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Making candles green again. Half-time memecoin lord | Foundoor @cryptorsyio
Apr 19, 2023 9 tweets 7 min read
How to attract $29M TVL just in 3 months for #DeFi protocol?


Success keys @JonesDAO_io did do to show up this masterpiece: FOMO, Hyped Chain, Transparency, Tech Stak, and Vaults, as a game changers.

Im farming there also - 41,72% APY in GLP vault.

Let's break it down🧵 Image 1/ FOMO.

Everyone knows what it is, especially how it feels 🤣

What @JonesDAO_io does truly great is limiting max TVL accessible for each vault.

So, you're basically observing how fast your opportunities run away. It helps create a LIVE FOMO marketing trigger. Image