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I post full movie spoilers to test my memory/typing speed. Bookmark profile page to avoid notification spam. View media tab or use profile search feature
Dec 11 15 tweets 3 min read
#zapppzSpoilers #KravenTheHunter #KravenTheHunterSpoilers

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No Spiderman, but Kraven has arachnophobia.

Kraven The Hunter basic plot spoilers

Part 1:

Kraven gets himself caught and goes to prison to kill a mob boss. Image #zapppzSpoilers #KravenTheHunter #KravenTheHunterSpoilers

Part 2:

Goes on a plane to escape and for some reason takes his shirt off

Flash back to when Kraven was a kid

Kraven’s mom commit suicide

Kraven’s dad says only way to cope with loss is to hunt in Africa
Jul 20, 2023 60 tweets 10 min read
#BarbieMovie #Barbie #BarbieMovieSpoilers

Movie has self discovery rather than female empowerment message to it. Although there are some feminist jokes its for satire

Less Truman Show/Free Guy/Wreck It Ralf type movie than seen in trailers.

Barbie Movie Main Plot Spoilers: .. Image #BarbieMovie #Barbie #BarbieMovieSpoilers

Barbie Full Plot Spoilers

Part 1:

Starts with exact scene in Barbie teaser trailer with glasses girl breaking porcelain dolls

Narrator telling us Barbieland is an actual place next to real world

Title Screen
Sep 20, 2022 55 tweets 31 min read
#DontWorryDarling #DontWorryDarlingSpoilers #dontspoilitdarling

Don’t Worry Darling Main Plot Spoilers

Part 1

Starts w/ record player spinning

House Party. Drinking game with whisky/ plate on head, followed by minor gossip

Alice & Jack in the dessert doing donuts w/ car #DontWorryDarling #DontWorryDarlingSpoilers

Part 2:

Jump cut to Alice making breakfast. Alice & Jack gossip

Minor earthquake happens

Jack leave for work

Jack forgets lunch, Alice brings for him

See other wives in neighborhood saying goodbye to husbands as they go to work
May 3, 2022 44 tweets 8 min read
#DoctorStrange #MultiverseOfMadness #DoctorStrange2 #DoctorStrangeSpoilers
Full Plot Spoilers Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness:
Part 1:

Defender Strange and America Chavez is running away from a monster

Defender Strange is protecting Chavez from monster stealing her power Both try to get Book of Vishanti. Monster stabs Strange

Fearing he’ll die; Strange tries to absorb Chavez power bc he doesn’t think she doesn’t know how to use it

Strange gets stabbed again. Chavez opens star portal (only can do it when she gets emotional) and go through it