Tom Yates Profile picture
Tuberculosis, CMV, epidemiology, trials | @NHS @UCL_IHI and @UCLInfectImm
Apr 22, 2020 17 tweets 5 min read
Some thoughts about #COVID19, PPE, bioaerosols and what we can learn from the tuberculosis literature. [1/n] The distinction between bioaerosols (or droplet nuclei) and droplets was first proposed by WF Wells in the 1930s (…). [2/n]
Mar 8, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Some thoughts about the Nix-TB paper -….

First, it is great that these 109 patients had such good clinical outcomes and that the substantial reported toxicity seemed to be, mostly, reversible.

[1/n] There are reasons to doubt such good outcomes would be seen using the regimen in routine practice.

The Nix-TB patients had survived a median of 12m since DR TB diagnosis, with median BMI in the normal range, fairly good Karnofsky scores and 15% culture -ve at baseline.
