lulu 🐱 🍉✨ Profile picture
lulu | she/they | queer 🌈 | 30s | lulu_kitty on ao3 | good boy lwj | 🔞 account | pfp by @flowerillusion ✨
Nina Profile picture lulu 🐱 🍉✨ Profile picture Aiko Rena Profile picture Seetha Sahithi Profile picture atenea sanchez Profile picture 7 subscribed
Aug 26, 2023 63 tweets 11 min read
mpreg //
age difference //

i'm watching saving face and i'm thinking about med student sizhui having LWJ turn up at his door with all his suitcases & no explanation.

6 furious phone calls from shugong later... turns out his ba is knocked up 😵‍💫 sizhui lives in a small apartment w his best friend jingyi, who is delighted that the place is clean for once & to receive home cooked meals by LWJ. sizhui loves his dad, but is at a loss of what to do. LWJ refuses to acknowledge his pregnancy...
Jul 11, 2023 90 tweets 17 min read
I'm thinking about a modern au where Mama Lan lives + Farmerxian is her helpful young man neighbor that helps her around the house/property. When her cityboy son LWJ comes to visit, he is prepared to dislike this "A-Ying" since Mama talks so fondly of him and thats not allowed. By the time he's finished packing the food, he's sweating again. He only has time for a quick shower before WWX collects him.

His hair is still wet when WWX texts him that he's on the way, so he just embraces it and uses some mousse to scrunch his bangs into an artful wave.
Mar 24, 2023 61 tweets 11 min read
Thinking of little WWX going to the library after school…It’s his safe space away from the dysfunction of the Jiang household. He notices another little boy around his age that is always there, sitting quietly doing his homework with his bunny backpack. WWX genuinely loves it there! He is curious little guy so he spends his time learning new things when he finishes his homework each day. He’s teaching himself about astronomy now. But, he finds himself getting distracted, keeping tabs on the other boy who always sits by himself.
Jan 28, 2023 39 tweets 8 min read
Just thinking about Cryptid!WWX who bring LWJ little gifts like a crow. After a day of terrorizing local wildlife + having a laugh @ dodging cryptid chasers, he's hovering outside LWJ's window leaving him a nice shell he found and some gemstones he cracked open just for him. LWJ is just minding his business getting ready for bed all 👀😳 "thank you" each time he gets a new gift which makes Cryptidxian puff up proudly before he disappears with a blinding flash of light (think Mothman vibes- interdimensial travels/ass that doesn't quit).
Dec 6, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Thinking about massage therapist LWJ... He would be So Good at it. 👀

WWX leaves that appointment a changed man. 😳 His whole world view shifted. WWX who generally sits like a shrimp, gets immersed in his work for hours and forgets to drink water. Is just getting bullied by this beautiful man with large man hands about posture and hydration as he tortures him and twists him around, digging into his muscles.
Nov 16, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
SOS I was making progress on my next chapter when I stumbled upon info about BSSR and realized I fucked up some of the lore about her and now I'm rewriting some part of chapter one 😭 In my defense, this fic is CQL-verse and non of this is explicitly mentioned, so I'd be within my right to just leave it as it but it will ANNOY ME. So I'm reworking it... 😩
Jul 23, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
tiktoker WWX who accepts a dare challenge and one of the dares is to serenade your "rival" with a terrible love song––cue WWX going all out serenading LWJ to C/reed or something.

LWJ who has never heard of them in his life: 😳 wei ying has written a song for me WWX finishes on one knee reaching dramatically for LWJ, kinda like 'I wonder why LWJ hasn't rolled his eyes and walked away yet but I'll give him a show~'

LWJ: 😳💞
LWJ: Yes, Wei Ying, I will go out with you. I like you too 😳🥰
WWX: wh-what ––wait you WILL? Image
Jul 10, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I'm having retirement age Lan Qiren feelings... specifically regarding mid thirties LWJ's and his realization that Shufu isn't his authority figure any more. Like Shufu out here fucking vibing w his garden. Tai Chi in the park w friends . LWJ just being like "??????" Shufu going to play Bridge with his reading group and staying out passed 9pm and LWJ is like "🚨 HELLO?????"

Shufu has a more hopping social life than LWJ. LWJ is perturbed! No Shufu you may not go skydiving for your birthday! That is forbidden!
Jun 11, 2022 178 tweets 29 min read
Yoo I just saw an ASMR video of a lady massaging a kitten and talking about acupressure points in cats and the lil kitty was sooo happy— napping and purring in her lap and I just think.... Catxian and LWJ. Maybe Catxian is a shifter stuck in his cat form. He's fallen on hard times and it's easier to be homeless when you're a cat. Anyway, one day he happens upon a balcony that has impeccably groomed vegetable and herb planters.
May 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
modern cr era au where someone asks wwx fuck, marry, kill: jiang cheng, nie huaisang, or lan wangji.

wwx: EASY! kill: jiang cheng. fuck: lan zhan. marry: nie huaisang.

cue all these boys being offended for very different reasons. lwj quietly hyperventilating in the bg just like: 🚨🆘 wei ying wants to FUCK ME 😳😳 he wants to [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] me 😳🥵🍆💦🍑 HE — He—Does not think I'm marriage material? 🥺 Why does Wei Ying think I'm not marriage material? 😔💔
Feb 21, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Having some wangxian diaspora thoughts today… LWJ and his brother moving to the US to live with their uncle after their parents pass. He’s only 6 at the time and at first he refused to acknowledge his new “American” name. “John” sounds wrong in his mouth. After a while, it becomes normal, it’s easier to not stand out. He already has to deal with kids staring at him as school makes special allowances for his selective mutism. Even worse at his accent when he /does/ talk.

He and his brother are John and Stephen, that’s the norm.
Feb 15, 2022 86 tweets 15 min read
cw a/b/o + omegaverse

I need to work on my wholesome post-canon dadxian fic but also i wanna yell about modern dilfxian hooking up with younger omegaji using an app that pairs a/os for their heat/ruts… LWJ is fresh out of grad school… he’s never had a bf, shared a heat, or even been kissed. He has a hard time touching ppl he doesn’t know and so the thought of sharing a heat with someone has never been something he’s been able to get himself to do.
Dec 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
y'all i wonder if my writing is too detail oriented for threadfics. i am trying to get to the HORNT but instead we have WWX watching adoringly as LWJ takes a bath fdlkjfd, i already had to cut a significant chunk of backstory i randomly decided to write today bc it's heat time and NOT the time for extreme specific background notes ✌🏼
Dec 11, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
food //

okay now that i'm fantasizing about baked goods let me once again think about bakery au wangxian. who do you all see to run a cute lil bakery bc i think both have potential... i think lwj would have really beautiful and fancy cakes like joconde's baking on YT. everything is a little work of art and very neat.…
Dec 1, 2021 876 tweets >60 min read
#OmegaLWJseason / omegaverse / references to the pandemic ~

O!LWJ moves back into his childhood home, inviting his best friend A!WWX to live there too. Platonically! As Friends! Then, the stay-at-home order hits...Then, the heat hits...

AKA: wangxian quarantine baby au 👶🏻🏡🌱 ⚠️ General CWs for this threadfic (will flag as necessary): abo, enthusiastically consensual heat/rut sex, intersex anatomy, knotting, breeding kink, lactation kink prob, pandemic references, Bratji behavior, gentle dom!WWX, platonic scenting, NOT platonic scenting ...
Nov 18, 2021 238 tweets >60 min read
Wen Yuan lives in a remote village out in the mountains and he's always dreamed of one day being a cultivator. One day he is visiting town with his siblings and sees a familiar face on TV, he does a double take, bc it's his uncle Mo Xuanyu-- modern cultivation AU // amnesia au -- let's go!
Oct 26, 2021 60 tweets 10 min read
cw abo / omegaverse

everyone on my dash talking omegaji and i'm just thinking about older omegaji who decides he needs no alpha! he always wanted to have babies so he decides to use a sperm donor.

years later he is surprised when falls for his charming next door neighbor. the alpha is very good with his kids, always happy to play with the little ones and help babysit. he always helps to fix lwj's heater and even helps make a rabbit hutch for the kids new bunnies.
Oct 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
What's a girl gotta do to get some decent translations of chinese poetry? Google is such a shit show. I'm looking for Xin Qiji's "He Xingong", I've seen it translated as "Congratulations to the Bridegroom"? If anyone has any links I'd be so appreciative. I'm particularly interested in the line "Wo Jian Qing Shan Duo Wu Mei, Liao Qing Shan, Jian Wo Ying Ru Shi".

The translation on wikipedia seems different from others I've seen so I'm not sure what to trust.
Oct 26, 2021 27 tweets 5 min read
✨ lulu's master fic + headcanon thread ✨ ✨A03 posted fics✨
Oct 15, 2021 282 tweets >60 min read
For #BabyLWJSeason, a post-canon de-aged Babyji ficlet/threadfic. Or the one in which LWJ is cursed to revert back into his six year old self.


Of course this happens.

Of course this happens ~now~.

It’s all Wei Wuxian can think as he watches the curse hit Lan Zhan. Time moves in slow motion. Lan Zhan had turned just slightly to the side. To protect the juniors who had been knocked over by the resentful energy of the yaoguai.

Who would have thought such a small, insignificant nighthunt would be what takes the incomparable Hanguang-jun.