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Tours the non sequiturs || Burgundy Lipstick Bad Highlights Second-Wave Feminist Has-Been || Pronouns: Your Excellency
Nov 16, 2018 34 tweets 12 min read
UK public broadcaster is fundraising for harmful trans lobby Mermaids. Mermaids has a "Guide for young trans people in the UK" funded by the UK Department of Health.

Nov 3, 2018 15 tweets 6 min read
You're a girl and you like to ride a motorcycle?
You're a boy and you like to put on nail polish?

Don't worry we'll fix you. UK's "gender service" dispenses puberty blockers to children but openly admits "WE DO NOT KNOW WHETHER IT ALTERS THE COURSE OF ADOLESCENT BRAIN DEVELOPMENT".

Kids as guinea pigs in medical experiments.

How progressive.
How inclusive.
How affirming.

Oct 30, 2018 44 tweets 28 min read
Meanwhile feminists get kicked off twitter for using pronouns because priorities.

=> Another feminist, this one a medical doctor, silenced by twitter.
Could be for stating a biological fact such as "Women don't have penises" or "Men don't menstruate" or something equally reprehensible.
Who knows. Dude bros at @Twitter won't say.

Oct 27, 2018 18 tweets 8 min read
1) Trans activists have apparently got a woman fired from her job at @LJMU over her concern for women's safety.

Nina Edge (@nothingwelshstreets) is an artist & socially engaged activist, who's worked to preserve buildings from demolition in Liverpool.

2) Nina Edge expressed concern that if males are admitted to women's prisons, rape shelters and other facilities for females, this might pose a danger to women.

(there have been documented cases of this occuring, see the case of rapist "Karen" White: theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/s…)
Oct 26, 2018 25 tweets 13 min read
Professor: "I do not believe that gender identity supersedes sex."

@UniofOxford students: This is a prohibited belief. We will investigate you & lodge a complaint if you express it. You are compelled to believe that men can transform themselves into women by uttering a spell. 2) Open debate and critical thinking on sex and gender have been replaced by dogma at universities. This complaint is one example.

@DrHenryWimbush, publicly reviled by the @UniofOxford student newspaper, is accused of several transgressions of thought and expression, as follows:
Oct 23, 2018 9 tweets 4 min read
This article is such irredeemable incoherent bullshit I don't even know where to start.
But let's give it a go. 1) The "expert" quoted, appears to be the @nytimes go-to person for any trans issues. He has previously approved of extremely dubious medical experiments on newborns involving horse medicine banned for human use by the FDA.
The @nytimes cheered him on.

Oct 14, 2018 9 tweets 4 min read
They should get a bot to write these fairy tales.

After 65 years, poor Thomas is released from the attributes that brought him a brilliant career in the inner power circles of Washington: his male status.

"a story of suffering, struggle, loss and love"

washingtonpost.com/news/josh-rogi… Oh wonder, exclaims the author, the newly hatched 65-year old "she" has received nothing but support from the conservative establishment.

Oh yawn, thinks the reader, the powerful conservative brotherhood knows it is their birthright to get what they demand, including womanhood.
Oct 13, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
Goodbye, women's sports, was nice while it lasted. Hashtag girlslikeus hashtag olympichopeful hashtag womenwhorace

Question: what is fair?
Sep 23, 2018 9 tweets 5 min read
UK Girl Guides now allows adult males to be leaders, & boys to sleep in the same tents & use the same showers as girls, provided they all say they're females. Girls' parents must not be told their daughters are in mixed-sex spaces.

Some women wondered whether this was safe, so: UK Girl Guides have expelled at least two leaders & launched disciplinary procedures against at least five for raising safety and ethical concerns at the new Guides policy of imposing mixed-sex sleeping & washroom spaces without informed parental consent.

Aug 19, 2018 20 tweets 10 min read
It is apparently now a crime worthy of police investigation to state biological facts.

This is the mayor of Liverpool announcing action against women putting up stickers saying "Women don't have penises".
Note he is responding not to the form of the message but to the content. Warning to biology teachers, scientists and gynecologists: It is now a hate crime to state that "Women don't have penises".

Please adjust accordingly so as to avoid fines and/or prison.

Jul 16, 2018 28 tweets 14 min read
Maria Butina's first ever tweet was a retweet of Torshin.
Nice picture of the Russian official and his agent who conspired through the NRA to get Trump elected. 11 July 2015

Maria Butina: "I asked U.S. presidential candidate Trump about his position on Russia. Trump talked about reducing sanctions"

May 3, 2018 23 tweets 12 min read
Man who decided a few months ago that he's actually a woman got called a man by a @Lyft driver. The man almost cried, but is now relieved that @Lyft has deactivated the driver for this grievous crime, thereby depriving him of his livelihood .

threadreaderapp.com/thread/9917075… Yes and it's this man, more of a man than you'll ever be, who got a man fired today for calling him a man.
Feb 16, 2018 11 tweets 5 min read
Nominated for Gaslighting Award 2018

Men give birth!
Men breastfeed! (using banned drugs smuggled into US, but hey, BRAVE NEW WORLD!) Hey @MountSinaiNYC,

Isn't it a violation of federal law to do medical experiments on new-born babies using banned drugs?

cc: @US_FDA
Jan 12, 2017 11 tweets 4 min read
Kompromat story:
1999: Russia's Prosecutor-General Skuratov investigates Yeltsin for corruption.
theatlantic.com/international/… A tape of a man in bed with two women is shown on Russian TV.
But people aren't sure it's the Prosecutor-General.