Recent well liked threads

Jan 22
1. It's time to explain exactly what happened on Election Day 2024 to stop the steal.

This will be a very long thread.

It involves quite a few people over 4 years.

A dozen sources.

We must begin just after the rigged 2020 election.
2. Let's begin the story in December 2020.

Why? Because President Trump wanted election fraud investigated.

He told his team to hire someone to discover the truth about the voting machines.

Multiple sources tell me an ex-CIA investigator was hired for the job.
3. That investigator reported that claims of election fraud were overblown.

Some DOJ lawyers also wanted election fraud investigated.

Those efforts were blocked by AG Bill Barr's staff including Barr's CoS Will Levi.

Levi threatened to quit if any cases were launched.
Read 66 tweets
Feb 9
🧵 If you’re applauding the abolishment of the Department of Education, you need to do a little research. You have ZERO clue what the DOE actually does.

Here’s a reality check on what the Department of Education actually does:
✅ Protects students with disabilities

Enforces IEPs (Individualized Education Programs) and 504 plans under IDEA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Without this, schools could refuse accommodations to kids who need them. (🧵2/14)
✅ Ensures equal access to education

Enforces Title IX (protecting students from sex discrimination), Title VI (protecting students from racial discrimination), and ensures equal opportunities for English language learners and low-income students.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 9
🚨BREAKING: Multiple U.S. states now moving to BAN COVID vaccines. And the Federal government may follow suit.


🧵Thread (1/11) Image
Eight states are leading the charge to END the "Jab" experiment:

• Washington
• Idaho
• Montana
• Iowa
• Texas
• Tennessee
• South Carolina
• Florida

(Tell me in the comments if I've missed any.)

(2/11) Image
KNOW THIS: Over 81,000 medical professionals, 240 elected officials, and 17 professional organizations are DEMANDING these shots be pulled.

The evidence of the Vax's harm? OVERWHELMING.

(3/11) Image
Read 11 tweets
Feb 10
How Deepseek helped me write and publish a book with 12 simple prompts; Image
1. Brainstorm and Outline


"Write a book about [topic] for [target audience]. Help me brainstorm unique angles and create a detailed chapter-by-chapter outline."
2. Deep Dive Into Key Themes


"For this outline [insert], expand on the key themes or topics for each chapter in 3–5 bullet points."
Read 13 tweets
Feb 10
A high single dose of creatine can partially reverse metabolic alterations and cognitive deterioration associated with sleep deprivation.

🧵1/9 Image
These findings are from a study in @SciReports which orally administered subjects a high single dose of creatine monohydrate (0.35 g/kg) while performing cognitive tests during sleep deprivation. 2/9…Image
The inverse effects of creatine supplementation and sleep deprivation on high energy phosphates, neural creatine, and cognitive performances suggest that creatine is a suitable candidate for reducing the negative effects of sleep deprivation. 3/9
Read 9 tweets
Feb 10
Boom! We cracked it! Today we are introducing Boomless Cruise—supersonic flights up to 50% faster with no audible sonic boom.

We quietly (har har) demo'd this on XB-1's first supersonic flight—three times actually. 🧵👇Image
How did that work? It's actually well-known physics called Mach cutoff.
When an aircraft breaks the sound barrier at a sufficiently high altitude, the boom refracts in the atmosphere and curls upward without reaching the
ground. It makes a U-turn before anyone can hear it.
Mach cutoff physics is a theoretical capability on some military supersonic aircraft; now XB-1 has proven it with airliner-ready technology.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 10
They removed 14 books from your Bible in 1684.

The Lost Books of the Apocrypha.

Most Christians don't even know they existed...

But religious leaders fought to keep them hidden.

Here's the shocking truth about the forbidden books they didn't want you to read: Image
1. What are the "Lost Books" of the Bible?

Before 1684, your Bible looked very different.

It contained mysterious texts called the Apocrypha.

These weren't random additions:

• Core Christian teachings
• Ancient wisdom texts
• Powerful prophecies

What they contained would change everything...
2. What books were removed?

14 entire books vanished from history:

• Tobit
• Judith
• Baruch
• 1 & 2 Esdras
• 1 & 2 Maccabees
• Wisdom of Solomon
• Prayer of Manasseh
• Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)

But one book specifically caught scholars' attention...
Read 14 tweets
Feb 10
1. Musk is launching a digital wallet and peer-to-peer payment services on X.

Meanwhile, Musk's associates have just been granted access to confidential information about X's competitors, an official at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau told Musk Watch.

2. On Saturday, OMB director Russell Vought assumed the role of acting director of the CFPB and instructed bureau staff to give DOGE access to all “non-classified” systems.

The info that the CFPB collects on digital payment apps is not classified.…
3. The bureau uses a process called “supervision” to comb through the internal information and processes of financial institutions, the official explained, producing records the bureau describes as confidential supervisory information, or CSI.

“If I were a potential competitor to Elon’s planned payments app, I would be concerned about DOGE looking at my CSI,” the CFPB official said. “Musk now has tremendous access to confidential information about his competitors,” the official warned.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 10
This is what should be on every front page right now. What's happening in the US right now is an illegal power grab by a private citizen.


It's a digital coup. It's Musk who's leading it. The consequences are terrifying. And it's coming for us next.
1/ Image
Please read this. I'm far from alone in saying it. The great
@TimothyDSnyder, @RBReich, @ruthbenghiat have all been shouting it.

There's superb reporting happening into every aspect of what's happening. But there's no framing. It's all facts, no story.
This is a digital coup. A data coup. What Musk's cyber troops - mercenaries - have done is take control of the federal government's operating systems. They've downloaded or scraped vast quantities of data. It's a hack on an unprecedented scale.
3/ Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 10
Today we’re launching the Anthropic Economic Index, a new initiative aimed at understanding AI's impact on the economy over time.

The Index’s first paper analyzes millions of anonymized Claude conversations to reveal how AI is being used today in tasks across the economy. A title card with dark text on a cream background reading 'Which Economic Tasks are Performed with AI? Evidence from Millions of Claude Conversations' by Handa & Tamkin et al. The Anthropic logo appears in the bottom left. On the right is a black and white macro photograph of a worker bee on a honeycomb.
Pairing our unique data with privacy-preserving analysis, we mapped millions of conversations to tasks and associated occupations.

Through the Anthropic Economic Index, we'll track how these patterns evolve as AI advances.

Read the blog post:…A horizontal bar chart titled 'AI usage by job type' comparing the percentage of Claude conversations (shown in coral) versus percentage of U.S. workers (shown in black) across 22 job categories. The bars represent representation relative to the US economy from 0% to 40%. Computer and mathematical jobs show the highest Claude usage at 37.2%, while office and administrative support has the highest workforce percentage at 12.2%. Farming, fishing, and forestry show the lowest percentages in both categories at 0.3% and 0.1% respectively. Most other categories fall between 0-10% for both metrics...
Software and technical writing tasks were at the top; fishing and forestry had the lowest AI use.

Few jobs used AI across most of their tasks: only ~4% used AI for at least 75% of tasks.

Moderate use is more widespread: ~36% of jobs used AI for at least 25% of their tasks. A grid of six job category cards showing AI usage statistics for Computer & Mathematical (37.2%), Arts & Media (10.3%), Education & Library (9.3%), Office & Administrative (7.9%), Life, Physical & Social Science (6.4%), and Business & Financial (5.9%). Each card is divided into 'Top Titles' and 'Top Tasks' sections. Notable occupations include Computer Programmers (6.1%), Technical Writers (1.8%), Tutors (1.6%), Bioinformatics Technicians (2.9%), Clinical Psychologists (0.5%), and Financial Analysts (0.4%). Key tasks range from 'Develop and maintain software applications' (16.8%) to 'Produc...
Read 9 tweets
Feb 10
@DOGE, a single district judge has issued a ruling blocking the executive branch from access to Treasury data. There’s a simple fix: DOJ should demand injunction bonds. 1/
This will be a repeat problem for the Trump administration, just like it was in the first term, unless something is done to rein in frivolous injunctions. Activist judges could single-handedly gum up the entire Trump/DOGE agenda. 2/
Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c), judges can issue injunctions “ONLY IF” the suing party posts a bond to cover potential damages if they're wrong. But guess what? This rule is hardly used! 3/
Read 10 tweets
Feb 10
🚨🚨🚨BREAKING: Holy crapola! This federal judge went so far off the rails, Trump Administration really has no option but to seek mandamus! 1/ Image
2/ Yesterday, Blue States sought to enforce TRO entered by Rhode Island federal court. Gov't responded spending isn't covered by TRO, other is allowed by statute, other is because of computer freezes given amount required.
3/ Judge's Order today prohibits any freeze on ANY federal funding which is much beyond what lawsuit challenged. Here's order I bought on Pacer and uploaded to Courtlisterner.…
Read 6 tweets
Feb 10
There are 7 stages of spiritual growth according to Saint Augustine.

You can use his roadmap to ascend from a purely material existence to the highest state of the mind.

Most people get stuck at step 3... (thread) 🧵 Image
In 388 AD, Saint Augustine proposed that the soul's journey to God unfolds in 7 distinct steps.

His 7 stages also correspond to the 7 days of creation... Image
1. Animatio (basic life)

The soul starts off enslaved to the physical world. In Confessions, Augustine recounts his experience as a young man immersed in pleasure and ambition, while blind to the spiritual world...Image
Read 19 tweets
Feb 10
Lawrence Summers met with Jeffrey Epstein more than a dozen times after Epstein’s conviction—then took a $110,000 donation from him for his wife’s nonprofit, which made poetry videos. This was in 2016, so the records are not in my datset. Image
Robert Rubin cofounded the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution.

The Brookings Institution is a direct recipient of nearly a million dollars in federal awards as well as a recipient of many university grants.

Brookings Institution is led by Democratic powerhouses - Cecilia Rouse, former Biden & Obama economic adviser. Strobe Talbott, ex-Deputy Secretary of State under Clinton. John R. Allen, Obama’s Special Envoy vs. ISIL.Image
Rubin is also on the board of Local Initiatives Support Corporation which has over 140 million dollars worth of active awards to build low-income housing. They say they created more than 489,000 homes with 30 billion dollars since 1979. Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 10
I don't know anything about womenswear, but I've noticed that women's tailoring is typically free of the problems I commonly see on men. I had dinner with a bespoke tailor last night who explained why this may be so. A thread for those interested. 🧵 Image
Disclosure: I don't know how the patterns were drafted for the clothes featured in this thread. That would make a big difference in how they should be judged. But for the purpose of this thread, I'll assume they're ready-to-wear or designer (i.e., adjusted off a block pattern). Image
One thing I notice is that women's tailoring typically features a high armhole. For instance, at last year's DNC, every politician who made a speech raised their hand at some point. On men, this typically resulted in their jacket lifting. But not so on women. Image
Read 16 tweets
Feb 10
🧵 To będzie bardzo ważny wątek‼️
Prezydent @realDonaldTrump oraz @elonmusk mają rację twierdząc, że za pieniądze #USAID wpływano na wybory w innych krajach by obalać konserwatywne rządy. Tak też było w Polsce w 2023 r.
Od kilku dni krąży skonstruowana przez @wirtualnapolska lista organizacji i projektów w Polsce sfinansowanych przez USAID, ale jest ona niepełna. Przykładem jest Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej (CEO) i projekty "Latarnik Wyborczy" i "Młodzi głosują". Jedziemy!Image
2. Zacznijmy od projektu "Latarnik Wyborczy" @LatarnikCEO, który został sfinansowany z pieniędzy zagranicznych w tym przez USAID za pomocą niemieckiej protezy German Marshall Fund. (CEBRICS) o czym możemy przeczytać na ich stronie. Natomiast na stronie niemieckiej protezy @gmfus dowiadujemy się co to ten CEBRICS. Ale to nie wszystkoImage
@LatarnikCEO @gmfus 3. Latarnik Wyborczy był nachalnie promowany we wszystkich mediach sprzyjających ówczesnej opozycji. Artykuły, wywiady, instrukcje korzystania i wynik, który sugerował, na którą partię oddać głos w wyborach 15 października 2023 r. Image
Read 10 tweets
Feb 10
The desks of authors and historical figures 🧵

1. Einstein's desk on the day he died, 1955 Image
2. King Charles Albert’s 1840 desk

One of the finest writing tables of the 19th century, this desk epitomizes royal luxury with its magnificent craftsmanship, exquisite design, and ingenious secret compartments.
3. This is the simple green pine desk at which Henry David Thoreau wrote his influential work, Walden, while living in a small house he built himself at Walden Pond on land owned by his friend Ralph Waldo Emerson. Image
Read 21 tweets
Feb 10
@Echecaxx @pbecchi @UnrollHelper @AStramezzi @heather_parisi @RoyDeVita @RHolzeisen @pbecchi Image
@Echecaxx @pbecchi @UnrollHelper @AStramezzi @heather_parisi @RoyDeVita @RHolzeisen @pbecchi Image
@Echecaxx @pbecchi @UnrollHelper @AStramezzi @heather_parisi @RoyDeVita @RHolzeisen 3/4
@Echecaxx @pbecchi @UnrollHelper @AStramezzi @heather_parisi @RoyDeVita @RHolzeisen @pbecchi Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 10
@missypippi @8foctdr67 @AStramezzi @ADA79991318 @guidopensieri @CarloMVigano @Agenzia_Ansa @LICIO15 @RadioNiuws @RadiosavanaI @DeodatoRibeira @ilcupo_m @RoyDeVita @OrtigiaP @dessere88fenice @RHolzeisen @LaVeritaWeb @itsmeback_ @UnrollHelper Image
@missypippi @8foctdr67 @AStramezzi @ADA79991318 @guidopensieri @CarloMVigano @Agenzia_Ansa @LICIO15 @RadioNiuws @RadiosavanaI @DeodatoRibeira @ilcupo_m @RoyDeVita @OrtigiaP @dessere88fenice @RHolzeisen @LaVeritaWeb @itsmeback_ @UnrollHelper Image
@missypippi @8foctdr67 @AStramezzi @ADA79991318 @guidopensieri @CarloMVigano @Agenzia_Ansa @LICIO15 @RadioNiuws @RadiosavanaI @DeodatoRibeira @ilcupo_m @RoyDeVita @OrtigiaP @dessere88fenice @RHolzeisen @LaVeritaWeb @itsmeback_ @UnrollHelper 3/4
@missypippi @8foctdr67 @AStramezzi @ADA79991318 @guidopensieri @CarloMVigano @Agenzia_Ansa @LICIO15 @RadioNiuws @RadiosavanaI @DeodatoRibeira @ilcupo_m @RoyDeVita @OrtigiaP @dessere88fenice @RHolzeisen @LaVeritaWeb @itsmeback_ @UnrollHelper Image
Read 4 tweets