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Feb 10
Why did Jesus use bread and wine for the Last Supper

Read this thread for catechism purposes.

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The choice of bread and wine by Jesus during the Last Supper carries profound theological significance rooted in symbolism, tradition, and the nature of the covenant He was establishing.👇
Symbolism Of Bread And Wine

Bread as the Body: Bread is a staple food that represents sustenance and life. By using bread, Jesus symbolically identified His body as essential for spiritual nourishment.👇
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Mar 4
This man who heals what doctors can't:

Jiddu Krishnamurti.

It's impossible to be psychologically trapped, stressed, or anxious after understanding his teachings.

Here's his 5-step approach to unlocking mental freedom:🧵 Image
At age 14, the Theosophical Society declared Krishnamurti the next World Teacher.

By 27, he was set to lead one of the largest spiritual organizations in the world.

Then he did something that shocked everyone... Image
He rejected it all.

"Truth is a pathless land," he declared. "No guru, method, or system can lead you to it."

He dissolved the organization, returned the money and properties, and spent the next 60 years teaching a radical approach to psychological freedom.

Here are his 5-steps to unlocking your mind:Image
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Mar 5
Lieber @derspiegel
Euren Beitrag *Der Mehrfach-Mord von Rotenburg* habe ich soeben den Presserat gemeldet.
Die gesamte Formulierung des Berichtes ist nicht akzeptabel. Eine Frau die sich bedroht fühlt und ihren Ex-Partner anzeigt "unterschreibt ihr eigenes Todesurteil" nicht!
@derspiegel Auch die Darstellung der Verteidigerin, dass ein Mann, der durch vier Morde mehrere Familien zerstört hat, "ein totaler Familienmensch" sei, "dem seine Familie alles bedeutet", ist völlig inakzeptabel.
Es gibt noch weitere schlimme Formulierungen.
@derspiegel Der Täter, der vier Menschen ermordete, darunter ein dreijähriges Kind und sagte, dass er seither besser schlafen und essen könne, wird von euch als Opfer dargestellt!
Die Kommentare sind eine Katastrophe, hunderte Männer, die sich solidarisieren und die Morde gutheißen!
Read 34 tweets
Mar 5
1/ Out of 12,000 North Korean soldiers sent to Russia to fight against Ukraine, only two have been captured alive. They have recently been telling their stories to American and South Korean journalists, providing a unique perspective on the war. ⬇️ Image
2/ The two men are 21-year-old Baek (left) and 26-year-old Ri (right) (not their real names), both privates in the Korean People’s Army Special Operations Force. It numbers up to 80,000 men and is dedicated to carrying out military, political, and psychological operations. Image
3/ Both men say they were working under the direction of the Reconnaissance General Bureau, North Korea's agency for clandestine operations such as commando raids, infiltrations and disruptions.
Read 40 tweets
Mar 5
*אזהרת שרשורפלצת*
טרילוגיית "איך לצלם יותר טוב"
זה החלק הראשון - היסודות.
*לא לפספס את ההפעלה בסוף ולהראות הערכה על ההשקעה כדי שגם אחרים יחשפו*

השרשור תוכנן עבור מי שמצלם בטלפון, אם הייתם רוצים להוציא תמונות טובות יותר איתו - זה השרשור בשבילכם!

תמונה (אחת מיני רבות) ומתחילים! Image
הרעיון לשרשור הזה התחיל עם שרשורי ביקורת הצילום. ראיתי המון אנשים עם תשוקה לצילום, שלמרות כמות המידע שקיימת ברשת, עדיין לא לקחו את הזמן להבין את היסודות של התחביב הזה שהם אוהבים. אז החלטתי לכתוב את הטייק שלי.

בשרשור הזה ננסה להבין מה הופך תמונה לטובה
קצת יסודות - תמונה היא ייצוג דו-מימדי של מרחב תלת מימדי (לרוב) ברגע מסוים בזמן. ככזו תמונה מאפשרת לנו לשחק עם תחושת המרחב והמיקום של הצופה כדי ליצור עניין. תמונה מאפשרת לנו להקפיא רגע, לשמר אותו, וגם להציג אותו בזוית שונה ובצורה שמייצרת חווית צפייה ייחודית Image
Read 33 tweets
Mar 5
People are sleeping on huge news in the Musk vs OpenAI case today.

The judge finds that if Musk's donation gives him legal standing she thinks it's very likely that she'd want to block their entire $100 billion non-profit to for-profit conversion!

I deep dive below. 1/Image
Musk is trying to stop the OpenAI business effectively converting from a non-profit to for-profit.

To do that he needs to prove both that he is being wronged in a way that allows him to bring a case to the court ('legal standing'), AND that the conversion to a for-profit is unacceptable, breaching the trust created when OpenAI accepted his donations. 2/
Musk gave the OpenAI foundation over $44m in tax-deductible donations to pursue its charitable purpose.

In California law, this gives him the right to challenge the conversion only if that donation was 'restricted' in such a way that it created an "enforceable contract or a charitable trust". It's a fairly technical legal point. 3/
Read 15 tweets
Mar 5
The most sustainable way to lose weight and enhance cardiovascular performance:

It's not biking.
It's not running.
It's not swimming.

It's incline walking.

Here are 7 reasons why you should try it: Image
1) Low Impact

Incline walking is extremely low impact.

You can do cardio while protecting your joints.

Use the 12, 3, 30 method:
12 - Incline % (work up to this)
3 - Speed in mph
30 - Minutes
2) Burns Calories

Your body requires more energy to go uphill.

Compared to walking on flat ground, incline walking burns ~ 50% more calories.

A 12-3-30 session burns ~300 calories, the same as running 3 miles.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 5
Donald Trump mentioned the Republic of Moldova in last night's State of The Union speech. Not in a good way, but in a bad way. Not in the transatlantic sense, but in the Moscow sense.

With each passing day, Donald Trump moves closer to realizing the Kremlin's ambitions from the letter Putin sent to NATO in December 2021, months before the invasion of Ukraine. In case you don't remember it, I'll remind you of some of the demands considered absurd by the civilized world at the time:

1. In the first chapter, titled "Security Measures for the Russian Federation from NATO":

1.1 NATO not to welcome any new states into the alliance;
1.2 NATO not to offer arms to Ukraine or any state that joined the alliance after 1997;
1.3 To prohibit any NATO military activity in Ukraine, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus or Central Asia;
1.4 The re-establishment of a consultative mechanism along the lines of the Russia-NATO Council and the implementation of a NATO-Russia hotline;

2. In the second chapter, titled "US-Russia Security Safeguards Treaty":

2.1 Neither country shall implement security actions that undermine the security interests of the other;
2.2 The US must make every effort to ensure that NATO does not welcome other states into the alliance;
2.3 A ban on US intermediate-range ballistic missiles on EU territory;
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Mar 5
Inflammation is silently k*lling you.

It’s increasing the risk of chronic diseases, cancer, and arthritis, without you even noticing…

Luckily, these 10 natural foods can help reduce it by 20-50%, according to science:

1. Ginger Image
Gingerols, shogaols, and paradols help with:

• Nausea & vomiting
• Menstrual cramps
• Digestive issues
• Arthritis

But Barbara O’Neill has a unique way to use ginger...
2. Turmeric

It contains curcumin, inflammation’s worst nightmare...

• Blocks cytokines & cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)
• Lowers C-reactive protein (CRP)
• Neutralizes free radicals

Here’s what happens if you consume it for 2 weeks:
Read 13 tweets
Mar 5
A Few Tokens Are All You Need

Can you cut the fine-tuning costs of an LLM by 75% and keep strong reasoning performance?

A new paper from the Tencent AI Lab claims that it might just be possible.

Let's find out how: Image
The First Few Tokens

It shows that all you need is a tiny prefix to improve your model’s reasoning—no labels or massive datasets are required!

Uses an unsupervised prefix fine-tuning method (UPFT)—only requiring prefix substrings (as few as 8 tokens) of generated solutions. Image
Task template for Prefix Tuning

They use a simple task template for prefix tuning. By using a few leading tokens of the solution, the model learns a consistent starting approach without requiring complete, correct final answers. Other approaches require entire reasoning traces. Image
Read 8 tweets
Mar 5
🔥 Dr. Jay Bhattacharya held NOTHING back in his Senate confirmation hearing.

Covid vaccine-injured Americans will finally have a champion at NIH.

The truth about skyrocketing rates of autism will be EXPOSED.

Dissident scientists will finally be heard.

Dr. Bhattacharya pledged “five concrete goals” for NIH in his opening statement.

“Dissent is the very essence of science.”

1. “NIH research should focus on research that solves the American chronic disease crisis. American health is going backwards.”

“Life expectancy flatlined between 2012 and 2019, plummeted during the pandemic, and still has not bounced back.”

“The chronic disease crisis is severe, with hundreds of millions of Americans, children and adults, suffering from obesity, heart disease, cancer and more.”

2. “NIH-supported science should be replicable, reproducible, and generalizable. Unfortunately, much bought modern biomedical science fails this basic test.”

“The NIH itself just last year faced a research integrity scandal involving research on Alzheimer's disease that throws into question hundreds of research papers.”

“It is no stretch to think that the slow progress on Alzheimer's disease is linked to this problem. The NIH can and must solve the crisis of scientific data reliability.”

3. “If confirmed, I will establish a culture of respect for free speech in science and scientific dissent at the NIH.”

“Over the last few years, top NIH officials oversaw a culture of cover up, obfuscation, and a lack of tolerance for ideas that differ from theirs.”

4. “The NIH must recommit to its mission to fund the most innovative biomedical research agenda possible to improve American health.”

5. “The NIH must embrace, and vigorously regulate, risky research that has the possibility of causing a pandemic.”

“We must regulate risky research that has the possibility of causing a pandemic. It should embrace transparency in all its operations.”

“If confirmed, I'll carry out President Trump's agenda of making the public science institutions of this country worthy of trust and serve to Make America Healthy Again.”
Dr. Bhattacharya pledged to expose the truth about skyrocketing rates of autism.

“We have had a sharp rise in autism rates in this country.”

“I would support a broad scientific agenda to get an answer to that.”

“If I’m confirmed as NIH Director, the one level I will have is to give people good data.”
Read 10 tweets
Mar 5
Wie die Energiewende den Weg in den Sozialismus weiter beschleunigt

Warum kommt ein Staat trotz Rekordeinnahmen von einer Billiarde Euro nicht damit aus? Die Staatsquote in Deutschland liegt mittlerweile über fünfzig Prozent, es gibt also genügend Gründe anzuzweifeln, ob wir überhaupt noch im System der „sozialen Marktwirtschaft“ leben, wie Ludwig Erhard es einst benannte, oder vielmehr in einem Sozialismus mit marktwirtschaftlichen Elementen wie etwa China.

Doch derart Sophisterei wird in absehbarer Zeit nicht mehr nötig sein, denn die geplante CO2-Neutralität wird ohnehin zwangsläufig den Endpunkt Sozialismus haben. Warum?

1) Alle Blockparteien der Einheitsfront Unsere Demokratie™️ verfolgen das irre Ziel, in gerade mal zwanzig Jahren eine komplette Industrienation mit derzeit 83 Millionen Einwohnern und etwa 43 Millionen Wohneinheiten „klimaneutral“ zu machen.

Dies kann ausschließlich erreicht werden, indem der Staat fossile Energien in rascher Folge rapide verteuert, sei es durch direkte Strafsteuern oder durch sog.“CO2-Zertifikate“. Auf diesen beharren besonders CDU/CSU und FDP als „marktwirtschaftliche Instrumente“. Das ist ein Euphemismus für Ökosteuern, nur daß sie an einer Börse gehandelt werden.

2) Da unser gesamter heutiger Wohlstand auf billiger fossiler Energie beruht, führt diese Politik bereits heute zu deutlich spürbarem Wohlstandsverlust. In jedem einzelnen Produkt unseres Alltags, im Wohnen, in der Mobilität, steckt „verbrauchte“ Energie. Die rasch steigenden vielfachen „Ökosteuern“ heizen somit eine Inflationsspirale ohne absehbare Beruhigung an.

„Es wird jetzt immer Krise sein“, wie Karl Lauterbach auf einer Buchvorstellung Anfang 2022 treffend bemerkte. Woher weiß er das so genau? Weil die „Klimapolitik“, für die er wirbt, genau diese Dauerkrise erst erzeugt und nachhaltig befeuert.

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Mar 5
Tras la disolución de la URSS en 1991, se firmó un acuerdo entre Mijail Gorvachov y George Bush que establecía la "No extensión de la jurisdicción OTAN ni un solo centímetro hacia el este de una Alemania unificada".
En 1994, Bill Clinton decidió unilateralmente saltarse ese Image
acuerdo, y en 1999 la OTAN incorporó a Hungría, Polonia y República Checa.
La Rusia de Boris Yeltsin protestó formalmente pero nadie en Occidente reparó en la violación del acuerdo, y Rusia no quiso escalar bélicamente porque esos países quedaban lejos de la frontera rusa.
En 2004, la OTAN siguió expandiéndose violando el acuerdo de 1994, incorporando a Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Bulgaria, Rumania, Eslovenia y Eslovaquia. 
En 2007 Vladimir Putin dijo "basta, paren, ya es suficiente", pero nuevamente la diplomacia de Occidente decidió ignorarle.
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Mar 5
🧵 [1/14] Trois "experts indépendants" de l’ONU, désignés par le Conseil des droits de l’Homme (où siègent entre autres l'Algérie, la Chine, Cuba, le Qatar, la RDC et le Soudan) épinglent la France pour des "mesures de sécurité inutiles ou disproportionnées".

On creuse un peu ?
[2/14] Parce que c'est rigolo de taper sur le Parisien, qui relaie bêtement des dépêches de l'AFP, organe assez poreux à la propagande venue de tout bord.

Mais regardons ce qu'un journaliste un peu curieux aurait pu faire d'amusant / intéressant avec cette info.
[3/14] D'abord rappeler que le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies est l'organe intergouvernemental principal des Nations Unies sur toutes les questions relatives aux droits de l'Homme et qu'il se compose de 47 Etats, renouvelés par tiers pour 3 ans.…
Read 14 tweets
Mar 5
Uscite di corsa dallo stato di shock. Siamo a poco più di un mese dall’insediamento di Trump. Astraetevi dalla cronaca. Non pensate a ciò che accade oggi. Pensate a ciò che sarà ovvio tra un mese, tre mesi, sei mesi, un anno.
As esempio: la notizia oggi è che gli USA hanno anche staccato il supporto di intelligence agli ucraini. Ecco, siate mentalmente proattivi. Date per scontato che gli USA stiano già passando informazioni ai russi.
Altra certezza per me: gli USA andranno allo scontro con l’UE, si passerà presto ad una escalation di minacce, non solo economiche. Verranno chiuse basi militari USA, ritirati contingenti, sopratutto sul fianco orientale, creando una situazione pericolosissima per l’UE.
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Mar 5
Very significant statements by President Macron:

We cannot forget that Russia began to invade Ukraine in 2014 and we then negotiated a ceasefire in Minsk. And the same Russia did not respect this ceasefire.

Today, we can no longer take Russia's word for it. 1/5⬇️ Image
Ukraine has the right to peace and security for itself, and it is in our interest and in the interest of the security of the European continent. It is in this sense that we are working with our British, German and several other European friends. 2/5
Russia continues to rearm, and by 2030, it plans to further increase its army, adding 300,000 soldiers, 3,000 tanks, and 300 more fighter planes. Who can believe, in this context, that today's Russia will stop at Ukraine? Russia has become, a threat to France and to Europe. 3/5
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Mar 5
If you understand that the world Trump and Musk aim to create is one in which the Democratic Party doesn't exist—indeed democracy doesn't exist—but an American Empire (with vassal states) allied with a Russian Empire, Indian Empire, Chinese Empire and Saudi Caliphate, you get it. Image
Musk isn't just an enemy of America.

It no longer suffices to call him that.

He's an enemy of Western democracy, and indeed democracy everywhere.

Read up on his guru—Curtis Yarvin—and on far-right techno-optimist transhumanism, and you will understand the evil the world faces.
What America saw yesterday in DC was a Democratic Party that supports democracy and our democratic allies in Europe while opposing the would-be Russian Empire. Every time Trump and Musk attack Europe and weaken our democracy—and democracy abroad—they reveal exactly what they are.
Read 36 tweets
Mar 6
Thread of beautiful Art Deco designs 🧵

1. Cincinnati Union Terminal Image
2. The magnificent Art Deco doors at the C.D. Peacock jewelry store in Chicago, Illinois, completed in 1925. Image
3. The American Radiator Building, NYC

Raymond Hood and André Fouilhoux designed this marvel in 1924, blending Gothic and Art Deco styles.

Rising 338 feet, its striking black brick facade with gold accents originally housed showrooms below and offices above. Image
Read 20 tweets
Mar 6
🧶Antes de ser investigado por atentar contra a Soberania Nacional na Amazônia🇧🇷 em 1987, o Conselho Mundial de Igrejas (CMI) financiou Dom Evaristo Arns no projeto “Brasil: nunca mais”, que publicou em livro o conteúdo de processos do Superior Tribunal Militar (STM) referentes> Image
a presos e desaparecidos políticos das décadas de 1960 e 1970.

➡️Teria o CMI, c/o projeto “Brasil: nunca mais”, quebrado acordo firmado c/Petrônio Portella e os Generais Ernesto Geisel e Golbery do Couto e Silva, p/a abertura política institucional “lenta, gradual e segura”?🧐
Aparentemente, sim. Pois toda a operação dos serviços de inteligência estrangeiros que forçaram o Brasil à abertura ao neoliberalismo predatório iniciado nas Rodadas do Uruguai de 1986 (de criação da OMC☠️ e da globalização que nos assola até os dias de hoje), teve, a meu ver,>
Read 47 tweets
Mar 6
THREAD: After absorbing the unwelcome news Wednesday morning that their American idol, Donald Trump, is negotiating directly with Hamas, Israel flunkies became positively ecstatic when the US president later that day issued an apocalyptic and indeed genocidal threat against “the People of Gaza”: If Hamas does not immediately, and presumably unconditionally, release all the remaining captives in the Gaza Strip along with the corpses it holds, “you are DEAD”. What are we to make of these very contradictory developments?
To its credit, the Trump administration has ventured where its Democratic predecessor never contemplated going: negotiating with not only its Israeli proxy but also its Palestinian adversary in order to achieve an agreement.
Speaking to all parties involved in a dispute is of course standard diplomatic practice, particularly where resolution of a crisis that has consumed tens of thousands of lives is concerned. Palestine has been one of the rare exceptions to this template. Washington for decades refused to negotiate with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) until it jumped through a succession of increasingly narrow hoops, and in fact recognized the PLO only after Israel did so in 1993.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 6
This is how a determined Homeless boy from France started one of the world’s most iconic Billion-Dollar Luxury brands.

Bookmark and retweet this thread to revisit the Unbelievable Story of Louis Vuitton

Born on August 4, 1821, in France, Louis Vuitton hailed from a modest family of farmers.Image
At 13, Vuitton embarked on a 400-kilometer journey to Paris, traveling on foot and taking odd jobs along the way. 

In 1837, he began apprenticing under a renowned box-maker, honing his skills in crafting custom boxes.

Vuitton's meticulous craftsmanship earned him a reputation among Parisian elites, leading to prestigious clientele.
His expertise caught the attention of Empress Eugénie, wife of Napoleon III, appointing him as her box-maker.

In 1854, Vuitton established his own workshop in Paris, marking the inception of the Louis Vuitton brand.
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