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Find me as zarkonnen in other places.
Jun 9, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
I'm reading and watching stuff about 80s and early 90s game development, and it's stuff like this:

"Spluvix Games was founded by high school buddies John and George in George's parents' basement. In their first year, they programmed five games, including Spling! and Gorgon, which each sold about 100k copies at $70 each. So they hired about fifty more people and moved the company to a business park near Santa Clara.
Nov 3, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Had a pretty epic debugging journey today. #gamedev #programming

So the save system in my game is too slow, causing lag spikes during play. To make it go faster, I'm working on a versioning system for large game entities so they only need to be saved if they've changed. This all Worked Fine On My Machine, so I put out a beta, which immediately started producing a lot of error reports. Airship entities changing all over the place without their versions getting incremented, messing everything up.
Nov 3, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Watched the GDC postmortem on the original Deus Ex -

What struck me again is the way they designed the levels. In basically all other games, I can't help but constantly see the level designer's intent. They don't feel like real spaces. Deus Ex's levels were still fairly limited and heavily depopulated due to performance limitations, but I don't feel like I'm following a path carefully pre-planned by the level designer. I can actually roam and figure things out for myself.
Jan 8, 2020 103 tweets 12 min read
OK, I'm doing laundry, so for entertainment, here's:

One like -> One game idea

My head is very full of far more ideas than fit into a lifetime. So maybe if I share them it's inspiring or amusing. #gamedev #games Spacecraft Simulator

There's train and farming and driving sims. Trains and tractors and cars have fan bases. So do spacecraft. Why isn't there a high-quality realistic spacecraft sim? I want the experience of flying Vostok 1 and Apollo 11.