Born again Christian| Environmentalist| Author of A Bigger Picture- You can order A Bigger Picture now in 8 languages ⬇️
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Jul 15, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
One morning, when I was only a few years old, I went missing from home. My parents looked high and low for me. Eventually, I was found sitting in a classroom at a nearby nursery school, ready to learn. The same thing happened the next day.
Thread 🧵
My father asked the teacher what could be done, since I was too young to be enrolled in the school but I threw a tantrum if I was taken out of the class. The teacher replied that it was illegal for my father to pay to educate an underage child,
May 3, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
The climate crisis is not some distant, future threat. The climate crisis is already here. And one of the most heartbreaking aspects of the unfolding crisis is the injustice of it all.
It sounds wrong to me! 🧵
Africa is responsible for less than 4% of global emissions.
The entire continent of Africa. 54 countries. Just 4%.
The African Development Bank states that Africa is the most vulnerable continent to climate change impacts.
It sounds wrong to me!
Mar 8, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Across sub-Saharan Africa, at least 33 million girls who could be in primary and lower secondary school aren’t. More than 50 million girls in the region are missing out on receiving an upper secondary school education.Around the world, more than 130 million girls aren’t in school
and should be. If they had the chance, how many of these young women could be teachers, lawyers, doctors, NGO staffers, members of parliament, or climate scientists?
I think of it like this: girls and women are more than half the world’s population.
Nov 2, 2022 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Most scientists believe we are already nearing 1.3ºC. I want us to just stop here for a moment.
Time for a thread 👇🏾👇🏾
The scientists are saying we are approaching catastrophic tipping points that threaten vast parts of the world’s population. The IEA – the International Energy Agency – recently announced that we can have no new fossil fuels if we are to keep global temperatures below 1.5ºC.
Jul 19, 2022 • 21 tweets • 4 min read
🧵 THREAD. Since we are all now talking about the climate crisis, can we talk about how the climate crisis has already been affecting so many people in Africa?
It is important to know that the entire continent of Africa is responsible for less than 4% of global emissions.
Jul 1, 2021 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Girls’ education isn’t just a human right. It’s the next big climate solution. When we think about solutions to climate change, many times we think about renewable energy, electric vehicles, [and] nature-based solutions, which are important. But when we concentrate [only] on this
we don’t realize that we have another solution: educating girls. Young women are disproportionately affected by the climate crisis, especially in communities where I come from, where society has given specific gender roles for men and women. These roles find women in places where
Apr 16, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Hello everyone,
Here to remind you about educating girls! When you think of climate solutions, you probably think of renewable energy or electric vehicles. But while we need these kinds of innovations, there are other powerful solutions we are not paying proper attention to.
There exists an environmental solution that can reduce inequality, build resilience to the climate crisis and reduce emissions all at the same time. It’s called educating girls and young women, and it needs to happen now.
Mar 11, 2021 • 15 tweets • 7 min read
Hello everyone,
Here to tell you that the climate crisis is not a PR opportunity for governments, but a real threat. Developing countries need funding now to help them cut emissions, before the point of no return
Thread #Riseupmovement #FaceTheClimateEmergency
Five years on from the Paris Agreement, people have asked questions like “What has been achieved?” Privilege allows you to to reflect on achievements.
Hello everyone,
Here to remind you of the fact that the Global South is not on the front page but it is on the front line of the climate crisis!
Thread #Riseupmovement #FaceTheClimateEmergency
Photo credit: @DeLoviePhotos
When I was cropped out of the photograph in Davos, I started to question why I was erased from climate coverage. At that time, there was a lot of agony, a lot of pain. But now I’m on a journey to ensure that this doesn’t happen to anyone else. #Riseupmovement
Mar 9, 2021 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
A Rise of 1.2 Degrees Celsius is Already Hell for many people who are experiencing the impacts of Climate change right now!
We cannot eat COAL and we cannot drink OIL! #Riseupmovement#FaceTheClimateEmergency
In 2021, I want our world leaders to treat the climate crisis like a crisis. It’s not something that’s going to happen in the future, it’s an issue that’s already affecting millions of lives around the world. We need drastic action now. #Riseupmovement#FaceTheClimateEmergency
Mar 8, 2021 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Hello everyone,
Here to remind you about educating girls! Educating young women is the climate fix no one is talking about.
Educating young women across the world could stop tens of billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases from being released into the atmosphere
What springs to mind when someone says ‘climate change solution’? Probably wind or solar farms, maybe meatless burgers or ‘moonshot’ technologies. These are all important if we are going to urgently cut our carbon emissions in line with the science! #IWD2021
Aug 10, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Tsavo National Park in Kenya is on fire.
We don't see any media coverage. Alert people about what is happening. It has been burning and these are the animals in danger: the aardwolf, yellow baboon, bat, Cape buffalo, Senegal bushbaby, bushbuck, caracal, African wildcat,
southeast African cheetah, African civet, Kirk's dik-dik, African wild dog, African dormouse, blue duiker, bush duiker, Harvey's red duiker, common eland, African bush elephant, bat-eared fox, northern greater galago, Grant's gazelle, rusty-spotted genet, common genet, gerenuk,
Feb 22, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Last year, I started a project that involves installation of institutional stoves and solar system in schools.
I was very blessed to find someone who offered to finance the first school:
I was able to do the installation. I will do a brief explanation about this
Why this stove? 1. It cuts down the use of firewood to almost 3/4 2. It greatly reduces the cutting down of trees 3. It greatly reduces CO2 emissions 4. It conserves the environment 5. It protects the health of the chefs 6. Ensures clean cooking @UNDP@cleancooking
Oct 29, 2019 • 21 tweets • 7 min read
The Amazon burns and the whole world talks about it!
California burns and the whole world talks about it!
Congo rainforest burns and a young girl talks about it!
People are actually dying in Africa
But if these news companies don't talk about the fires in Africa,it is sad
I have been striking to #savecongorainforest for 15 days now from Uganda. I have not been able to get it to be talked about in the news sadly. Any help is welcome.
Today I strike against the 1,000km gas Pipeline that Russia is planning to construct in Congo @GretaThunberg
Oct 25, 2019 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
This is me! I have been striking for #Congorainforest for 11 days now from Uganda. I have not been able to get it to be talked about in the news sadly. So exhausted. Any help is welcome. Please share this on your TL.Thank you