Valerio De Stefano Profile picture
Professor of Law & Canada Research Chair in Innovation, Law and Society @OsgoodeNews Artificial Intelligence & Labor “Your Boss is an Algorithm” @hartpublishing
Mar 11, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
I got a question about the nature of the compromise. Is the Directive a big, meaningful change? In short, yes, it is. A short🧵below. 1) The Directive will force Member States to adopt a presumption of employment for platform workers. This is less stringent than the very strong presumption the EU Parliament wanted but much more meaningful than what Member States and the Commission initially proposed.
Apr 3, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Quando avete tempo, possiamo anche discutere del fatto che il Garante NON ha affatto bloccato ChatGPT, né ha mai deciso che in Italia vada bloccata l’intelligenza artificiale né sistemi di LLM come ChatGPT. Discutiamo da tre giorni di una allucinazione collettiva. THREAD 👇🏼 Il Garante ha notificato a ChatGPT che 1) non ha predisposto una informativa sulla privacy; 2) non ha chiarito a che titolo tratti i dati personali degli utenti che processa; 3) non prevede meccanismi per evitare che i minori di 13 anni accedano al servizio (la stessa OpenAI…
Apr 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
THREAD on AI, ChatGPT, and the Scientific Method. 1/ We've undergone the Scientific Revolution in a (problematic) attempt to understand the world and nature, including human nature, and then to dominate it through science and technology. 2/ The ultimate (again, problematic) goal of this endeavour was to gain control over these elements, to dominate them and bend them to our will. One of the fundamental aspects of the scientific method is the experiment, as it allows for replicability. #ScientificMethod
Feb 2, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
And so it begins! I am sharing here the first (as far as i know) judgement that openly used ChatGPT to ground its reasoning. It is in Spanish. THREAD… The crucial part starts on p. 5, where the Court reports the answers to the legal questions they posed to ChatGPT. Then, at the end of p. 6, the Court adopts the arguments given in these answers as grounds for its decision.
Nov 28, 2022 15 tweets 8 min read
NEW BOOK OUT! 🧵We are delighted that "A Research Agenda for the Gig Economy and Society" is out today. Ilda Durri, Charalampos Stylogiannis, @MathiasWouters1, and I edited it. It features chapters by a wonderful, interdisciplinary group of scholars THREAD… As editors, we wrote the intro and first chapter of the book. This is the only chapter that discusses the employment status of platform workers across the globe in the book. All the other chapters concentrate on other, new and vital issues that affect these workers worldwide👇🏼
Sep 29, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
+++BREAKING ON PLATFORM WORK AND VULNERABLE SELF-EMPLOYED WORK+++ The EU Commission just released its Guidelines exempting solo self-employed workers, including platform workers, from EU antitrust law for the purpose of collective bargaining - THREAD… The Guidelines cover ‘solo self-employed person’, i.e. persons who are not in an employment relationship and rely primarily on their own personal labour for the provision of the services concerned
Dec 9, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
So here are the Questions and Answers from the EU Commission about their Guidelines on collective bargaining of self-employed people… A short THREAD The Guidelines cover “only solo self-employed persons, namely, service providers who do not have any employees and who rely primarily on their own personal labour for the provision of the services.” 👇🏼
Dec 8, 2021 17 tweets 5 min read
+++ BREAKING: The draft Platform Work Directive has made into the press +++ This text seems poised to make a huge difference in how platform work is regulated. A brief explanatory THREAD here and a more expanded comment with @_aloisi coming soon. 👇🏼… The Directive has a broad definition of digital labour platform. It applies to all forms of offline platform work both offline (food-delivery; domestic work; transportation) and online work (crowdworking). It is not sector specific like the Spanish Ley Rider.
Dec 4, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
Gli ultimi dati sull’occupazione e sulla mancata crescita dell’occupazione femminile segnalano un fenomeno preoccupante che va affrontato con molta più attenzione. Bisogna anche evitare di identificare cause in maniera semplicistica. 1/ Alcuni commentatori, ad es. @francescocosta nel suo podcast di ieri, hanno messo in correlazione questi dati con il blocco dei licenziamenti e la cassa integrazione, che avrebbero portato a scaricare tutto il peso della crisi sui lavoratori temporanei. 2/
Jul 2, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
+++ BREAKING on platform work in Italy +++ A tribunal in Bologna ruled that Deliveroo’s application of the collective agreement signed between Assodelivery and a right-wind minority union in Italy that classified riders as self-employed and imposed piece-rate payments is unlawful This collective agreement is controversial as it derogates from the law unfavorably for workers and because the trade union signing it is allegedly not representative enough to deregulate statutory protection for workers that are “hetero-organized”…
Mar 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Qualche ulteriore riflessione visto che l’articolo non è in chiaro occhiello e titolo possono fuorviare. Non penso affatto che il datore di lavoro possa sanzionare disciplinarmente il lavoratore che non si vaccina e licenziarlo per questo. Non spetta al datore di lavoro THREAD 👇🏼 Non spetta al datore di lavoro imporre l’obbligo di vaccinarsi. Per quello ci vuole una legge apposita, se il legislatore vuole; non bastano ordini emessi da privati e nemmeno contratti tra le parti sociali. Un trattamento sanitario obblig. va previsto specificatamente da legge👇🏼
Mar 1, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
NEW PAPER OUT. In this paper forthcoming in the International Labour Review I examine the personal scope of ILO Standards - THREAD 👇🏼… #ILO #ILS #platformwork #domesticwork #informalwork #C189 A common misconception is that ILO Standards only apply to people in a employment relationship since this was the common lynchpin for labour rights during the 20th century in most industrialized countries, and the ILO is mistakenly assumed to follow suit
Feb 24, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING FROM ITALY ON PLATFORM WORK. The office of the public prosecutor in Milan together with specialized law enforcement issued sanctions towards the biggest delivery platform amounting to up to 733 MILLION EURO (not a typo!), according to @repubblica… These sanctions are linked, according to them, to alleged violations of health and safety regulations. The investigation was prompted by occupational accidents some riders suffered in the past months
Jan 2, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
++ BREAKING on platform work in Italy ++ A court in Bologna found that Deliveroo’s algorithm penalized workers that booked shifts and then did not logged into the platform within the chosen zone before the start of the shift THREAD 👇🏼 This, according to the court penalized workers who had previously booked a shift and then could not start working because they were sick or refuse to do so to participate to a strike during the day of the shift
Sep 23, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
La principale Corte spagnola ha confermato che i rider di Glovo sono lavoratori subordinati perché la loro autonomia non esiste. Si aggiunge a molte altre pronunce in Spagna e in altri paesi che hanno dichiarato i lavoratori su piattaforma subordinati THREAD 👇🏼 Le motivazioni della sentenza non sono ancora disponibili ma le corti inferiori avevano stabilito che il controllo che le piattaforme esercitano tramite il GPS e i rating dei clienti (cioè le valutazioni che i clienti danno di ogni prestazione) è incompatibile con l’autonomia 👇🏼
Sep 17, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING: the Italian Ministry of Labour has already ruled that the collective agreement food-delivery platform work cannot be considered signed by the most representative organizations. As such it cannot derogate from the law… The Ministry says: the signatories of the agreement do not meet the tests to be the most representative social partners at the national level, as required by the law. It also notes: the minimum legal requirements to set an hourly remuneration not based on piece-rate are not met
Sep 16, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Important thread about the national collective agreement signed between food delivery platforms in Italy with a minority union with scarce representativeness to deprive workers of statutory protection. More to follow also later More info on the collective agreement for food-delivery platform work in Italy, with interesting insights and comments gathered by @Melissahei and @paola_tamma for @POLITICOEurope…
Jul 31, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Together with many researchers I deeply admire, I have signed a letter written by @veenadubal and others to express concerns about corporate-sponsored research on the gig economy. THREAD 👇🏼 This kind of research is often based on non-replicable or non-transparent data. It is sometimes based on deeply flawed or biased data collection and it is used to push regulators in the direction platforms want, depriving workers of essential labor rights👇🏼…
Jul 10, 2020 15 tweets 10 min read
Our special issue on Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Labor Protection of the @CLLPJ is finally out Here is a link to the Introduction summarizing the papers of the SI, written by an interdisciplinary group of scholars… In my article, I argue that AI poses vital challenges to workers’ privacy and human dignity, as it enable employers’ surveillance in unprecedented ways. I call for social partners to intervene to govern the introduction and use of these technologies… Image
Jun 30, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
So, this is HUGE. The EU Commission has started a process today to allow self-employed workers to bargain collectively THREAD 👇🏼 Under existing case law of the EU Court of Justice, employees can bargain collectively over salaries with no fear of competition law. According to the Court also the “false self-employed”, ie independent contractors who work in conditions similar to those of employees can do so👇🏼
Apr 6, 2020 17 tweets 7 min read
I created this class about “Labour and social protection in times of Coronavirus” and i thought to share a video of the class too, to start a discussion on labour regulatory responses to the COVID 19 Here it is A link to the ppt presentation is here…