 31, 2023 15 tweets 10 min read

(a 🧵of anti-LGBTQ+ bigots who have been exposed for either having unhealthy sexual relationships, being abusers, groomers, pedophiles or massive hypocrites who believe in nothing) Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA had Bob Hageman on as its administrator. He's been sentenced to 66 months in prison for child pornography. Recently a Turning Point event was co-sponsored by a registered sex offender as well. ImageImageImageImage
May 30, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
While your focus may have been elsewhere Alberta (a climate change and oil juggernaut) just went hard right with a leader who compared covid vaccines to the Holocaust, did forms of Residential School denialism and is obsessed with Ron DeSantis. A lot of the same elements of the Christian Far Right who fund extremist organizations and movement in America are funding the rise of fascism in Canada. They're rooted in anti-LGBTQ+ and POC hatred and downplay the genocide and oppression of Indigenous peoples.
May 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The Texas mall shooter has been revealed to be a fan of both Tim Pool and Libs of TikTok. Ian Miles Cheong and Elon Musk are trying to push a narrative that it could somehow be a psyop.

This one is crystal clear: inspired by the right ImageImageImageImage To anyone still confused that the Texas mall shooter could be a Latino man and a neo nazi who upholds white supremacy... Image
Mar 22, 2023 17 tweets 8 min read
While a lot of the right is celebrating Richard Dawkins coming to the defense of JK Rowling and declaring "there are only two sexes" allow me to shed some light on this topic/revelation, as I was once obsessed with him and Christopher Hitchens (a🧵) I've read nearly all of Christopher Hitchens catalogue and Richard Dawkins books were seminal in my understanding of biology and evolution. He was an incredible communicator in those fields much like my fav scientist Carl Sagan, capable of translating complex topics to the laymen
Feb 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Matt Walsh had an absolutely embarrassing and disastrous performance at a Tennessee health committee. This 🧵contains the receipts against his lies, like when he tried to use to cover up his rant on 17 year old's being at their most fertile Matt Walsh tried to spin this interaction as a W but he honestly comes across as someone who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a school (rambling about children's genitals). The fact that he's never spoken out against circumcision in this manner is telling.
Dec 8, 2022 21 tweets 8 min read
1.Thread: THE TWITTER FILES 2.0 👀 2. Before you say this is corporate liberal media filth covering for Hunter Biden I'll suggest you watch this documentary which does actual research and journalism and exposes Hunter Biden and his connections 👇
Nov 29, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Minutes into his guest appearance with Nick Fuentes and Milo, Ye goes into an anti-Semitic tirade about how Jews control the banks and media and then suggests Rahm Emanuel and Jared Kushner are evidence that Obama and Trump were influenced by the Jews Milo begins to talk about how a dam has been broken in reference to the revelation that Ye pointed out how "Jews control the banks and the media".
Then they both agree that it's the most pervasive form of cancel culture to not be able to say it
Nov 11, 2022 21 tweets 8 min read
It's at this time that I'd like to publicly admit that I was wrong and take the biggest L of my career. Elon Musk buying twitter is one of the most glorious (and possibly funniest) things to ever happen in the history of the internet.

(a 🧵) The myth that billionaires are brilliant or more talented workers has been permanently destroyed by a clown who has now given anyone with $8 the power to tank greedy corporate assholes who don't think poor people should have insulin
Nov 8, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
Even by the standards of the right Matt Walsh is an extremist figure and it's a horrifying precedent that Spotify and Joe Rogan are comfortable platforming a stochastic terrorist that has a lifetime of defending pedophiles so he can spew hate speech for 3 hours
(a 🧵of evidence) Matt Walsh has used the exact language of white supremacists to suggest that "the Anglo Saxon race is being replaced by Mexicans". This video goes into detail about how extremist his language actually is:

Oct 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Your local elections may not be as sexy as say the President or Prime Minister but they actually decide so much more of your local every day life (like police priorities and budgets or transportation and housing) and sometimes only get 15-30% turnout on average. Vote in the left! If you're in Vancouver there's a historic moment to finally do the right thing and provide housing first initiatives by taxing mansion owners a small amount extra (they can afford it). Which is why you should vote in Breen Ouellette! #Vancouver
Jun 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
It's that time of year where we have to highlight the abuse of children by depraved perverts looking to indoctrinate them sexually. Behold people actually celebrating their kids being enticed by sexually explicit material! ImageImageImageImage In this shocking video a young boy is actually tempted directly by getting candy at an NBA game by a scantly clad dancer! YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!
Apr 20, 2022 11 tweets 7 min read
Since there seems to be a lot of confusion about the Libs of Tik Tok saga (including from people on the left who are buying into a lie that it's just a site that posts videos and it's the LGBTQ+ that make themselves look bad)
here's a 🧵with all the receipts Image The account would frequently take videos of teachers either discussing how they're trans or gay or explaining why they're scared of anti-LGBTQ+ laws (or how it affects their class environment).
Then Libs of Tik Tok would state that they're pedophiles or grooming children ImageImageImageImage
May 8, 2021 21 tweets 7 min read
There's a lot of misinformation coming out about vaccine patents and if they should exist.

As multiple countries are debating whether or not to lift the intellectual property rights on covid-19 vaccines here's a 🧵of resources on the answer... Pfizer and Moderna rely on mRNA technology which is fragile and complex to produce. Vaccine manufacturing happens under strict GMP regulations and inspections (and requires FDA monitoring and regulations).
Jul 12, 2020 25 tweets 8 min read
Never made one of these before so if you're looking for an essay long drama thread on leftist infighting because a lot of things need to be said and aired for the healing of humanity then you're in for a treat.
If that sounds like pulling nails then we're sorry? I say "we" because contrary to some online discourse Dave (the other Serf) is very much a human and not a computer algorithm and you can find him on our main YouTube page doing the funnies or our podcast on Patreon. He's just not as keen on streaming but also tweets and stuff.