T. Jayaraman Profile picture
Senior Fellow - Climate Change, M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation. Climate policy, environment, hist and phil of science. And politics!! (Formerly at TISS)
Aug 18, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
A classic example of how climate-scenarios-based "science" leads to so-called "policy analysis" that feeds the global North narrative.
At lightning speed by 16th August @CarbonBrief has a comment out on a paper that has just been published on 12th August (see here for paper ).nature.com/articles/s4155… Unsurprisingly this is from Nature Climate Change (NCC), and open access. The first means that the NCC editorial desk (the gatekeepers) has to accept the paper, before peer review even begins -- a favour certainly not given to all. Second a hefty open access fee has been paid -- £8890.00/$12290.00/€10290.00.
Aug 16, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
@CSEINDIA makes a surprising turn towards cheer-leading for carbon markets in India, moving away from its well-known stance of caution on market-driven approaches. Here is a quick deconstruction of the most problematic aspects of this new turn....
Based on the report: .40552200_1723533649_the-indian-carbon-market-pathway-towards-an-effective-mechanism-report.pdf
and a press statement: 1/nhttp___cdn.cseindia.org
cseindia.org/cse-recommends… Key recommendations and their issues:
1. Moving from the "perform, achieve, trade" (PAT) mode to "Indian carbon market" mode in hard-to-abate sectors.This has been mentioned in FM's budget speech 2024. But the CSE Report calls for a wholesale shift with "large coverage of emissions" (not merely hard-to-abate sectors) and basically a discontinuation of the PAT scheme. 2/n
Aug 10, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Spoke about inequitable IPCC AR6 scenarios and our alternate framework for equitable futures in Delhi today. Curious reactions. Immediate pushback from a CSO/MI personality in the room pooh poohing the framework as not fitting the "real world" of negotiations. Also dismissive of a distinguished African guest's impassioned plea to refocus on equity, development and well being of the populations of the global South.
Jun 29, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
The climate crisis just got incredibly worse!! The leading superpower, that refuses to acknowledge its historical responsibility for global warming, refuses to accept binding emission reduction targets has just undone whatever little it has been doing so far!!
nytimes.com/2024/06/28/us/… Let us see who will have the honesty to tell the superpower, when their spokespersons mouth the words "keeping 1.5 deg within reach", will bluntly tell them to cease their hypocrisy.
Sep 9, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
THIS METHOD OF MEASURING THE SUCCESS OF ADAPTATION SHOULD BE REJECTED -- AND HERE IS WHY. Three key reasons for such rejection: This criterion of success i) demands that no new "substantial" emissions take place in adaptation, ii) does not recognize any differentiation between developed and developing countries and iii) flies in the face of socio-economic realities.
Jul 29, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Congratulations to @JimSkeaIPCC on his election as Chair of @IPCC_CH. At COP27, @mssrf and @NIAS_India were privileged to have him on our panel discussion at the India Pavilion on Climate Equity, Carbon Budgets and IPCC AR6 Scenarios. @moefcc @byadavbjp @JRBhatt60 @KanitkarT
My colleague @KanitkarT and I appreciated @JimSkeaIPCC willingness to listen and engage, though there was considerable distance between our views. We are encouraged by his post-election remarks, though the journey to achieving it will be a testing one in practice.
Jul 28, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
Thank you @wang_seaver for a excellent analysis of current literature on 100%RE claims. Analysis of a kind that my colleague @KanitkarT, myself, and others including Sreeja Jaiswal, @Sreejaiswal, Aravindhan Nagarajan, @sciencebwoy, and Akhil Mythri) are partial to. The paper titled "What the 100% Renewables Literature Gets Wrong" has this main conclusion - " Claims that Asia and Africa can easily achieve a clean energy transition at low cost using renewables and storage alone are bunk." India must take care!!
Jul 16, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
Unhappily surprised by this contribution from a leading CGIAR scientist on climate and agriculture!! Not a word mentioned about the need for adaptation in agriculture. Focusing exclusively on mitigation. Admits stringent 1.5 deg scenarios threaten food security in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and South Asia (SA). Omits mention that this is a reversal of current trends that are increasing food security. Also totally neglects differentiation between & within countries in agriculture.
Jul 10, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
MOONWALKING CLIMATE RESPONSIBILITY. This Nature article walks historical and current responsibility backward -- putting the onus on developing countries. Despite the pious initial remark of how responsibility for solutions shouldn't fall on those whose contribution is the least. Nowhere does it step forward to say how and to what extent developed countries should take the lead in emissions reduction. Some ritual hand-wringing of course on the failure to provide the USD100 billion promise and the hope that they will now do better on finance.
Jun 20, 2023 15 tweets 8 min read
EU SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD ON CLIMATE CHANGE accepts that equity considerations should be based on national fair share of global carbon budgets. India's own fair-share-of-budget deniers should take note at least now!!
climate-advisory-board.europa.eu/reports-and-pu… Acknowledges the huge disparity in historical cumulative emissions. But of course will allocate emissions based mainly only on sharing the remaining carbon budgets (RCB) . Nodding ack of earlier allocation of fair share of RCB from 1990, but pursued.
May 28, 2023 18 tweets 9 min read
HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: In IPCC AR6 scenarios, more stringent mitigation radically reverses current global trends of improving food security. In 1.5 degree warming scenarios, mitigation leads to the maximum increase in the population at risk of hunger. Series of papers note this in unambiguous terms. Early paper by Hasegawa, Fujimori, et. al doi.org/10.1038/s41558… (Nature Climate Change, 2018) says: " Robust finding is that by 2050, stringent climate mitigation policy, if implemented evenly across all sectors and regions,
Dec 2, 2022 27 tweets 13 min read
COP27: NEW HORIZONS IN EQUITY AND CLIMATE ACTION -- Video with Q&A of my NIAS Talk on assessing COP27 outcomes on 29th Nov. Some high-end points I made...1/n
bitly.ws/xjSg COP27 a "successful" COP. Unique challenge for countries of global South that want to use this as opportunity. Challenging to manage developed countries to steer to consensus outcomes, while preserving Southern solidarity and unity.2/n
Nov 23, 2022 18 tweets 11 min read
#COP27 A very useful and honest journalist account of major turning points at Sharm-el-Sheikh here. Much appreciated. Especially necessary when faced with feel-good write-ups and feel-good tweet threads like this that are academic waffling.
and this
Nov 3, 2022 17 tweets 11 min read
IPCC scenarios are getting into goals and target setting at UNFCCC. But basic difference between IPCC and UNFCCC -- IPCC is not guided by equity and CBDR&RC. So can we carry over IPCC scenarios to the UNFCCC? Equity in mitigation scenarios was barely touched upon in the IPCC AR6 WGIII Report on Mitigation. Mainly to note its absence. The Report also made clear that global pathways had underlying regional assumptions which were not discussed. And regional outcomes were not "assessed."
Sep 2, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read

It is difficult to write on the passing away of a cherished friend from whom I learnt so much and with whom I was privileged to work alongside. Every year with him, as Director at TISS, was packed with ideas and initiatives. But even more, once the ideas were in place, he would relentlessly follow up on action. He was not one to shy away from the details, through sustained effort that perhaps extracted its own toll.
Aug 3, 2022 21 tweets 9 min read
Here is a thread on significant features and commentary on some early comments.
Main points: a) Only relative targets inside the NDC. This was true of the first NDC as well. (1/n)

pib.gov.in/PressReleasePa… The NDC for creating an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes CO2eq through tree and forest cover by 2030 was an exception. (2/n)
Jul 17, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
A sci-fi novella for Twitter
Names of places, people, organisations are purely fictional. Any coincidence with real names is purely accidental

ACROSS Europe the forest fires began to rage. The war began the same day. This was a summer like no other. Water and chemicals were needed at the fire frontline. But there was no transport. XR climate rebels had disabled retail gas and petrol chains everywhere last winter. And recovery had been slow.
Jul 17, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
Indeed I have a comment to make, @jmauskar sir. The comment below is profoundly irritating. Calculations of the kind that @rishpardikar so glowingly refers to have been done several times over in the past two decades. The idea that there is a global commons defined by limits on cumulative emissions is specifically one that @KanitkarT and I have explored over the years. The connection to equity both as burden sharing and the sharing of a global commons has been explored by several.
May 1, 2022 11 tweets 8 min read
Shocking tweet by the President of #COP26. Were his dramatics at the closing plenary in Glasgow for real? Here he is, tweeting support to immediate expansion of UK oil and gas. What "new clean energy technology" is he talking about? Stay with the thread... 1/n See the letter from UK Secy of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to oil & gas industry that President of #COP26 is referring to. Open encouragement to invest in oil and gas expansion. New round of auctions of leases to begin. 2/n
Apr 29, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Typical nonsense from US journalism, especially irritating when written by diaspora Indians. First para OK. Second and third paras (one sentence each), irrelevant!! @JMauskar @nit_set @n_thanki @bforboseman @rishpardikar @vrsrini @3rdworldnetwork @DeshmaneAkshay If @SominiSengupta were to read IPCC WG3 report, the responsibility for this heat lies almost entirely outside India. So for a heat wave in India, the critical question is "how will US, EU". It is their responsibility that has brought us here. That is the first crucial test.
Jan 30, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
More seriously, the de-growth delusion is now embraced by many mainstream multilateral agencies. Their bureaucracies have agendas of their own set by the perspectives of the Global North, with rare exceptions. Being pro-South has come down to embracing such fads. Variants of de-growth include ignoring productivity growth in agriculture, cutting off energy access despite dire energy poverty, etc. De-growth is only distinguished by its "leftish" rhetoric referring to the whole economy.