Trabash Profile picture
Animal lover owned by my cat 🐱 dog🐶 & horse 🐎children. #Resisting against the orange turd. Want my country back from #FatNixon #TraitorTrump #TreasonSeason
Apr 2, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
I appreciate your time reading this thread. Not many of my followers interact w/my posts, but I feel if I reach just 1 person & it helps, or keeps even just a few people complying with the #StayHome orders issued around the world - I must write this. I'm a healthcare worker. I work at a hospital in the epicenter of the #CoronavirusOutbreak in the #NewYorkCity area. Today I have symptoms of having contracted #COVIDー19. It was inevitable. My hospital has dozens of patients & staff that are positive & that I've been exposed to.