Ugo Panizza Profile picture
Professor & Pictet Chair @iheid, Vice President @cepr_org & Director ICMB. Before that @UNCTAD @the_IDB @AUB_Lebanon & @unito Two amazing daughters. Forza Toro!
Aug 18 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ Sovereign debt markets are full of paradoxes.

In this paper with Patrick Bolton @ImperialBiz & Mitu Gulati @UVALaw we identify over 20 such puzzles. @GVAGrad @GVAGrad_CFD

Let’s dive in! 👇 Image 2/ Puzzle 1: Too Much Debt
Countries often borrow more than what traditional models predict is sustainable. This isn't just about debt capacity—political factors & growth volatility also play a role. 🤔
The paper is available at…
Oct 3, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read

The new Geneva Report is out. This year’s topic is

Climate and Debt.

The authors are Patrick Bolton, Lee Buchheit, Mitu Gulati, @bweder @jzettelmeyer & yours truly

Why the numbers on top?

@cepr_org @GVAGrad @GVAGrad_CFD… 40

Gt are yearly global CO2 emissions from human activity.


the @voxEU piece about the Report is here…
May 12, 2021 17 tweets 6 min read
A Generation of Italian Economists

New paper (joint with Enrico Nano and Martina Viarengo both @IHEID) and a personal story

The paper is here…

It might be of interest to #EconTwitter community

However, I’ll start with the personal story

1/16 My parents were born in the 1930s & started working in a textile factory when they were 14. So, I am first generation everything (high school, university, master, PhD, & to some extent even middle school).

Dec 17, 2020 19 tweets 13 min read
So far, 2020 has been such a crappy year.

So, let’s focus on the positive. At least it was productive.

I am preparing my end-of-year report and I just realized that, together with a group of great friends & coauthors, we published 6 papers, 2 eBooks, ...

(long thread)
1/18 important policy report, & 4 working papers. Also many eEvents, including a fantastic D-DebtCon, a couple of newspaper articles (thanks @lucianocapone) & several @voxeu columns (thanks @BaldwinRE), plus a super @cepr_org Geneva Report which just came out....

Mar 26, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Why on earth are US cell phone plans so expensive?

This is the starting question of @ThomasPHI2 The Great Reversal

(BTW, the same applies to Swiss cell phone plans).

This is a fantastic book on many levels and for many audiences

Thread 1/7 The main thesis of the book is that while competition policies started in the US, the European Union is now doing a much better job at protecting its consumers.

Thomas concludes that markets are fragile. We need to protect them

Mar 19, 2020 11 tweets 8 min read
Ieri è uscito il @cepr_org @voxeu ebook sulle politiche economiche per COVID-19 curato da @bweder & @BaldwinRE 250 pagine prodotte in meno di una settimana.

Ho scritto il capitolo sull’Italia 🇮🇹🇮🇹 intitolato “Europe’s Ground Zero” Provo a riassumerlo in questo thread. 1/n Tra gli autori del libro ci sono @paulkrugman @ojblanchard1 Lane, Alesina, Giavazzi, @GitaGopinath @pogourinchas @PennyG_Yale @AdamPosen @CEAChair44 @CharlesWyplosz @agnesbq1 @pisaniferry @Yi_HEID e molti altri

Il libro è disponibile gratis qui 2/n

Dec 19, 2019 16 tweets 5 min read
Come promesso, un (LUNGHISSIMO) thread sul mio articolo COME RISOLVERE IL PROBLEMA DEL DEBITO PUBBLICO ITALIANO: UN’ANALISI CRITICA DELLE SOLUZIONI FACILI… @GiampaoloGalli 1/N Osservazione di partenza: Il metodo ortodosso per risolvere il problema del debito pubblico è quello di adottare politiche fiscali prudenti. Alcuni propongono soluzioni “facili”: aumento e/o monetizzazione della spesa pubblica o ripudio del debito. 2/N
Oct 8, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
I am in Dublin reading Keynes.

This thread has quotes from "A tract on monetary reform." (available at…)

The thread is dedicated to all those "Keynesians" who think that difficult problems have easy solutions A government can live for a long time, even the German Government or the Russian Government, by printing paper money. This is to say, it can by this means secure the command over real resources, -resources just as real as those obtained by taxation (P. 42).
Aug 2, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
I am reading master theses and I keep writing the same things

Read each sentence aloud. Is the sentence grammatically correct? If not, fix it. Can you rewrite the sentence with less words without loss of clarity? If so, choose the shorter sentence. Shorter is better. 1/4 Is the sentence absolutely necessary for what you want to say in your paper (or letter, or email message)? If the answer is no, delete it. Shorter is better.