Simonetta Vezzoso Profile picture
Prof Uni Trento, lawyer and PhD economist (undeserved) Competition policy, DMA, innovation economics - (
Jun 28 33 tweets 5 min read
Make it a great, fruitful day! AI and blockchain converging in the virtual world - what could possibly go wrong?
Jun 24 71 tweets 8 min read
About to start! #ECNDMA Image The train between Rome and the airport where the idea for this conference emerged is called Leonardo Express #brilliantideatrain
May 22, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
PCAST: Discussion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabling Science and AI Impacts on Society "Inflection point" Image
Mar 2, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
"The move to establish minimum standards builds on efforts in recent decades to write minimum security standards, especially in the energy industry, and Thursday’s document makes clear that similar measures are coming for other critical infrastructure sectors" Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces National Cybersecurity Strategy…
Mar 2, 2023 97 tweets 25 min read
🍿🍿🍿… #BruxConf2023 Historic times that we are living right now @vestager
Mar 23, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
We are also preparing for the @MaCCIcomp panel with confidence 😊 Looking at the 400+ pages, what I liked most so far is the amended Recital 20 Image
Nov 24, 2021 28 tweets 5 min read
Reading Schwab's compromise amendments (Amazon/Apple later, @SebastianLouven ) - an hidden pearl is that "The Commission may also ask one or more competent national authorities to support its market investigation" - also a DPA, of course 🙂 Missing comma between health tracking and financial services (intriguing Recital 64)
Nov 23, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Soon 👇🏼 Not self-executing any more - period. Consequences?
Jun 9, 2021 36 tweets 6 min read
“According to respondents, the prevalence of proprietary technology, leading at times to the creation of “de facto standards”, together with technology fragmentation and lack of common standards, raise concerns as to the lack of interoperability in the Consumer IoT sector” ”The information collected in the context of the sector inquiry on the consumer IoT will provide guidance to the Commission's future enforcement *and* regulatory activity”
Jun 8, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Started: recap ...ceteris paribus discussion so far...Sure, no interoperability unless mandated, for instance...
May 21, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
Discussing data ecosystems…Fascinating - I wonder what the inspiration was 🤔 #tilting2021 Important point raised during the discussion...What about discussing data ecosystems’ issues and remedies beyond traditional Big Tech? #tilting2021
May 20, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Great discussion on diversity and/for innovation in competition policy #tilting2021 Can’t wait to know more about the Common European Agricultural Data Space, @DigitalEU - aptly mentioned here today by @CanAtik1 #tilting2021 - it could indeed solve many problems at once...
May 19, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Started! Hopefully looking beyond digital advertising...
May 13, 2021 19 tweets 5 min read
Just mentioned by @PCarodeSousa… Not talking #DMA #19aGWB specifically“. Some personal highlights: “In failure is often used as shorthand for a large number of justifications for public intervention in the operation of markets”
May 13, 2021 89 tweets 14 min read
A relief: only 156 pp... A 🧵with some highlights while quickly reading it for the first time (very personal choice)
May 12, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Jul 8, 2020 24 tweets 7 min read
@Caffar3Cristina @IsabelleDeSilva @Adlc_ @Kartellamt @CMAgovUK @CompetitionLaws I 😍 @Caffar3Cristina intros too! @BGH_Bund : an interpretation: Market def ok; dominance undisputed; abuse (T&C re off FB data); choice of the level of personalization; informational self-determination also in the GDPR; lock-in; access to data on both markets; anticomp effects on non-dom market; remedies...ok!
Jul 26, 2019 71 tweets 14 min read
1/ This is a how it all starts (also #teachingmaterial) 2/ The focus is on digital search engines, social media platforms and other digital content aggregation platforms (eg, G News) and not "on online shopping and e-commerce platforms." It recognizes, however, that the services provided by digital platforms are constantly changing.