Tim Sherratt Profile picture
Historian and hacker. Associate Professor of Digital Heritage, University of Canberra. He/Him.
Dec 22, 2021 18 tweets 7 min read
Last day for feedback on the draft of the National Research Infrastructure Roadmap: 2021nriroadmap.dese.gov.au/get-involved/e…

I'm finding it hard to say anything coherent – the cross-cutting themes, challenges, step-changes are really confusing... There's some good points in this post by @ARDC_AU, particularly the need for HASS & ECR representation on advisory groups, integrated data repositories, and need to look beyond HPC to support cloud computing services for a range of research needs. ardc.edu.au/news/have-your…
Jun 23, 2021 23 tweets 6 min read
Yesterday I suggested that #ozhist people should contribute to the 2021 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap Survey. But why? I thought a bit of background might be useful.


Thread coming... Warning: I have *strong feelings* about all of this & my take on it reflects my own interests & activities. So yes, I am very biased, and others will have different opinions, please keep that in mind...
Jan 1, 2021 100 tweets 34 min read
It’s January 1, the day each year when our minds turn to newly released Cabinet records from @naagovau. But while the media focuses on the records that have been made open, I’ll be spending the day looking at those that were closed. What weren’t you allowed to see in 2020? This will be a *slow* thread, as I gradually pull the data together and document things. But this year I’ll be sharing all the data and code through the #GLAMWorkbench, so stay tuned...
Dec 30, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Finished! NAA: SP42/1 is a general correspondence series from the Collector of Customs in Sydney. It includes many files relating to the administration of the White Australia Policy. 3,375 files have been digitised (about 20% of the series), that’s 49,781 digital images. We downloaded all those images and used MTCNN to find faces. Generally portrait photos will appear in files relating to questions of identity. We found 3,803 faces (this includes a number of duplicates). Image
Oct 21, 2020 23 tweets 17 min read
As a little experiment for #OAWeek2020, I’ve saved the details of 242 articles published in @AHSjournal between 2008 and 2018 using Zotero.

@AHSjournal has a Green OA embargo period of 18 months, so things published in 2018 or earlier should be outside the embargo. @AHSjournal So how many Green OA versions of these 242 articles will we find using @OA_Button?

Any guesses?

To answer this I’m getting the article DOIs via the Zotero API and then feeding them to the OA Button API.

So the results...
Oct 20, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Another #OAWeek2020 handy hint for people without access to journal subscriptions -- use @zotero! When you save an article it uses Unpaywall to automatically find and download a Green OA version if available. zotero.org/blog/improved-… The Unpaywall browser extension is also very handy -- it tells you when a green OA version of an article is available. unpaywall.org #OAWeek2020
Aug 22, 2020 17 tweets 12 min read
Hey #ozhist #twitterstorians, if you want to explore the gaps & inconsistencies in @TroveAustralia’s coverage of digitised newspapers the #GLAMWorkbench can help! Here’s a few suggestions... @TroveAustralia For the big picture, see this notebook which visualises the total number of newspaper articles by year, then breaks them down by state. nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/GLAM-Wo…