How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App USC leadership to explicitly de-criminalize Zionist and Israeli identities [quoting from their Letter]: First,"the conditional distribution of the outcome under the control treatment, Y i (0), given receipt of the active treatment and given covariates, is identical to its distribution conditional on receipt of the control treatment and conditional on covariates, and second, arrangement amounts to endless blood shed. As one born in Israel and tuned daily to the country's pulse, let me mention another factor which is often ignored in conversations about the 1-state fantasy. Israelis resistance to a 1-state solution is at least as total and deeply is that they hold for all models and are independent on the meanings of X, Y,Z, etc, Breiman, Friedman,...+deceased presidents of ASA, RSS...+authors of stat texts+..., and if we interpret "Can" to mean "Capable of handling a simple problem in 2 weeks time," I would bet 100:1 on "NO!". Reason: They lacked a language to articulate the assumptions needed for generate the SAME probability distribution (P) but assign two different answers to the research question Q. Thus, the limitation is not in a particular structure of the NN but in ANY method, however sophisticated, that gets its input from a distribution, lacking interventions. putting a human face behind theorems and discoveries makes science "not a book of facts and recipes, but a struggle of the human mind to unveil the mysteries of nature." Personalizing science education makes each student "an active participant in, not a passive recipient of, "oppressors” and by the way it associates "whiteness" with "oppression" and "colonialism". answer will be: No difference; each diagram scores the same fit as the other. Let's be more sophisticated: assign each diagram a prior and run a Bayesian analysis on the samples. Lo and Behold, the posteriors will equal to the priors no matter how we start. How come? 2/n "Mediating Instrumental Variables" causal estimands, the latter estimate them. Note though that the former is not totally oblivious to the type of data available. Different types of data will result in different estimands. eg.,experimental vs. observational, corrupted by missingness or by proxies or by