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Most recents (16)

Sep 27th 2022
Kevin Feige isn’t ready to make anything official, but it certainly doesn’t sound like he’s done with Wanda — or with Olsen. “There really is so much more to explore,” he says. “We still haven’t touched on many of her core storylines from the comics.” ImageImage
Kevin Feige on whether audiences will see Wanda Maximoff’s return to the MCU: “Anything’s possible in the multiverse! We’ll have to see.” ImageImage
Kevin Feige on Wanda Maximoff's last scene in #MultiverseOfMadness: “I don’t know that we saw her under rubble? I saw a tower coming down, and a little red flash. I don’t know what that means.” ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
As an aspiring #Artist , I love to Paint/Sketch my own perspective & observations of things that inspires me. I've been doing this for a decade & would love to share it on this platform.

Hence, I am starting this thread where I'll add my couple of #artwork everyday. Let's go...
"Under the same moon, Let's watch it together, tonight."

This is made with Soft Pastel on Black sheet.
Follow on #Instagram for more:

#StarryNight #moon #night #NightSky #Sketching #sketch #art #artwork #artistsontwitter #Artists #Artist #artistsupport Image
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Jun 7th 2022
What My Housing Complex Gon Look Like And Be Called When its all said n DonE💯🌟🌇🪂 #beautiful #beauty #HouseoftheDragon #Trade #TripleOPesOFlaccO #ThembaOnShowmax #MultiverseOfMadness #Ireland #BLACKPINK #Bitcoin #BloodSisters #LazadaSuperBrandsFiesta TripleO PesO FlaccO #spin
love bitcoin, bitcoin to the moon!
Read 3 tweets
May 13th 2022
Illuminati: “We can handle your little witch, Dr. Strange.”

*Scarlet Witch shows up*


When Strange and Corrupted Strange started having a Verzuz battle with sheet music.

Scarlet Witch rolling up to Kamar-Taj

Read 5 tweets
May 10th 2022
you guys are going to hate me for this
My latest review for the @FDRLST 🥳

Sam Raimi’s ‘Doctor Strange 2’ Is An Anti-Woke Masterstroke🤯

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is the best MCU film since ‘Endgame.’🪄🧙‍♂️… #mcu #doctorstrange #drstrange #DoctorStrangeInTheMultiverseOfMadness
“Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” is the latest entry in the MCU & a direct sequel to the 2016 original.

However, Strange 2 is its own thing continuing the themes from the Disney Plus shows “WandaVision” and “What-If.”
#DoctorStrange #MultiverseOfMadness #mcu #movie
Read 12 tweets
May 10th 2022
From Peter and MJ to Black Widow and the Hulk, there have been a lot of iconic #MCU couples. Read @victoriaedel's review to see each major MCU couple and her rankings from worst to best below: (1/8)…
@victoriaedel Starting with the worst at #10 — Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner: "I love Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson). I love the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo). But Natasha and Bruce did not work together." 📷: @EverettPhotos (2/8)
#9: Sersi and Ikaris: "Their characters have the MCU's only on-camera sex scene. But in 'Eternals,' there is no spark between them." 📷: @EverettPhotos (3/8)
Read 8 tweets
May 7th 2022
#MultiverseofMadness is absolutely insanely good. Grinned all the way through it. It’s the Sam Raimiest film EVER. 11/10
No spoilers here, but there are a couple of gasp-worthy moments, and not just the characters that are in the trailer.
Homework is WandaVision season finale, and the Evil Dead trilogy.
Read 4 tweets
May 6th 2022
Because of a 12-second piece of dialogue from a lesbian character about having two moms, Doctor Strange 2 premiere throughout Pakistan has been held up by the national censor board. Here is why this is a bad precedent. /1
All cinemas started pre-bookings for the movie a month in advance. No news about a possible ban was relayed to moviegoers and cinemas relentlessly advertised DS2 on their websites right until the premiere date. /2
Cinemas in the twin cities scrubbed their websites clean of any mentions of DS2 once they sold out all shows for the first weekend of the film. Cinemas in Lahore dropped the bomb on the morning of the premiere. No cinema is picking up calls. No refund strategy in place. /3
Read 16 tweets
May 5th 2022
#DoctorStrange 2 SANGAT ENJOYABLE karena punya penulisan & penceritaan karakter-karakternya yang semakin menarik.

Penonton diajak menyelami konsekuensi dari tindakan-tindakan karakter favorit mereka, didukung visual epik ala 'Sam Raimi' yang memang WELL-TIMED & EXECUTED!

[Utas] Image
Bersama Strange & Wanda, penonton diajak mencicipi perjalanan Multisemesta dibalut pertanyaan;

'Batas kekuatan & kompas moral mereka tuh sampai mana sih?'

Dan ini diceritakan ke dalam film dengan PENULISAN YANG 'WAH', didukung kemunculan Strange versi lain, hingga Illuminati. ImageImageImage
Apalagi kalau kalian adalah penonton yang suka sama penulisan dialog kalimat per kalimat antar karakter, mungkin kalian akan kegirangan dengan film yang satu ini.

Selain beberapa kalimat punya 'power', ada aja yang humor, lucu, memorable, bahkan.. 'fan-service' banget! ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
May 5th 2022
Berikut review saya untuk Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

@SiPalingMarvel #DoctorStrange #DoctorStrangeInTheMultiverseOfMadness #MultiverseOfMadness
Merupakan entry selanjutnya dari MCU dan kontinuitas langsung untuk Spider-Man No Way Home yang mengambil tema multiverse sekaligus WandaVision dengan lanjutan arc untuk Wanda. Disutradai oleh Sam Raimi yang terkenal dengan sentuhan "horror"-nya.

Melanjutkan kisah Stephen Strange pasca No Way Home dan Wanda yang masih gamon karena kehilangan anaknya (yang boongan). Berkonflik pada kedatangan America Chavez yang tidak dapat mengontrol kekuatannya sehingga harus dilindungi oleh Strange dari kejaran Scarlet Witch.
Read 22 tweets
May 3rd 2022

La crítica ya ha podido ver la película y compartir sus primeras opiniones. En este hilo os compartiré varias SIN SPOILERS.
"Es la película de Marvel más increíble jamás realizada. Cada escena es más impactante que la anterior. Marvel Studios demuestra que no tiene miedo a superar todos los límites imaginables. La franquicia de Strange está completamente desatada" -Matt Roembke.
"En general es un thriller mágico que no para. Olsen continúa con su dominio en el MCU y Xochitl brilla en su debut. Obtienes el 110% de Sam Raimi. Eso viene con lo bueno y lo malo. Pero lo bueno es muy bueno" -Matt Roembke.
Read 15 tweets
May 3rd 2022
#DoctorStrange #MultiverseOfMadness #DoctorStrange2 #DoctorStrangeSpoilers
Full Plot Spoilers Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness:
Part 1:

Defender Strange and America Chavez is running away from a monster

Defender Strange is protecting Chavez from monster stealing her power
Both try to get Book of Vishanti. Monster stabs Strange

Fearing he’ll die; Strange tries to absorb Chavez power bc he doesn’t think she doesn’t know how to use it

Strange gets stabbed again. Chavez opens star portal (only can do it when she gets emotional) and go through it
Part 3:

Dr Strange (Main line MCU) wakes up and think it’s a nightmare.

Fix broken watch and get ready for Christine’s wedding

After wedding Christine and Strange talk at bar

They hear screaming outside, and Dr Strange changes costume
Read 44 tweets
May 2nd 2022
We’re out at the #DoctorStrange premiere in Hollywood!

Who do you think might make a surprise cameo 👀
“I gotta go, this ain’t my movie.” - @TiffanyHaddish, icon, legend #MultiverseOfMadness
#DoctorStrange himself, Benedict Cumberbatch, says hi to fans on Hollywood Blvd
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Apr 29th 2022
berbagai macam #MultiverseOfMadness ImageImageImageImage
😭😭😭 ImageImageImageImage
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Apr 17th 2022
Les voy a resumir TODOS los sucesos más importantes del Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel que nos han guiado hasta la secuela de #DoctorStrange

¡OJO porqué estará lleno de SPOILERS de diferentes películas y series!


En 2008, luego de ser secuestrado en Medio Oriente, el multimillonario Tony Stark crea una armadura para escapar de sus captores 😯

Con el tiempo, la mejora y decide usarla "para un bien mayor".

Se convierte en el superhéroe 'IRON MAN'.

Película: 'IRON MAN' (2008)
Nick Fury, líder de una organización que combate amenazas extraterrestres (SHIELD), se contacta con Tony Stark para hablarle acerca de un proyecto que consiste en formar un equipo de superhéroes 🙌

Película: 'IRON MAN' (2008)
Read 27 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
New promo clip with unseen footage of ‘Doctor Strange in the #MultiverseOfMadness’:
Drop a follow for similar Marvel content on your timeline everyday :)
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