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Sep 5th 2022
Iranians are condemning a revolutionary court sentencing two #LGBT activists, #Zahra_Seddiqi and #Elham_Choobdar, to death for "spreading corruption on earth through promoting homosexuality". Same sex relations are punishable with death in Iran.
#زهرا_صدیقی #الهام_چوبدار
Rights monitor @HengawO: Iran revolutionary court has sentenced two #LGBT activists, #Zahra_Seddiqi and #Elham_Choobdar, to death while a third person, Soheila Ashrafi has been charged but not sentenced in relation to the case.
#زهرا_صدیقی #الهام_چوبدار
Writer @asieh_am pointed out that Iran revolutionary court sentenced two #LGBT activists to death after President Raisi voiced homophobia in a public speech and called homosexuality the "ugliest of behaviours" and "wretched". #زهرا_صدیقی #الهام_چوبدار
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