Wilderness Committee Profile picture
People-powered wilderness preservation for a wild future. Keeping it wild for 40 years! See also @wildernewsMB @wildernewsON
May 15, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
For the last few months, students at UBC Climate Justice Research Collaborative worked with us to create a story map that details the major concerns with TMX and charts the fight to stop it.

Here’s a 🧵 with some of what they found 1/8 🧵#NoTMX

storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/90d763… First, it shows the difference between traditional territories and reserve lands. Many nations whose lands the pipeline crosses have never given their consent, even if it has permission from the reserves directly on its route. #NoTMX 2/8 🧵 A map of the west coast sho...A map showing a handful of ...
Apr 4, 2019 22 tweets 4 min read
Here at "Voices from the sacrifice zone" with @CAPE_Doctors. Excited to hear from an incredible lineup of speakers & bring you a live-tweet thread #BanFrackingBC #bcpoli #LNGinBC "Fracking is the dumbest way to get energy you can imagine." -Dr. David Suzuki talks about the tragic history of missed opportunities in the climate fight