I’ve recently had to use my adopted country’s private healthcare system, and it is *not* like the NHS back home. It’s so weird I feel like it needs a thread. So...
Public vs Private healthcare: The small but surprisingly important differences that nobody ever seems to mention.
1/ First things first: the big differences, like having to actually get money out to pay for healthcare, and wrangling with your insurance company, etc etc, get talked about on every #MedicareForAll post. This thread is not for that. It was the little things that surprised me.
Jun 5, 2018 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Since Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is coming out (with that godawful poster) it's about time we had a chat about why Jurassic Park was brilliant and Jurassic World was terrible. Buckle Up. 1/ Jurassic Park was a good movie for a lot of reasons. The dinosaurs, the cinematography, the performances, the dinosaurs again.But what made Jurassic Park *great* was a reverence for intelligence. Everyone in that movie, literally everyone, is smart and capable.