winter Profile picture
she/her | 30s | writer | currently in sakuatsu/atsumu hell | i post nsfw threads + rt nsfw art 🔞| retrospring open @winterwaltz6
May 25 50 tweets 8 min read
skts, nsfw/ pwp; bottomi, bdsm, chastity devices & mean (mostly) dom omi


Kiyoomi can be mean in the bedroom--in fact, it's what Atsumu likes most about him. He's cruel, taunting, challenging, and a little self-centered. + He keeps a tight fist around Atsumu's metaphorical leash, exerting control in a way that Atsumu never knew he wanted to be subjected to.

But this?

This is beyond mean.

He's had Atsumu locked up for over a week now.
Apr 20 14 tweets 3 min read
fake amnesia skts

For the second time in his life, Atsumu gets a mild TBI.

The med team checks him out. He's fine fine but they mention he might have mild memory loss for 24 hours.

Cue Atsumu pretending he thinks Kiyoomi is only driving him home because of the concussion. + They get home, slip off their shoes, and Atsumu strikes. "Oh, you're staying to keep an eye on me? Cute, Omi-kun. Better be careful or I'll think you're falling in love with me."

Kiyoomi, 90% sure Atsumu is playing around but not *completely* sure just says, "Fuck you."
Apr 13 38 tweets 6 min read
nsfw sakuatsu thread; pwp ft pussyomi

The truth is written all over Kiyoomi. He takes his evening bath and comes out with a boneless exhausted energy.

There's a sleepiness to him that's discernable in the corners of his mouth, softening the frown lines around his lips. + Atsumu wraps his arms around Kiyoomi from behind, pressing his lips to Kiyoomi’s neck. He knows exactly what Kiyoomi will say, right down to the tenor of his voice.

“Atsumu. Don’t even think about it.”
Apr 11 20 tweets 3 min read
sakuatsu; est relationship, making out + grinding

It's not like Kiyoomi never kisses him.

He doesn't hesitate to pepper kisses along the column of Atsumu's neck when they're in bed together. Sweet brushes of their mouths against each other happen all the time. + Atsumu never feels like he's lacking in affection, never feels particularly deprived of kisses.

But Kiyoomi's patience and interest in having long sessions of heated, drugging kisses is nearly non-existent. It's not a big deal. Atsumu truly means it.
Mar 1, 2023 40 tweets 8 min read
#sakuatsu | #nsfw
♡ smut, fluff, est relationship
♡ college kiyoomi + pro atsumu
♡ prompt: lack of time/quickie


Atsumu is waiting outside of his dorm room.

Surely everyone has noticed him. Leaning against the wall with his platinum hair and MSBY bag at his feet. He couldn't be more obvious. Kiyoomi is going to have to answer an absurd number of questions tomorrow from his teammates, he's certain of it.

That's an issue for another time, though.

Right now, he has no idea how Atsumu has managed to find the time to show up at his dorm.
Feb 25, 2023 42 tweets 7 min read
#sakuatsu thread fic, nsfw, filling jarvi's request!
feat: est relationship, consensual somno (just for a bit!), bottomi.


“I do enjoy giving head, you know,” Kiyoomi announces one night with Atsumu’s head pillowed in his lap and the TV on in the background. Kiyoomi doesn’t like stating the obvious, but somehow, after several months of dating, this doesn’t /feel/ obvious.

Atsumu doesn’t react beyond a miffed grunt from his lap. “Don’t gotta force yourself, Omi-kun. M’good without it, I promise.”
Feb 19, 2023 38 tweets 6 min read
#sakuatsu nsfw thread fic

ft: new relationship skts, bottomi, and the ever controversial… nicknames


Kiyoomi still calls him Miya.

The first couple of weeks, it’s fine.

The guys laugh about it at practice. Motoya pats Atsumu’s back in camaraderie. Osamu raises a judgmental eyebrow and then shrugs indifferently.

Atsumu, for all that he is often unfairly judged as immature, deals with it the way he always does.

He resorts to teasing.

“Too shy to show everyone how ya really feel, is that it, Omi-kun?”
Jan 2, 2023 84 tweets 14 min read
#sakuatsu thread; sfw, first time kisses that go a little wrong + new years eve! (college kiyoomi/pro atsumu)


“Thought ya didn’t like parties, Omi-kun?”

Kiyoomi blinks in surprise at the sound of Atsumu’s voice. He hasn’t seen him in months, not in person anyway. + The last place he would have expected to find him is at a party on Kiyoomi's college campus.

“I don’t like crowds,” Kiyoomi clarifies, then gestures in a vague reference to the room. “Parties are fine, though. As long as it’s not a bunch of idiots crammed into the same room.”
Dec 17, 2022 32 tweets 5 min read
#ushiatsu #NSFWUshiAtsuWeekend2022, day 2 + first times, nsfw, blow jobs

By complete accident, Atsumu catches sight of Ushijima’s dick in the showers when he’s seventeen. It’s during the summer he’s playing on the U-19 invitational team. + The coaches have invited back past players to practice with the new team.

The showers are always a place for stupidity and jokes but Atsumu’s mouth goes dry when he turns and catches sight of Ushijima.
Dec 15, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
#sakuatsu est relationship with kiyoomi who rarely kisses (rated M, barely nsfw),

prompt: mercy by shawn mendes for ree @/iwaizuken

For all that they have sex with frequency, it’s not often that Kiyoomi wants to be kissed. + He doesn’t mind pecks on the cheek, forehead kisses, or even soft, singular presses of their mouths together.

But anything more than that is off the table unless Kiyoomi’s in the mood for it and that only comes along once in a blue moon.
Dec 1, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
#sakuatsu, nsfw, tops who cry are gold in my book & i’m here to say it

The first time, Kiyoomi chalks the tears up to alcohol. They’re both tipsy, which explains why Kiyoomi gets out of the shower, crawls into Atsumu’s warm embrace and says, “Why don’t you fuck me for a change?” Kiyoomi should be the one with moisture in the corners of his eyes, oversensitive from how infrequently he bottoms.

Instead, Atsumu’s face is buried into his shoulder, suspiciously wet as he peppers kisses all over Kiyoomi’s neck.
Oct 23, 2022 45 tweets 8 min read
#sakuatsu friendship, atsumu w/ a minor injury, quality time together + pre-relationship/pining vibes & cuddling

Kiyoomi doesn’t bother knocking on Atsumu’s apartment door.

There’s a key being rotated around MSBY right now, each of them taking turns checking in on Atsumu as + he sits around with a bum knee for six weeks.

Kiyoomi isn’t quite sure what he’s going to walk into. Atsumu’s cleaning habits usually leave something to be desired, but his place has never been so bad that Kiyoomi has felt uncomfortable in the space.
Oct 2, 2022 34 tweets 6 min read
#sakuatsu, honest while tipsy atsumu, est relationship, fluff, humor

Kiyoomi had always suspected that Atsumu would be a clingy drunk. That he’d sit too close to anyone and everyone. That he’d ramble ceaselessly and talk over others, + always ready with a story that somehow fit the moment.

He’d thought for sure that Atsumu would stumble around and lean on his friends and have a stupid smile pasted on his face the entire evening.

Atsumu doesn’t usually have more than a drink or two on the rare occasions +
Sep 2, 2022 47 tweets 8 min read
#sakuatsu | #skts thread fic
meet ugly + rivals idol au | rated t for implied nsfw
for lolo🌺

There are well-known, unspoken rules just before a professional photoshoot. Atsumu has done this enough times that he knows them like the back of his hand. + The simplest rule is the worst of the lot: the spread of snacks and drinks laid out in the common space is only to be partaken of /before/ hair, makeup and wardrobe.

Atsumu has always believed rules were meant to be broken, though, and pours himself a glass of dark barley tea
Jul 28, 2022 49 tweets 8 min read
#sakuatsu | thread fic | nsfw but not explicit, sending nudes/phone sex, d/s undertones | bonus firefighter atsumu and lawyer kiyoomi AU


>>i’m horny
>>send nudes

Kiyoomi very nearly blocks Atsumu’s number right then and there, four year relationship be damned. *It’s only been three days,* Kiyoomi types back from his rather luxurious hotel room. He might be traveling on business, but he insists on the best. *That’s pathetic.*

>>well excuuuuuse me for being a loyal boyfriend.
>>i could just be watching porn you know
Feb 11, 2022 69 tweets 12 min read
today's happy friday thoughts are misawa and an uncomplicated college student meet cute:

Miyuki survives precisely three weeks before giving up any pretense that the guy who sits in front of him in his econ class isn’t stupidly, weirdly, irresistibly charming. + Ignoring Sawamura is impossible, especially when he turns around before class starts one day and notices the book Miyuki has in his hands. It's assigned reading for his classic lit class and he's determined to finish it today so he can write the paper on it during his block of
Dec 26, 2021 72 tweets 13 min read
❄️ thread fic ❄️

misawa dads, their tsundere tween daughter, endgame kuramochi/wakana & surviving the holidays…

(rated g except for kuramochi’s potty mouth)


>>uncle mochi, pls save me. let me come live with you. i can’t take this anymore. my parents are so gross 🤮 kuramochi laughs when he gets emi’s message because—yeah, her parents *are* gross.

>>do i even want to know?

three little bubbles pop up as emi types out a response. honestly, watching the screen is more interesting than anything else currently happening on his christmas eve.