Zaid Al-Ali Profile picture
Senior Adviser on constitutions @Int_IDEA. Author of books on Iraq + on Arab constitutions. Former @wiko_berlin @Princeton @Harvard_Law @UNIraq @KingsCollegeLon
Sep 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: African Court of Human Rights finds that Kais Saeed's 2021 decision to suspend sections of the 2014 Constitution violated the African Charter on Human Rights and orders the Tunisian state to abrogate that decision The relevant decision is Presidential Decree 117 (2021). That decision is the basis on which Kais Saeed has been governing the country since last year by decree. He has used that text to issue decrees to organise the constitutional referendum, and the upcoming elections
Jul 1, 2022 23 tweets 4 min read
Tunisia's draft constitution was published last night. It will be put to referendum on 25 July 2022. I will be live tweeting its contents at 2pm Tunis time. watch this space. ok here we go. first thing is that the draft constitution aims to reestablish a hyperpresidential system of government. under this system, the president has enormous powers to control other institutions. there is no balance between different branches of the state.
Sep 1, 2020 40 tweets 14 min read
I have read through Sudan's new peace agreement (signed yesterday) and will be tweeting out the contents later on today. ok here we go - over the next hour i'll be tweeting out the contents of Sudan's new peace agreement. preliminary points: 1. i will not be tweeting out all of the contents of the agreement (it's very long); 2. i'll be offering some thoughts on some of the provisions, but not all.
Aug 27, 2020 22 tweets 7 min read
Mali has apparently already adopted an interim constitution. I'll be tweeting the contents in 2-3 hours. Here we go. so it turns out that the text was published in the official gazette three days ago. Its official title is "acte fondamental No 1/CSNP". The "CSNP" is the national committee for the salvation of the people, which means that we should expect several more of these acts
May 11, 2020 37 tweets 7 min read
The draft Algerian constitution has been released. I'll be live tweeting its contents with some commentary later on today. @Int_IDEA will also be preparing a full english language translation hopefully this week @SumitBisarya ok i will start now. i'll start by giving a bit of background and then will go through some of the draft constitution's articles in the order that they appear in the constitution. i won't be discussing every detail obviously.
Aug 4, 2019 50 tweets 61 min read
There are some surprises and much that was expected in the final version of Sudan's constitutional declaration. @Int_IDEA and @ConstitutionNet will be publishing a translation shortly. I'll be tweeting out contents as soon as im allowed to do so. @SumitBisarya @AdamAbebe @Int_IDEA @ConstitutionNet @SumitBisarya @AdamAbebe I've just been told that the version of #Sudan's constitutional declaration that i have is public, so i will be tweeting out its contents starting in a few minutes. Watch this space. #SudanRevolts