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Feb 9
USAID grant money is everywhere. It’s so deeply woven into the nonprofit world that tracing it is like testing $100 bills for cocaine—at a certain scale, every charity has some residue.

That’s why the disclaimer at the top of the website exists:

**"NOTE: Funding is fungible, meaning USAID dollars do not directly flow into these NGOs in a literal sense. Instead, the money moves through multiple layers, with various entities handling and redistributing it.

Rather than focusing solely on individual grants or making definitive statements about how NGOs benefit from USAID, it’s more important to recognize the broader pattern of funding distribution and influence—and to cut through the layers of unaccountability."**

So, how do you determine if an NGO is truly dependent on USAID money? Context matters.

Let’s go back to the cocaine analogy: Every $100 bill has trace amounts, but a drug dealer’s cash will be covered in it. The same logic applies here.

🔹 Look at the graph on the left. That’s Defending Democracy Together Institute, Bill Kristol’s group. Over half of their funding comes from major grants. That’s a lot of cocaine.

🔹 Now, compare it to Turning Point USA on the right. Their USAID connections are multiple hops away and bottlenecked by the smallest possible intermediary grants. Even with the most extreme assumptions, only 0.2% of their funding could possibly come from this path.

This isn’t just theory for me. I worked with Charlie Kirk during the 2024 election on early voting analysis. I saw firsthand how his operation worked, and I can say with confidence: President Trump would not have won re-election without him. He flipped voter registrations on their head and made a direct push for young male voters.

Bottom line: These graphs are tools, not verdicts. Use them wisely.Image
Please RT and share.
I have been seeing a big effort starting today to use these graphs against conservative organizations.

Don't let it happen!
Read 4 tweets
Feb 9
Amidst the excesses of modernity, the Church's principle of subsidiarity offers a balanced approach to power and authority

Discover how this timeless principle empowers individuals and local communities while maintaining social order and the common good.

A thread.
The principle of subsidiarity maintains that social, political, and economic matters ought to be governed by the smallest and most immediate authority.

For example, parents have authority over their family, and local magistrates have authority over the community – not the state.
Subsidiarity maintains the principle of personalism within the teleological order of creation which states that individuals fulfil their nature by exercising appropriate autonomy within their respective sphere of influence.

This also encourages active participation in civic life, enabling individuals and communities to actualise their potential within their communities and within their state to the benefit of all.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 9
Health minister @GwynneMP got sacked today.
He was useless on Covid anyway.
Some say he has been badly advised by 'experts'.
I think those experts were selected because they tenaciously defend flawed science.
Govs hide behind these 'experts' to limit costs & liability.
It isn't just in the UK.
In Canada for example, people like John Conly are doing the same thing as Lisa Ritchie in UK.
They are demonstrably wrong.
For @UKLabour to have any credibility, they need a clear out.
If I'd been elected, my first job would have been a sacking spree.
Get rid of the CMO, head of UKHSA, head of infection control for NHS etc.
Strip them of any titles they've received...not for their service; simply for their compliance and for being the faces Governments can hide behind.
There are no excuses left - none whatsoever.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 9
Frankincense and myrrh thread. Add them to your list of cancer and universal remedies (they treat damn near everything). They are both powerful antiparasitics. Mrryh is proven to remove liver flukes snd larvae. Do your own research. Cancer patient being treated with them. /1
Screenshots of various frankincense testimonies. Take note of the brain cancer testimony in which it was rubbed on the child’s feet. I frequently see things being applied to the feet in healing testimonies. /2 Image
More frankincense testimonies and other documents and studies on frankincense and myrrh. /3 Image
Read 9 tweets
Feb 9
JFK created USAID. But JFK simultaneously supercharged the Special Forces for psychological operations, covert civil affairs & unconventional warfare. JFK created USAID in Nov 1961, just 2 weeks after his historic visit to Fort Bragg awarding the Special Forces the Green Beret Image
I’m not saying this to besmirch Special Forces or Green Berets. I’m saying this so you can understand USAID and why it was created. It was *always* a civilian-front support agency for DOD, State & CIA. This is how covert military action & USAID work often go together like this:
And in the case of the 1960s with USAID paying for the head of the CIA’s mercenary army leader in Laos to buy CIA airplanes to traffic drugs, JFK began Operation Pincushion for Special Forces to train & recruit that very same army in Laos in Dec 1961, 1 month after creating USAID
Read 3 tweets
Feb 9
🚨Super Top up in health insurance

Super top-up is like a mobile recharge!
It increases ur sum assured over and above ur base health insurance policy!

What is this super top-up?🤔🤔

A thread🧵on what is a super top-up plan and its benefits and limitations?👇 Image
What is a super top-up policy?

Super Top Up policy offers you coverage of Mediclaim above your chosen deductible limit

It offers you financial relaxation in the event that your hospitalization claim bill crosses your sum insured under any other Mediclaim policy.
A mediclaim policy pays the claim from Rs. 1/- till the maximum Sum Insured under your base policy.

Whereas the Super top-up policy covers hospitalization expenses beyond the chosen Deductible limit.
The deductible limit is chosen by you
Read 12 tweets
Feb 9
Thread on the beauty of wildlife 🧵

1. A cub looks at her mother with admiration 📸 Rodrigo Ahumada Zeidan
2. When it’s cold enough to see the melody 📸 Mikhail Kalinin
3. A 4-year-old in Virginia went outside to play and then came back to the front door with a new friend. Image
Read 20 tweets
Feb 9
The Chinese Exclusion Act provides a neat glimpse into all sorts of facts about how labor markets work.

When the act passed, it hurt White workers as well as Chinese ones. In fact, counties with larger reductions in the Chinese labor force saw larger reductions in the White one! Image
The act was also bad for the quality of jobs held by White workers, and it harmed manufacturing productivity

But the people who argued for the act on the basis of Chinese economic displacement didn't understand this would happen

If I had to guess, they probably denied the harms
Read 3 tweets
Feb 9
Have you ever wished to view the world from a completely new perspective? This thread on cool maps is here to blow your mind.

1. The Mississippi River and its tributaries Image
2. Sunshine duration in hours per year. USA and Europe Image
3. Gravity is not 9.8 ms^2. That's just the global average. On this globe it is stronger in the red areas and weaker in the blue areas
Read 10 tweets
Feb 9
The symbols observed on UAP crafts—such as those from the Rendlesham Forest incident, the Socorro incident, and even Roswell—bear striking similarities to the sigils found in the Medici library, the Lesser Key of Solomon, and John Dee's personal collection (the first advisor to Queen Elizabeth I).

Again, this thread is a little weird, and in the end, it will lead you down another rabbit hole... (1/9)🧵Image
I'm certain that the crafts are merely shallow objects, serving only as vessels for these orbs when they wish to interact with or indirectly influence our reality.

Here's another example from Japan, where a 'hollow boat' with a strange woman appeared on the shore. The same symbols were inscribed on the vessel as those found in ancient books about summoning spirits, alchemy, necromancy, and ritual sigils.

Dr. James T. Lacatski shared in his book Skinwalkers at the Pentagon that a certain UAP in the possession of the U.S. government is merely an empty shell.

He has a background in nuclear engineering and worked as a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) scientist specializing in advanced aerospace and nuclear technologies. His expertise in nuclear propulsion and advanced energy systems played a role in his involvement with UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) investigations under the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP).
Read 10 tweets
Feb 9
Jeremy Brown Feb 8 Update: Yes he was moved into a worse hell and illegals were just given new mattresses & treated better. 4 advocates were blocked. @elonmusk @EagleEdMartin @CowboyLogic_RAV @laralogan @RogerJStoneJr @charliekirk11 @HelpStopHate @PaulIngrassia
🧵See his note
"Just when you thought it couldn't get worse..."

No time for wit and jokes (besides, I'm TOO pissed!)...Coming out of 40+ hour lockdown and about to get locked down again until, who knows?

4 key advocates emails have been blocked. They must be doing something RIGHT!

Been moved to a WORSE POD about 50 feet away to make room for illegals. They get the nice POD. We get the shit POD. Dark, dank bank of cells with no working cameras. For the first time in 40+ months of being an illegal prisoner, I finally saw BRAND NEW, NICE and THICK mattresses...they were for THEM, not us!

In 3 weeks, I've been moved 7 times, between 4 jails/prisons in 3 States/Districts (but driving across 5) with only a single set of clothes (1 pair socks, boxers, pants and a t-shirt...at least they have changed them out). The last 3 weeks has been worse than the previous 40 months. If this is what "being Pardoned" is like, then make it stop! Thinking I'll be free with every noise, footstep or turn of the keys has been the worst torture of all.

If people are telling you, "we are working on it" you know the line..."THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!" They're gonna keep me in here as long as they can. Monday is gonna be their NEXT excuse..."Federal Holiday".

"Hannibal Smith" for the "A-Team" was the "Who said it" and YES, Chris, TPS Reports was "Office Space". G. Patton and D. MacArthur, NOT GREEN BERETs.

Sorry for the shortness, but only have minutes to get something out. Anger is setting in. This is intentional and no one seems to be able to fix it. Judges have time to rule on stopping Federal Employees from getting SWEET buyouts and preventing the shutdown of USAID. Admin Officials have plenty of time to "X" about releasing J6ers, but can't seem to make it happen. How many steaks have THEY eaten in 3 weeks? How many glasses of wine have they tossed?

How many times have they had to take a shit 18" from their roommates head in 3 weeks?

If "THEY" wanted me out, I would be OUT! At least, if I were President, that's how this would work! ACTIONS not WORDS! You are all demanding ACTIONS and all you are getting are WORDS, because I am 100% still in a US Prison. RIGHT WHERE "THEY" PUT ME and WANT ME!!! And THAT is the "evidence of outcomes". NOTHING takes 3 weeks, when you want it! De Oppresso Liber! -- Jeremy
2/ "Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the LONE SURVIVOR. Rangers Lead The Way!" -- 6th Stanza of the "Ranger's Creed"

That reminder was for me, not you guys. Because in the last 48 hours, I have quit 1,776 times in my mind, but never out loud. I guess, as much as I wished it was, THIS mission is not yet complete.

I was encouraged to see Joe Biden lost his Security Clearance. I guess he won't be committing anymore Treason by running illegal Enemy General Prisoner releases under the cover of Special Access Programs (SAPs) and claiming they were "swaps", like "back in the day". Although, there must be SOME Communist is prison we could trade for me, right? Just kidding, I know they NEVER arrest their own.

There are some NEW names on the distro and some the BOP has banned permanently (Tylene A., Debbie A., Jen H. and Karen S.) without cause or explanation. Whatever they censor, that's what scares them! So, let me give you all the current run down...

Thursday at 3pm we were locked down. Thurs night, we were moved about 50 feet into a new POD, out of the blue. All night long, they cleaned, repaired and painted our old POD (as I could watch through the door window) and brought in scores of brand new, in the wrappers, thick, comfy mattresses. For who, you might ask? Illegals. When we were released earlier today, for about 2 hours, I found myself no longer sharing 6 phones and 3 computers with about 30 inmates, but instead, there are now between 125 to 150 crammed in an equal sized space. So, needless to say, it is crowded, but at least the illegals are comfy.

So, my updates will not likely be as regular or long, as everyday brings more limitations. I'm not even really sure what else I can say that won't sound like bitching. I am just simply amazed that I'm still in here, but only if I allow myself to accept the common belief, which is that "THEY" are working to get me out. Unfortunately, I have a brain, so THAT idea is hard to grasp. The fact is, I have the receipts. I have the recording. I have the background and experience to know what has actually happened, and it just seems like NO ONE in power cares a whole lot about me getting out. Almost like they believe what the Executive Chairman of the Pinellas County GOP said to someone he wrongly assumed was not a supporter of mine. On election night, 2022, this clown (I can't remember his name, Cathi C, help me out) said the "quiet thing out loud" when he saw I only had 34.5% of the vote and with relief proclaimed, "Thank God THAT guy didn't win!"

The Politicians are NOT working for us and are NOT our friends. They piss in our face and ask if we like sweet tea. The Democrats stab us in the FRONT while the Republicans stab us in the BACK, then they split the money they steal from our wallets. Don't believe me? Think your favorite Congressman or Senator is helping? Ask ANY of the people that are in power, telling you all "We are working on it". just ask them, "So, have you spoken to Jeremy?" "Have you visited Jeremy?" "Have you sat down with Jeremy's Attorneys and examined Jeremy's claims?" "Have you even LOOKED at his case?" "Do you even know who he is?" They'll pretend to be interested and claim they will "look into it", and then run the other direction. January 6th in Washington DC is like cocaine, hookers and Jeffery Epstein...Everyone knows the TRUTH and pretends they don't while they hide the fact they enjoy the benefits.

Here is the truth. In Ranger School and as a Special Operator, you learn to "take copious notes". Over the almost 41 months since my arrest, I and my team have been building a case. A case against those that ORDERED and carried out this operation and a case against those that have IGNORED my case with every fiber of their being. Hell, some of them even turned my legal communications with them over to the FBI, THE NEXT DAY!
Read 4 tweets
Feb 9
It's hard to believe I've been collecting old PCs since 2019. Before then, I would never have imagined getting into this hobby! However, it's probably been at least a decade that I've had a virtual machine running DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1x around. Let's talk about it! 🧵time! Image
So, if you've seen the video of my 486DX4/100, you might have seen the timeline I put in there. My first retro PC became a reality in May 2019 for me. And here are some timestamps for my Win3.1x virtual machine. I guess I rebuilt the image in 2019 or so based on timestamps! Image
And, as we saw from the opening shot, I use Oracle VM VirtualBox. One feature I like about it is the concept of multi-attach, where you have a base image, and then changes are written to a "delta" image. When I want to go back to my stock image, I just "reattach" the base image! Image
Read 8 tweets

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