Brian Gray 🪩🥂💖 Profile picture
Games, TTRPG, jokes, voice, food, cocktails, disco, brunch. Black, Queer, PhD in Brunch | he/they | Twitch Partner | Rivals of Waterdeep |
Jan 7, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
Feeling cute, still mad at cis gay white men, idk, might still be mad at them later.

For the straight folks out there, feel free to observe, but for a lot of you this probably isn't your lane, but just from my personal experiences, here's why a lot of people are mad about it. Seems silly, right? Just a bunch of mostly white gay guys saying they'd let a white supremacist hate fuck them and expecting to get no pushback on that statement.

Your non-white gay friends see you and remember that, in most cases, you'd want to hit that before you even see us.
Jan 7, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
If you think yourself a smart, savvy, culturally aware, politically progressive person, then have a take, that is the worst, most basic, most disrespectful take, one that deserves to be unpacked and refuted… and people call you on it… and you double-down and defend it…

*sigh People are actually taking the time out to say, "y'know, that's pretty fucked up and here's why."

What's awful is people will say they're "canceled" (which isn't a thing) or "I stand by my hot take" instead of the easy path, deleting it, or just saying, "huh, maybe I was wrong."
Jan 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Here we go. An emergency alert notifica... I’m safe, I’m at home. I’m locked down. No plans or need to go outside. Thank you for everyone’s concern.
Jan 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
*waits for all the basic thirst comments to appear* To be fair, I have no problems with thirst, crushes, being instantly swayed by conventional standards of beauty/attractiveness.

But it does get old as a marginalized person w/in a marginalized group to see the immediate predictable commentary when it's a white dude with a beard.
Jan 5, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Had odd vignettes in my dream last night. I was playing (or I was the character in) an endless run game, but I also had to avoid/squash bugs and they all looked like the #ANCH scorpion. Then I'd been given a voice narration job (yay!) but the script didn't appear to match the video at all and the video already had narration and encoded subtitles that overlapped with each other and it was weird.
Jun 1, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Some #StarTrek thoughts today because even though they heavy-handedly mess up a lot of their allegories, it's still a go-to for my mind's happy place. As always, I'm no expert, just someone running their mouth on the internet who has a little time right now. (1/12) I think about TOS Spock's conversation with Kelvin Kirk after Kelvin Spock threw him off the ship. "Jim, I just lost my planet. I can tell you, I am emotionally compromised." (2/12)