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Mar 30th 2023
Democratic Capitalism - Marriage on the Rocks…
"In (the US) three people own more wealth than the bottom half of all Amercan society"
"A system ruled by greed and rigged against ordinary people"

It's OK To Be Angry About Capitalism…
Read 15 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
Le @CentreJeanGol, rattaché au @MR_officiel, publie une note contre le #wokisme.

Sans attendre: @PDelwit et @MDeleixhe montent au front pour dénoncer une. «dérive réactionnaire».

Le #wokisme, un mythe? Pas depuis le scandale du «canular #SokalAuCarré»: décryptage!👇 Image
01/ Le 21 février 2023, le @CentreJeanGol publie une note contre le #wokisme, elle est rédigée par: Nadia Geerts (@NadiaGeerts), Axel Miller (directeur du @CentreJeanGol), Corentin de Salle (@CorentindeSalle) et Jolan Vereecke (@JolanVereecke).👇…
02/ Le 01 mars 2023, le politologue @PDelwit (réputé très à gauche), professeur à @ULBruxelles, monte au créneau: Le #wokisme est un terme «utilisé par la droite radicale et la droite conservatrice» pour empêcher de lutter contre les inégalités.👇…
Read 27 tweets
Nov 25th 2022
What's happening? Image
A moral society puts people first.
Not wealth.
Not power.
Not nation states.
Not archaic forms of govt or law.
Not royal families or venerable castes.
Ordinary people.

Intelligent Ethics by Luke Andreski…

#humanism #environmentalism #hope
Neoliberal propaganda?
Corporate lies?
Media bias?
Had enough of it yet?

Ethical Intelligence
Luke Andreski…
#understanding #reality #perception #truth
Read 7 tweets
Nov 19th 2022
When Eton College gave Farage a platform, what did they think was going to happen?

Boys directed racist & misogynistic abuse at state school students invited to join them for a speech by Nigel Farage

🧵#Eton #privilege #racism #cheating #cocaine 1/…
#Eton boys ‘sanctioned’ by a school that saw fit to offer hospitality and a platform to Farage and thereby, predictably, exposed state school children (Eton’s guests) to racist and misogynistic abuse

Eton,where Boris Johnson was educated/radicalised…

The unsurprising #Eton #Farage scandal speaks volumes about UK establishment and the school that's groomed so many narcissistic sociopath politicians & journos

Read 10 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
#PostTruth Zeebong fengek hanya mengambil kata #Pribumi tdk menyimak isi pidato seluruhnya. Setiap ada yg menulis kata #Pribumi serta merta dituduh rasis.

#KebenaranSejarah. Anies menulis dlm pidatonya, "ratusan tahun #pribumi Jkt terjajah ...". Merujuk era kolonialisme ...
Kunyah pelan2 isi pidato @aniesbaswedan simak kata #Duly #RatusanTahun #Pribumi.

Masa Orba, #Pribumi (Betawi) merasa terpinggirkan, krn masuknya investor, yg membangun gedung2 megah, hotel, real estate, pabrik, mall, dll. Bukti gedung2nya ada sd noe.… Image
Tdk ada bukti @aniesbaswedan & Timsesnya yg mbuat spanduk tsbt, masarakat yg melakukan (krn sdh muak dg pendukung Ahok).

Kasus Nenek Hindun, yg mengurus jenazahnya kader PKS, mobil ambulannya punya Timses Prabowo-Sandi.

Ahoker cuma memprovokasi di sosmed, tdk berada di TKP. Image
Read 6 tweets
Oct 3rd 2022
#MECFS never gets easier to accept.

Every Fall/Winter my health declines significantly. In the Spring/Summer, my health improves a bit.

Each year though, my overall baseline declines.

It feels like dying slowly and painfully. Never knowing when your body will just quit.

And no. I’m not depressed or anxious. (Though it would certainly be understandable if I was.)

In fact, I continue to be in awe of myself and my community’s emotional strength in the face of this relentless physical suffering.

Any one of the typical #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis symptoms, turned up to an 8/10 intensity, would be difficult to live with after awhile. It would wear you down.

By the time you get to 3-4 of these symptoms, it’s debilitating.

Imagine getting to 100-200 daily symptoms.

Read 28 tweets
May 27th 2022
A 🧵 on #caste #privilege, mainly for those born/raised in the so-called "upper caste" communities (like me).
I was born a Brahmin, and having grown up on a steady diet of implicit/explicit casteism that took a couple of decades to even partially cleanse myself of means I know most of the arguments that UCs use regarding caste. I've used them in the past. I know how hollow they are. 1/
Yes, I've been guilty of casteism before, even while thinking that I was arguing about "merit". I seriously believe that it's extremely difficult for someone brought up in a typical savarna home to be entirely free of casteist beliefs/instincts. 2/
Read 21 tweets
Apr 21st 2022
As a member of @ScienceAU, Victoria's Science Society supports the #research sector's ten pledges, seeking commitments from candidates for the Australian Federal #Election2022. Let's run through them all, shall we? #auspol #ausvotes #AusVotes2022
Let's punch *at* our weight in #research funding, at least. It's a matter of investing in our brainpower as a resource for other sectors to draw on, & sustain tertiary #education as one of major exports. #auspol #ausvotes #AusVotes2022
We argue #research #translation is about "bench to #community" - #industry is a big part of that. Public funding established a world class research sector, but the private sector is where we need to build capacity to benefit from that resource. #auspol #ausvotes #AusVotes2022
Read 13 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
Next time an interviewer asks you to "Explain this gap on your resume," REGARDLESS of why, answer,
"I decline to answer that question in #solidarity with those whose reasons are none of your business, or reveal information that it's illegal to not-hire them for."
#HotTake It's MOST important that those with more #privilege who would claim to not be racist/classist/ableist/misogynist/otherwise hostile to all marginalized groups refuse.
When YOU give an actual answer, YOU steal 💰 from all of them.
THEY don't get work, or get paid less. 2/
Especially someone who's been to prison, there's no good way to spin that story, especially for white-collar jobs with good pay.
People make mistakes, or get punished unjustly - YOU condemn them to poverty for life. 3/
Read 9 tweets
Sep 19th 2021
🧵Hi, I’m Sergio and I have ADHD. I didn’t know about my #ADHD growing up because going to the doctor was not a norm at home or encouraged tbh. My symptoms started spiraling during my masters and that’s when I reached out and got some help. My psychologist was shocked & asked (1)
(2) why I never went to the doctor… #privilege 🙈. Once I got diagnosed & started taking medicine, yes I take medicine & I’m not ashamed, nor do I care to be shamed by folx, things started clicking for me. Habits & ways of doing things finally made sense & I didn’t feel crazy.
(3) Since 2016, I’ve been learning to understand what it means to have #adhd & #generalanxiety, all while navigating #cacademia as a first gen doc student. The struggle is real & some days are better than others tbh. I see this as a process of reclaiming love & grace for myself
Read 4 tweets
Sep 2nd 2021
It has nothing to do with some fake sense of American privilege. LMAO Some of us have scraped by, have been utterly tossed to the side while watching others have it even worse down to homelessness and hate it. Some fucking privilege. The whole matrix is crashing. #Privilege
Why don't some other countries try being the most brainwashed nation on Earth and being created by the
fucking illuminati to destroy countless others and wreak havoc while waving a flag like a bunch of illiterate psychopaths.

What do we have let's see:
Mc Donald's I'm lovin' IT (MASON)
Coke (Koch Nazi)
Education System (Rockefeller)
Read 5 tweets
Jul 6th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 07/06/2021…
Particulate organic matter as a functional soil component for persistent soil organic carbon…

#ParticulateOrganicMatter #SoilCarbon #microorganisms
Read 8 tweets
Jun 30th 2021
Today, our family followed through on the decision to move dad to a long-term facility in Mississauga. He's been on a dementia journey for about 8 years alongside a cancer one that has him also receiving palliative care. /2
The script flipped for me was a few years back when his conscientious nature had him scaling an aluminum ladder in a rainstorm to check that the eaves were clear ensuring we wouldn't have any flooding. Both his physical and mental capacity at the time put him at risk. /3
Read 20 tweets
Jun 28th 2021
Dear Fellow White People,

I am a gay woman of Jewish ethnicity living in #Texas and have faced discrimination in my life. However, my experiences are through the lens of a white woman, someone who doesn’t face the daily #SystemicRacism embedded in our society and institutions.
Let’s be clear. The USA was built on the backs of slaves, human beings who were considered property for no other reason than the color of their skin, and the institutions within this country were both developed and implemented by, and for, white people.
By virtue of this fact, white people have the inherent privilege of living in a world that was created for their benefit.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 24th 2021
Beyond thrilled to have been awarded a *renewal* for my @NIH_LRP award!!!!!! Story time (on #privilege and #perseverance)

#medtwitter #academictwitter #blackinSTEM 1/
As a first-generation #Kenyan American, raised in #Kenya and very much an #African child (if you know you know), a #doctor is very much what I was going to be from the time I was born. 😋 (thankfully, also a marrying of my love of science and taking care of people!) 2/
So it was to my parents’ incredible delight when I got accepted to #medicalschool, never having... basically... known someone who had done so, in the US anyway. #firstgen #firstgeneration (yes, this story has a comical peak, wait for it...) 3/
Read 10 tweets
Jun 14th 2021
The #G7 this weekend renounced its role as #globalhealth leader, @kentbuse and I argue in @bmj_latest:…

A thread on what next for global health & #healthsecurity.
Speaking at #G20 Rome #GlobalHealthSummit in May, German Chancellor #Merkel had raised the question, “if not us, who?” to end the global #Covid19 #pandemic.

At #G7UK this past weekend, #G7 responded with "Not us," committing to donate 870mn #vaccine doses when the need is 11bn.
Instead of engaging with recommendations of @TheIndPanel to strengthen #pandemic preparedness & the #globalhealth system (, strongly backed by @antonioguterres (), #G7 noted it would "explore" different proposals.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 13th 2021
Another Sunday. Another thread. #caste #privilege #merit #prejudice

My primary school was a govt. aided vernacular medium school run by an ed. institute (one of the better ones in my home city). My first recall of #caste is from when I was in 2nd/3rd.

One of our teachers that year was NOT upper-caste (unlike most teachers in the school), and the predominantly upper-caste parents (including mine) weren't happy with the "quota" teacher. The general mood was "our education system is going to collapse due to quota"

The thing is, this was decided based on his "surname", and of course based on prejudice of all the upper-caste teacher's, who had an obvious grudge against "quota system" that the govt. grant mandated. I don't even remember if he was a good or bad teacher.

Read 19 tweets
Jun 6th 2021
#Caste a thread.

Long back, when I had just passed my 10th exam with decent marks, a distant relative who was an office bearer for "karhade brahmin sanghatana", or some such organization representing my born caste, visited our house to hand me a "prize"

Incidentally, we were invited to attend a program to felicitate "bright" students from the community but hadn't turned up, so he had come home to deliver my cash prize. "I don't accept prizes that are caste-based", I said. He tried to convince me, but I was adamant.

Give that money away to some deserving candidate from the (so-called) lower castes, I told him. Given my background, this isn't even an achievement, I told him.

Read 28 tweets
Apr 25th 2021
1️⃣ La story entière de #Cecilia au moment où ça a péter !

J'ai juste compris que slim rose a zouker le mauvais bumbum et c'est parti en scène de crime 😭

#savigny #privilege #feteclandestine
#boycottlesanges #sarahbipbip #poupettekenza #confinement
2️⃣ #savigny #Cecilia #feteclandestine #privilege
3️⃣ #savigny #Cecilia #feteclandestine #privilege
Read 6 tweets
Apr 17th 2021
Announcement from @fordnation sank my heart today. As an ER doctor, person of color and #Scarborough native, I feel defeated 😢. The measures are not going to get wave 3 under control. #BIPOC #ERdoc @SHNcares @torontolife @JustinTrudeau @SCMirror 1/
When I landed as an #immigrant in #Canada, my life started in #Scarborough. My parents (#heros) struggled to find jobs that matched their education. That didn't stop them from working hard / hustling even if it meant 2 jobs at times to keep bills paid and food on the table. 2/
My family lived in an apt building that had mostly racialized/middle-low income families (#affordability). Not much social distancing when large crowds wait for elevators (#EssentialWorkers) or use the shared laundry facilities. This pandemic brings back those vivid memories 3/
Read 12 tweets
Mar 2nd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/02/2021…
Suburban Survivalism Demonstrates The Most Obnoxious Brand of Privilege

#urban #elites, #survival
Diapers on cows: A water quality solution? – Ohio Ag Net | Ohio's Country Journal…

#cow #diapers #water #environment #ohio
Read 8 tweets

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