This is arguably the single most important aspect of Trump's funding freeze.
The immigration crisis isn't an accident. It's a well-oiled system, facilitated by powerful NGOs—and funded by your tax dollars.
By defunding the NGOs, Trump is crippling the entire system. 🧵
Here's what just happened: Last week, President Trump signed an executive order suspending refugee admissions into the U.S.
Then, the State Department went a step further—they issued a "stop-work" order to their NGO "partners," suspending all funding for refugee resettlement.
The NGOs were beside themselves. And for good reason—very few of these groups are self-sufficient. Most of them are sustained by the federal tax-dollar gravy train. The immigration crisis is being financed by your government—with your money.
HOW CIVIL WARS START: Here's the background on what's happening in the Trump administration right now.
This is the biggest development since the 2020 coup.
2. Yesterday, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directed federal agencies to pause all federal grants and loans, and conduct a comprehensive review of all federal financial assistance programs.
This isn't just budget cuts. It's a war over institutional control.
3. Michael Anton, a former deputy national security advisor, has rejoined the Trump administration.
In his 2020 book, The Stakes, Anton describes how left wing elites use federal power and taxpayer dollars to entrench and perpetuate their political dominance.
1 / Events in Austin, TX, and DC this week are related: we're engaged in a war that will decide the trajectory of our civilization, and NGO's are a major front.
Our governments send hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money annually to unaccountable "non-profit" orgs; much of it finds its way to radical activists and political organizers.
Trump is fighting leftist judges over his federal grant freeze, and today, the city of Austin, TX, voted to give more money to notorious leftist NGO's.
What can we do? TO ARMS! Saddle up and stand ready: it's time for the state of Texas to join this battle on the side of the good guys.
Read our latest Cicero blog on how Texas can lead with reforms to pierce the veil on ANY government-funded NGO, and stop activists hiding billions in ideological spending behind grant mazes. #txlege
2 / Federal grant spending exploded 677% since 1991 to $301B - far more than areas such as Veterans Affairs ($220B), Education ($94B), & Transportation ($85B).
Woke activists & bureaucrats are getting rich off your tax dollars. Until now, no recent administration cracked down on this mess.
The Biden Admin, in bed with these interests, didn't want to be watched: they TURNED OFF the IRS portal that analysts use to get data on NGO grants, so we know nothing precise since 2020. But you should hear the stories of what my friends in DC are finding!
3 / But this mess isn't just federal. Real examples: just today - Austin considers $2.5M more to Caritas after "tens of millions" for migrants.
Plus: Bureaucrats in TX HHS gave $2.5M to TX Legal Services Center pushing gender ideology & supporting illegal immigration. Your tax dollars at work! #txlege
Here's how they play their games: "Microgrants" create a maze of money transfers. Each org passes funds to the next, reporting less detail each time. Final recipients hide under vague labels. A perfect system for their shenanigans.
1/ Ordo Amoris: Do I Love My Family More Than a Stranger?
@JDVance made headlines this week when he introduced into public discourse the Catholic teaching on the Ordo Amoris. Let's review what this is all about.
2/ St. Bernard on the Ascent of Love
St. Bernard outlines love as a progression:
1️⃣ Love of self for self’s sake (immature love)
2️⃣ Love of God for self’s sake (self-interested faith)
3️⃣ Love of God for God's sake (true charity)
4️⃣ Love of self for God's sake (sanctified self-love)
💡 Key Idea: As we grow in holiness, our love becomes more rightly ordered—we learn to love as God loves.
But does that mean we should love all equally? Not exactly.
3/ St. Thomas: Family First, Then the Stranger
Aquinas gives us a crucial clarification:
📌 We are bound to love those closest to us more than those who are distant.
"We ought to love more those who are connected with us by ties of blood." (Summa Theologiae, II-II, Q. 26, Art. 8)
Why? Because charity follows the order of nature—and nature binds us to those closest to us first.
The whispers began in the shadows, carried by those who claimed to know more than they could prove. The Standard Hotel stood at the center of the murmurs—its sleek façade hiding the secrets some insisted were buried within. Adam Schiff’s name surfaced in hushed conversations, linked ...
Anthony Bourdain had always been a man who sought the truth, unafraid to venture where others hesitated. Some believed he had stumbled upon something—something that tied him to the whispers of the Standard Hotel...seen Adam Schiff and a boy that died.
Bourdain's death only deepened the mystery, leaving behind questions no one could answer.
And then there was "Hotel California"—not a place, but a spectre lingering at the edges of the story. It was invoked as metaphor, as prophecy, as an ominous refrain in the background of an unfinished tale. No direct connection existed, yet it wove its way into the narrative, a symbol of entrapment and illusions that refused to fade...Standard Hotel.
I used to love this song… but now it makes me sick to my stomach after learning what the lyrics really mean. 👇
Die @CDU ist nicht irgendeine bürgerliche Partei wie vielleicht die FDP, sondern sie ist aus dem konservativ-überkonfessionellen Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus geboren. Deswegen wiegt der Sündenfall, den meine Partei diese Woche begangen hat, ungleich schwerer. 1/9
Dieses Erbe verbietet es, die Partei autoritär zu führen, loyale Kritiker als Nestbeschmutzer zu brandmarken und „Abweichler“ kaltzustellen. Aus dieser Tradition erwächst aber auch die Verantwortung, Autoritäten – auch der eigenen Partei – nicht in blindem Kadavergehorsam 2/9
zu folgen.
Trotzdem stimmten Menschen, die ich lange als politisches Vorbild betrachtet habe, diese Woche mit den Faschisten. Ich kann nicht verhehlen, dass ich schwer enttäuscht bin. Innerhalb einer Woche brannten alle Sicherungen durch. Gut gemeinte Warnungen wurden in den 3/9
As we end the week, I wanted to share some really good local reporting on how President Trump's water actions in California are being received by locals...
via @SJVwater ...
"Tulare County water managers were perplexed and frustrated, noting both physical and legal barriers that make it virtually impossible for Tulare County river water to be used for southern California fires.”
“A decision to take summer water from local farmers and dump it out of these reservoirs shows a complete lack of understanding of how the system works and sets a very dangerous precedent,” said Dan Vink, a longtime Tulare County water manager and principal partner at Six-33 Solutions, a water and natural resource firm in Visalia.”
“This decision was clearly made by someone with no understanding of the system or the impacts that come from knee-jerk political actions.”
“I have no idea if this is the new norm for operations or not. I certainly hope not.”
"releasing the water at the capacity the Corps had planned to would have flooded both the Kaweah and Tule rivers"
“Channel capacity is very dangerous,” Hernandez said. “People don’t understand that [with] channel capacity, you’re going to have flood damage down below.”
President Trump "incorrectly blamed the temporary lack of water in Los Angeles hydrants during wildfires earlier this month on the state’s water management policies, though the state’s reservoirs are at or near historic levels right now and the hydrants went dry because of the high local demand."
"a former senior Bureau of Reclamation official said moves like the one in Tulare County could endanger property and lives."
“Something really bad could happen because of their nonsensical approach,” the former official, who was granted anonymity because of the issue’s political sensitivity, said. “Floods are real. This isn’t playing around with a software company.”
"The Army Corps did not respond to a question about how the water would reach Los Angeles, about 200 miles away."
"Other water experts said it would have been nearly impossible to divert the water to Los Angeles"
"Dumping the water from Lake Kaweah and Success Lake poses a flood risk to downstream communities...It also reduces the amount of irrigation water available to farmers during the driest months of the year."
DELETED: GSA's tech arm, a far-left agency that viciously subverted Trump during his first term, surrendered after an @elonmusk deputy took over. It deleted huge swaths of code dedicated to virtue-signaling rather than mission, such as its "inclusion bot" that lectured staff.
@elonmusk Federal government-wide computer office @18F, which to this day has a transgender flag as its logo, also deleted where its employee handbook instructed employees to explain what they look like at each meeting so blind people could know if there was sufficient racial diversity.
Github logs show it deleted how employees should only participate in events where “there are no all white or all male panels,” where “there is a code of conduct with an incident response plan,” & “participants have a place to share their pronouns.”
Cancer cells hijack T-cells, making it harder for the body to fight back!
Researchers discovered a surprising way cancer evades the immune system. It essentially hacks the immune cells, transferring its own faulty mitochondrial DNA into the T-cells meant to attack it. 1/
This sneaky move weakens the immune cells, making them less effective at stopping the tumor. The findings could help explain why some cancer treatments, like immunotherapy, are effective for some patients but not others. 2/
In the study, the researchers looked at how cancer cells interact with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, a type of T-cell that typically fights tumors. Clinical specimens from melanoma & lung cancer patients were analyzed for faulty mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations. 3/
1/ För 30 år sedan hade ingen kunnat föreställa sig ett Sverige där sprängningar, skjutningar, korruption, rån mot det svenska välfärdssystemet och klanbaserad kriminalitet blivit vardag. Men här är vi. Hur gick det till? 🧵
2/ Sverige, en av världens mest avancerade välfärdsstater, har förvandlats till ett land där staten förlorat kontrollen. Kriminella nätverk styr förorter, korruptionen har ätit sig in i samhället, våldet är systemhotande och rättsstaten är på reträtt.
3/ Och det värsta? Väldigt få väljare har röstat för detta. Extremt få. Och visst, vi har haft en minoritet under dessa 30 år som har önskat ökad invandring, enligt SOM-mätningarna, men den stora majoriteten har sagt nej.
If you want more energy, better gut health, skin health, improved libido and so on, you must make sure that you avoid the following dietary mistakes.
*Standard disclaimer that nothing in this thread should be used as a substitute for medical advice*
For starters, in case you are skeptical about just how much our diet matters, consider that tens of thousands (if not more) of DNA-related processes are based on nutrients.
So, when we deprive ourselves of nutrients (either by not providing enough of them OR by messing up their absorption), TENS OF THOUSANDS of DNA-related processes become dysfunctional.
That being said, now let's just right into common dietary mistakes (these might be numbered, but in the long run, all of these are equally important in my opinion).
Mistake number 1: Consuming highly processed foods on a regular basis.
Am i saying that you shouldn't never consumed a highly processed food? No.
Now of course, since you are part of this niche space you are already avoiding highly processed foods for the most part, but keep in mind that most people are not and the problems with highly processed foods are many.
From the fact that if you look at the ingredient lists they are not even foods but poison bombs in reality that could be hiding and are certainly contributing to health issues through ingredients such as MSG, high fructose corn syrup, food dyes, canola oil and other additives all the way to the fact that billions of dollars are spent every year for the sole purpose of figuring out how to make them as addictive as possible.
One recipient, CONSORTIUM FOR ELECTIONS & POLITICAL PROCESS STRENGTHENING, is the recipient of 48 active grants worth $528 million, all awarded from USAID and going to various nations. ಠ_ಠ
Per ChatGPT, they operate as a 501(c)(3) 521943638 which does show up in my award search.
They are also operating as a partnership with International Republican Institute (521340267), International Foundation for Electoral Systems (521527835), National Democratic Institute (521338892).
CEPP shares the same office building as International Republican Institute. It is unknown if the other EINs listed are related to them.
1/ Let me explain why the total destruction of USAID - happening as we speak - matters so much.
China - where Musk makes his money - wants USAID destroyed. So does Russia. Trump and Musk are doing the bidding of Beijing and Moscow. Why?…
2/ Over the last week, 50% of the Global Health Bureau and 60% of the Humanitarian Assistance Bureau have been fired. Aid programs everywhere have been closed. The U.S. is in full retreat from the world.
Dystopian. No good reason for it.
3/ The immediate consequences of this are cataclysmic. Malnourished babies who depend on U.S. aid will die. Anti-terrorism programs will shut down and our most deadly enemies will get stronger. Diseases that threaten the U.S. will go unabated and reach our shores faster.
First, there are a lot of people with platinum resumes & important titles who have worked their way up to the very top of the NGO/gov/blob career track, who are in their nice brownstone apartments or two-story homes dealing w/ total shell shock at some letter or email.
There is no plan B for their careers. They can't pivot into some other industry, they have no marketable skills beyond working in the parts of the blob apparatus that are on fire right now. This is the Palisades fire, but in DC -- total loss but no insurance or safety net.
🧵Observing the Trump 47 media strategy: Transforming communication with the American people.
It’s a different ballgame this time around.
1⃣ THE WH BRIEFING ROOM: Press Sec Karoline Leavitt announces that Americans’ trust in legacy media is at an all time low, welcomes new media access into the WH briefing room, promises to address questions from outlets across the ideological spectrum.
Massive shakeup that signals to Americans from the press room podium how legacy media has been thoroughly discredited — while simultaneously promising balanced coverage and maximum transparency.
2⃣ DoD PRESS ACCESS: SecDef Pete Hegseth oversees long overdue changes to press access at the Pentagon:
NBC, NYT, NPR, and Politico will “rotate out of the building” to give space to New York Post, Breitbart, OAN, and HuffPost.
The move is intended to “broaden access” — a diplomatic way of saying that legacy media propaganda is being demoted to the minor leagues, while providing a broader range of reporting perspectives. HUGE shift.
Now for a little story I wrote this morning, called FEAR AND LOATHING IN TARIFFLAND: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF KARYN VON MAGA KOCHSUCKER.
Strap in. This is a long thread.
The morning sun rose like a bloated orange over the strip malls and foreclosed Applebees of the suburb, signaling another glorious day in Trump's tariff-ridden America. Inside a three-bedroom home, Karen Kochsucker groaned into her MyPillow and checked her phone.
Another headline about inflation. Another breaking news alert about China retaliating. Another ALL CAPS POST from Trump promising everything is fine.
Karen sighed, and smiled. It was worth it.
Sure, she was spending $200 more per week on gas, groceries, and basic survival, but