Dr. Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana Profile picture
race, urban, culture sociologist, Baltimorean, knitter. https://t.co/bUIjk9ViWA creator. views r mine. zra_research (IG/threads) zraresearch (bluesky).
Aug 24, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
As some know, I teach a publishing course for grad students focused on articles. Here is some common feedback that I give on student drafts #SocTwitter: (1) The "lit review" needs an argument. The section should not be about "here's how widely read I am in topic X," but about 1/ "here's my argument about the prior literature that THIS paper addresses." This doesn't have to be a gap, but can be. (2) The front of the paper doesn't match the back end. That is, the paper sets up expectations for answers to questions that the data cannot answer. This often 2/
Nov 20, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Sooooo....about that article on gender and "mentoring" in science. It's actually an article about publishing. The paper uses a dataset of published papers and a survey. But mentoring is operationalized as co-authored publishing. I get that this is science 1/

#AcademicTwitter where co-authoring is the norm for publishing, but this operationalization devalues the work of mentoring by only focusing on its highest status product. Reasons they might have found diffs in publishing based on the gender of the more experienced co-author are actually more 2/