Sachin Singh Bhadoriya Profile picture
I code, I game, I gym || Software Developer - 2 @Amazon || I write about games and stuff occasionally
Oct 1, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
⚡Best Youtube channels for developers that I follow and why:


-Great video content but compact
-Wide range of topics in the realm of web development
Sep 30, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
✌Why you need Vite: Swiss army knife of JS

🧵👇 🌴The Problem

-If you are a JavaScript developer one point or another you must have stuck with the question, "How do I start it?"

-Modern JavaScript framework has great CLI tools to make this easier but learning all of them can be a trouble for your brain
Sep 28, 2021 22 tweets 7 min read
🌴How to open source in few easy steps

-With #hacktoberfest right around the corner, its the best time to get into open source, if you have not already!

-Here is a step by step guide that can help beginners get up and ready for the festival of open source! 🧵 🌴 DO NOT DO IT FOR THE GOODIES!

-This is a major disclaimer, open-sourcing is more than just for goodies. if you are someone who is looking for a free t-shirt, please consider it again

-Open source in itself is a huge form of collaboration that brings together many (1/2)