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Jun 22
Bütün videoda: Aristo'nun sofistlerin akıl yürütme hatalarını eleştirdiği, hilelerini kanıtladığı bir kitaptan alıntı yapan Schopenhaur'un kitabını anlatmış. Sofistlerin agnostik olmasının sebebi zaten o safsatalar lan. Yanlış olduğunu anlattığın yöntemler üzerine kurulu bütün f>
elsefen. Sen harbiden tutarsız, mantık c@*hili birisin. @diamond_tema
Read 12 tweets
Jun 29
2016 : "Cooperation between Munich Re and Metabiota will push risk transfer solutions for epidemic risks"…

Warren Buffett, the largest shareholder of Munich Re


Read 3 tweets
Jun 29
@LauraPowellEsq Which California agency is the worst? I say HCD re housing. (1) converts vague statutes into rules, but is exempt from APA. (2) allocated to each city (through COGS) a specific number of new housing units to zone for, exempt from judicial review 1/
@LauraPowellEsq (3) cities must zone for 59% new affordable housing, but can only require 15% of new housing be affordable (4) appeals of allocations go to agency that imposed them and are consistently denied 2/
@LauraPowellEsq (5) HCD’s decision to approve or reject cities’ housing elements are inconsistent and don’t set comprehensible rules and are hidden from public view (6) many of the requirements must be answered in essay form and reviews for sufficiency are subjective 3/
Read 6 tweets
Jun 30
15 Hard Truths of Psychology and Life:

1. Image
2. Image
3. Image
Read 17 tweets
Jul 1
I'm reading the US v. Trump SCOTUS opinion myself. It is much worse than I expected. My thoughts below. A thread.
First off, the "absolute immunity" SCOTUS invents is Absolute. If it falls within "core constitutional powers" there is no order than can be given that can be reviewed by the courts AT ALL. Image
I'll expand on this later, but that means no court can review acts under Art. II, Sec 2 powers. Those powers include those of Commander in Chief, including state militias if called to fed service; AND THE POWER TO PARDON/COMMUTE. So corrupt pardons are off the table. Image
Read 27 tweets
Jul 2
Notes on the new Indian evidence statute:

Extent: Section 1(2) does not explicitly say that it applies to the whole of India. (Presumably, that's a given?) Also, unlike the old law, it appears to apply to all courts martial without any exclusions.

Other than that, no change. Image
(These notes are based on a quick comparison of the two statutes using documents available online. They may not be accurate, and should not be relied on for any purpose. They're merely an attempt to get a sense of what the new evidence law says in comparison to the old one.)
The definition of 'court' in the two laws is identical, as is that of 'fact' although section numbers differ.

Also, illustrating what constitutes facts, the old law stated: "That a man has a certain reputation, is a fact." The new law does not do so. Other eg remain unchanged.
Read 29 tweets
Jul 2
UPDATE: The planes were side-by-side for two full days, in an isolated part of the airport.

The Russian plane is the one the Kremlin uses to move people and documents from the United States to the Kremlin.

There has been no explanation for this—and media has not asked about it.
I'd feel better about this "coincidence" if Trump's jet hadn't been where he secreted stolen classified docs he publicly said he has every right to sell or gift as he sees fit, and if the Kremlin weren't interfering in this election on his behalf and wanting payment for doing so.
Some of you may forget—thinking Trump stored his most valuable stolen classified docs at Mar-a-Lago—but in fact that's not true. He sifted out the most valuable stolen docs and put them on his jet as he was leaving for New Jersey. We have no idea what happened to them after that.
Read 40 tweets
Jul 2
One of the many problems with vain and arrogant Supreme Court justices pulling a redo on whole areas of our constitution and laws, is that they get stuff wrong.

They see the result they (and their billionaires) want, and lurch for it.

Wreckage results... 🧵
Look at the pretense in Citizens United that all the massive special-interest spending they unleashed would be “transparent.” Multiple billions spent since in dark money proved that wildly wrong, but in their arrogance and cupidity, do they care? Not one bit.
The Trump immunity case is a similar wrecking ball, to a long-standing, orderly constitutional framework.

The six FedSoccers just blew it up, making up out of whole cloth untested and unprecedented new doctrine — which got them the result they wanted.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 2
The latest reminder of what's gone before #14YearsInTory

This thread has 84 points and covers 2018
1. Chris Grayling was made Tory Party Chairman for as long as they could trust him not to screw up

2. It turns out this was 27 seconds – his appointment was cancelled half a minute after being announced on Twitter
3. So he remained transport secretary and cancelled Levelling Up transport in The North because there was “no obvious benefit”

4. Public spending on transport per person in London: £903

5. In the North: £276. Maybe I've spotted an obvious benefit?
Read 36 tweets
Jul 2
1/ Democrats cannot nominate anyone except Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. It's impossible.

If the Biden candidacy ends, so does the Biden campaign. It's not transferable. Anyone else other than possibly Kamala Harris would have to start from nothing. That's can't be done.
2/It's possible I'm missing something, but I don't think so. Here's why the Democrats can nominate Joe Biden, or possibly Kamala Harris, but nobody else.

There's only one candidate with a 2024 presidential campaign committee registered with the Federal Election Commission
3/Some of the "stuff" of the Biden campaign can probably be transferred to the DNC (and maybe state parties), but most of it can't. Another candidate can't just take over Biden's campaign.

So, think about it.

A new nominee would not have a campaign. Like, not a tax ID...
Read 25 tweets
Jul 2
I love when people suggest that the Electoral College was created to protect rural voters from a tyranny of a majority of urban voters.

Cuz it’s true.

Now, let’s put our thinking caps on:

Who were these rural voters, and what might they have been nervous about? 🤔 1/11
What interests might someone in late 18th century North America who lived in large swaths of land with pretty low population density have had that many voters in densely populated urban areas may not have shared?

And might those interests have led to *other* compromises? 2/11
Is it possible that the same interested that necessitated such an electoral college also led to the Three-Fifths Compromise? Which also directly impacted allocations in the House of Representatives AND therefore, the Electoral College? 3/11
Read 11 tweets
Jul 2
Medtronic- Engineering The Extraordinary

The Med-Beds that may have already been developed covertly can realistically be moved from underground via delivery trucks to medical institutions in certain areas with high security. Once there, these Med-Beds could be installed in specialized medical facilities equipped to handle this technology. Highly trained medical professionals would be required to operate and maintain these by ensuring they are used effectively and safely.

The introduction of Med-Beds ofcourse will revolutionize healthcare, offering advanced healing capabilities that traditional medicine cannot match. Patients with chronic illnesses, severe injuries, or other medical conditions could potentially see rapid recovery times and improved outcomes will be 1st priority.

To ensure equitable access, protocols would need to be established for prioritizing patients and integrating this technology into existing healthcare systems. Additionally, comprehensive training programs would be necessary to educate medical staff on the operation and maintenance of Med-Beds.

Security measures would be paramount to protect this valuable technology from misuse or theft. The rollout of Med-Beds could begin in select pilot locations, with data collected to refine the technology and protocols before a broader implementation.

Public awareness campaigns would be essential to inform the population about the capabilities and availability of Med-Beds, addressing any concerns and managing expectations. Collaboration between healthcare providers, and the private sector would be crucial to ensure the successful deployment and integration of Med-Beds into the healthcare system.

There have been several corporations who attempted to take this market for commercial profits by offering homemade Med-Beds for high prices that skirt around the required safety guidelines for the consumer market who would pay for a inferior model that does not hold up to the standards of what is already being used by military and child victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

Medtronic from what I have been told are contracted to deliver these Med-Beds to military bases. Which is where the children who have been rescued are sent for treatment. This particular truck is said to have been parked at a Ronald McDonald's House. Can not confirm any info but I will get back to you.

But again the reason this has not been officially announced to the general public is because we have a massive clean up coming 1st. So we have a transition period coming up. I covered this in the other post.Image
Clarification. A Ronald McDonald's House is a charity for children. This truck appears to be at the one in Columbus Ohio. So in general I can see why this would be the preferred mode of transportation for these devices. And why people have been seeing them predominantly at medical centers. There is another picture I have somewhere in my archives of a state of the art hospital being built that doesn't look like your typical medical center. If I find it I will post.Image
And yes this is one of the companies Donald Trump is using regarding the manufacturing of certain medical technology as you can see from this image below. So perhaps people are on to something regarding what these ventilation devices were actually.

Read 4 tweets
Jul 2
NEW: The deans at the center of the Columbia texting scandal said Jewish students were "coming from a place of privilege" and suggested they have more institutional support than their peers because of their supposed wealth, according to new messages reviewed by the Beacon.🧵
The messages, obtained by the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and released on Tuesday, show that three of the deans—Susan Chang-Kim, Matthew Patashnick, and Cristen Kromm—engaged in a more extensive pattern of disparagement than has been previously reported.
"I’m going to throw up," Chang-Kim, Columbia’s vice dean and chief administrative officer, wrote to her colleagues roughly an hour into the panel.…
Read 11 tweets
Jul 2
🚨🚨 Today I sent this letter to Congress alerting them to a new FBI whistleblower @EMPOWR_us is representing—a registered Democrat who served as a supervisor in the FBI’s Security Division—who further substantiates the concerns we’ve had for two years: the FBI was using security clearance suspensions and revocations as a tool to push (usually conservative) employees out of the FBI, regardless of the facts.…
The new whistleblower, who is choosing to remain anonymous to the public (the FBI knows exactly who he is), confirms that SecD routinely asked employees about their coworkers’ personal political or medical beliefs, which @EMPOWR_us first revealed to the public three weeks ago.
@EMPOWR_us What's worse, it didn't really matter what the facts were or what line-level staff in the Security Division ("SecD") thought of this practice: once SecD leadership decided to drive someone of the FBI, they influenced the security clearance process from beginning to end. Image
Read 8 tweets
Jul 2
New: Matt Capelouto, father of Alexandra who died of fentanyl poisoning, is urging Gov. Newsom and Dem lawmakers to remove use of “Alexandra’s Law” from their proposed ballot measure.

AL would provide court advisement to fentanyl dealers if they do it again & someone dies, they could face homicide charges.

The public safety committees in both houses have rejected this measure repeatedly since 2021.

Capelouto confirms what @Patterdude said on the Assembly floor, that no one with Newsom’s office called him to make sure it was ok they use his daughter’s name.
Capelouto stormed out of the hearing on Alexandra’s Law last summer as Senators Skinner and Wiener explained their concerns with the advisement.

“All you do is fight for drug dealers!” He yelled to the group before leaving.…
Capelouto supports the District Attorney-backed measure and plans to campaign with the group.

He told me should Newsom and Dems leave Alexandra’s Law on there he will ensure voters know that it’s not the advisement he’s been fighting for.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 2
En el año 2013, un pequeño reloj frente al Zoo de Berlín se convirtió en el reloj más buscado del mundo.

Lo peor es que nadie sabía calcular la hora, ni porque lo estaban buscando.

Y todo por culpa de la CIA.

Bienvenidos a los relojes de #MaterialNarrativo

Dentro hilo 🧵 👇Image
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El reloj mundial de Alexanderplatz era el reloj más famoso de Berlín. Y digo era, porque ahora es esta... esta... cosa que veis.

Pero para aprender por qué es tan importante tenemos que tomar el avión y viajar hasta... Image
Read 40 tweets
Jul 2
I've read the Federalist Papers, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. But maybe I missed where the Founding Fathers supported the idea of immunity for the president. Can Justice Thomas or other supposed originalists shows us where it was mentioned?
They are always referring to 18th century documents to validate everything from gun rights to states' rights, so I'm sure I must have missed something. Perhaps in a letter from Jefferson or Madison? Such a revolution requires a clear historical basis, does it not?
I've been checking Fox & other places you'd expect to defend this decision on the merits, but no. Is the Court simply trying to make the US president, or one convicted one in particular, into a kinglike figure? What's in it for Roberts? Trump will use this power, of course.
Read 6 tweets