Thomas J. Quinlan Profile picture
NY expat in London Adventures in Cybersecurity referral code 1593481399.
Jan 25, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
#FIAT thinking applied to #cryptocurrency, and in particular, @CelsiusNetwork and the $CEL treasury. A thread.

@Mashinsky @tusharnadkarni @otisa502 @Zach_HODL_ON @JoshHODL @TheFinancer @CelsiansNetwork @DocumentingCel One thing that happened with the drop in crypto, and in particular $CEL, is that some #Celsians experienced margin / liquidation calls.
Aug 11, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
So my web host - @WebHostCanada - has decided that they will block EML from being *sent*. They suggest users d/l emails, zip them, then re-attach those EMLs instead of "Forward as Attachment". They claim EMLs are "executable" and can "spread malware". The fact is that EMLs are *self-opening* and not actually *executable*, whereas ZIP files CAN be *executable* does not seem to be getting through to @WebHostCanada. This also breaks functionality (ie, forwarding emails to @evernote for example) & doesn't provide any security.
Apr 23, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
For anyone worried about the drop in prices, a quick thread to consider:
1 - this has happened before, & will happen again
2 - bitcoin is still up from the $30k it was at the start of the year (& many others are up as well)

3 - this is a potentially good time to do dollar cost averaging
4 - interest earning sites (ala @CelsiusNetwork ) will give you more coins/tokens (worth less, technically) as interest, which means you get more for the possibility of it going back up (it can still go down)
