How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App fängt mit der Frage des Framing an. Was heißt es, dass “Russland gewinnt”.‘s hope this is pure fiction attributed to French ambassador to China by Chinese party state media. Otherwise it would be spectacularly successful exercise in deepening damage to France & European sovereignty agenda @France_en_Chine MPs had warned operators a number of times they might be on the line financially for rip&replace. Yet they ploughed ahead with Huawei RAN rollout. Now they may have to pay a steep price that could have easily been avoided. wouldn't have made different call on risk trade-offs but I find it plausible that Scholz regards Germany as extremely vulnerable and weak militarily at the moment and therefore insisted on maximum US reinsurance. But it's clear this won't be an option for much longer."Scholz behielt recht. Doch erst nach ein paar Tagen. So lange hatten eine seltsame Allianz von amerikanischen Panzerskeptikern und europäischen Panzerfreunden Zeit für einen Versuch, Scholz weichzukochen: Würde er umfallen und doch noch einseitig liefern?"