Chris Turner Profile picture
Author of THE PATCH, THE LEAP, etc. Energy transition writer/speaker. Bylines in @NewYorker, @macleans, @guardian, @globeandmail. George Springer fan account.
Mar 12, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
I've reviewed the sequence in the anti-oil propaganda film Bigfoot Family that @CDNEnergyCentre is up in arms about. Its depiction of the industry is ... shocking. Link for reference but unsafe for delicate viewers, particularly large adult children First, as I believe has been noted, the film's depiction of oil production as occurring amid open uncontrolled flame in wide excavated mines is far from current industry standards
Jun 7, 2019 19 tweets 6 min read
Just a half an hour till the unveiling! Your life will never be the same, Alberta! I am happy to suggest wine pairings on request if you aren’t a big champagne person Just tuning in. There's a guy in an Oilsands Strong t-shirt talking about how the convoy went sideways. Blames "antifa-like" Council of Canadians #ableg
Oct 10, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
So @TheCurrentCBC had an IPCC climate scientist from Simon Fraser on today to discuss the new report. Quick thread on why it was not great as public comms IPCC scientist explains in straightforward terms the implications of the report. Cool. Suggests this means massive changes to basically everything about daily life in Canada and beyond. New infrastructure, dense cities, less driving, less red meat. Which, okay, fair enough.
Jul 11, 2018 25 tweets 6 min read
1. So @GreenpeaceCA recently accused me - albeit indirectly - of colluding with "oil industry insiders" to bias a federal government report. Seems worthy of a thread... (1a. This is long and it'll get very wonky, so mute if that isn't your idea of fun.)