😱 TERRORravis👻🎃 Profile picture
BPS parent, listener, #mapoli and #bospoli volunteer, bike commuter, human being.
Sep 20, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
Because I’m a private (albeit loudmouth) citizen – not a public official – I was a little surprised to open an anonymous letter mailed to my home with the intent to shame me for my advocacy in Boston Public Schools.

🧵 Sorry, bear with me. 1/

TW: White supremacy ideology I’m no stranger to nasty DMs, and I’m quite aware that many folks receive MUCH worse harassment than a derisive, anonymous letter. But since someone took the time and effort to type, stamp, and mail their thoughts about me, I thought I might respond. 2/
Jan 22, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
“A city with barely half as many children as it had in 1950. And those who remain are likely to be in families that are poorer, on average, than the city as a whole.” #bospoli bostonglobe.com/business/2020/… “Reasons, researchers say, range from the high cost of housing to the perception that the city’s public school system is inferior.”

Sound familiar, @BostonGlobe? Spend barrels of ink to paint @BostonSchools as “bad” and folks believe you.
Oct 3, 2019 15 tweets 10 min read
I’ve had conversations about @BostonSchools #ExamSchools with equity advocates, but also with folks I’ve met knocking doors across the city. I appreciate that @BCassellius faces the same political barriers her predecessors did on the topic of admissions. #bospoli
[THREAD] 👇 The statistics for #BostonLatinSchool, considered by some to be BPS’ “crown jewel” are plain enough. In a district ~14% white, BLS enrollment is ~46% white.
In a district ~31% Black and ~42% Latinx, BLS enrollment is 7.5% and 12.5% respectively.
Sep 27, 2019 13 tweets 5 min read
For my fellow white #bospoli voters, especially those of us in District 5: A thread on place, identity, and entitlement.
👇👇👇 I’ve knocked on a lot of doors this cycle, and talked to a lot of voters in Rozzie and Hyde Park. As the Boston City Council edges toward a majority POC body, one theme I’ve heard from white voters is a concern over “identity politics”.