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Jun 21st 2023
Le 2 juin dernier au soir, j'ai été victime d'une violente agression homophobe.


J'ai mis plusieurs jours pour trouver la force de me confier publiquement. Voilà ce qui m'est arrivé.
(à dérouler ⤵️)
#LGBT Image
Dans un moment de légèreté et de joie, en rentrant des repas de quartiers à Montreuil, vendredi 2 juin 2023 au soir, je me suis rendu à un rendez-vous fixé avec un homme via une application de rencontre homosexuelle appelée Grindr.

C’était un guet-apens homophobe !
J’ai pris conscience à ce moment-là de ce que voulait dire « briser une personne ». Ils ne m'enlèveront pas ma fierté d’être homosexuel, c’est ce qui m’a donné la force d’écrire ces quelques mots. Ils ne m'enlèveront pas les plaisirs et les joies de la vie.
Read 37 tweets
Jun 18th 2023
🇪🇺🇺🇸Lors du sommet du #G20 et de la conférence des Nations unies sur le climat, un nouveau coup de balai a été donné, et la « transition rapide vers une agriculture durable » a été proclamée.

Mais qu'est-ce que cela signifie ?!
Déroulez le fil ⤵️⤵️⤵️
Les grands groupes agricoles contrôlent toujours plus l'agriculture et des investisseurs puissants achètent des terres agricoles dans le monde entier.
Parallèlement, la politique agricole détruit l'agriculture traditionnelle en obligeant les petits agriculteurs à abandonner leurs domaines en leur imposant d'innombrables règlements.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
Many in 🇨🇳China’s gay community are strangers to Western #LGBT cultures, and Westerners are unfamiliar with their Chinese counterparts’ lifestyles

Using Western metrics like #pride month & #rainbowcapitalism 🏳️‍🌈 to weigh their joy is intellectually flawed…
#Homosexuality existed throughout ancient China, but #gaypride is a modern American celebration → its irrelevance here is nothing to be appalled about

Demanding Asian policies to be more Westernised reinforces the harmful narrative that homosexuality is a Western “lifestyle” 👬
Gay venues and activities in China are unlike those in the West. E.g. In #Chengdu, teahouses are a popular LGBT integration space 🍵

Allies should NOT assume that they are oppressed based on a limiting framework that reduces the West to #liberalism and the East to #conservatism
Read 6 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
-La transition de genre est expérimentale. 𝐀𝐮𝐜𝐮𝐧 bienfait démontré
-Les transgenres sont 𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐬 suicidaires après opération
-Taux de complication chirurgical: 𝟔𝟕%
Autant de sujets qu'il faut taire au royaume du $

#WhatIsAWoman #LGBT #TPMP 1/
Vous devez écouter une partie de l'histoire de Scott Newgent @NotScottNewgent ou les effets dévastateurs de la propagande 😓

I just want to thank you Scott. Hearing you bring a tear to my eye. What you did is so important. Could save children's lives. Take care ❤️ #WhatIsWoman
Les mensonges criminels des médecins qui pratiquent le changement de genre

-Nombre d'étude sur les bloqueurs de puberté: 𝟬 !
Une opération de 𝐬𝐭𝐞́𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬.
Parents, réveillez-vous ! 3/

#WhatIsAWoman #LGBT #TPMP
Read 4 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
Last week, I promised to share a🧵dismantling the Navigating Differences (ND) queerphobic statement recently released by a group of Muslim leaders. I will draw from the Quran & hadiths to substantiate my arguments while offering some resources.
#Islam #LGBT #Pride #Women
First, this statement dehumanizes queer people just by mentioning "LGBT-centric values", "practices" & "proponents". It's like condemning "female proponents". The existence of our queer kin, & our obligation to love & respect them are not up for debate (2/).
The first surah/chapter of the Quran, Al-Fatiha (The Opening), also refers to the opening of the heart/mind. It is a du'a/supplication that begins by emphasizing Allah's mercy/compassion, gratitude & asks for Their guidance. We read it at the start of every prayer (3/).
Read 16 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
#LGBT #ToplumsalCinsiyet Kimliği
ABD'de Ebeveynler, Maryland'in Montgomery County okul yönetim kurulu'nca K-5 (İlkokul) öğrencileri için 'LGBTQIA+' bakımını ve kitaplarının okunmasını zorunlu kıldığı için Maryland okul bölgesine dava açtı…
Read 5 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
🏳️‍🌈 Anheuser-Busch extends partnership with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce and donates $200,000 for the second consecutive year, despite backlash. #BudLight #LGBT ⬇️ Image
💰 The donation will support the NGLCC's Communities of Color Initiative, promoting LGBTQ+-owned businesses across the country. #NGLCC #supportLGBTQ
📉 Amid boycott attempts, Bud Light sales have dipped over recent months as conservatives and anti-LGBTQ+ criticize the company's actions. #BudLightBacklash
Read 5 tweets
May 23rd 2023

Joshua Sutcliffe: We have seen many of you supporting Mr Sutcliffe.
We absolutely do not.
Here is why:
We apply #safeguarding to everyone, equally. ‘Misgendering’ is not the main issue here.
#Edutwitter #SafeguardingFail #LGBT #PSHEPeeps…
We agree with family law barrister @SVPhillimore. Breaching a child’s confidentiality on TV is unacceptable. We would like to read the judgement in full, but if that would also expose an individual child, it should not be published. We always prioritise #safeguarding children.
We have been made aware of this blog. All at Safe Schools Alliance find these views abhorrent. That does not mean he should not be allowed to express them. However, conflating gay & non-marital sex with rape & paedophilia is a #safeguarding concern.
Read 7 tweets
May 7th 2023
同性愛者だけの集まりを許さない Image
Read 20 tweets
Apr 30th 2023
Clearly Paul et al haven't been paying attention

In the US alone 'they' (they being members of the Republican Party) are:

❗️Forcing Trans adolescents & adults to detransition

❗️Banning gender affirming care & support for Trans adolescents & adults

❗️Forcing government..

..employees to dress according to their 'biological sex'

❗️Banning any mention of LGBT+ people, culture, & rights, in schools

❗️Sanctioning & silencing Trans politicians for speaking up against anti-trans legislation

❗️Asking members of the public to report anyone they..

..suspect of being Trans, to the authorities

❗️Banning Trans girls from participating in sport

❗️ Forcing Trans girls & women into dangerous single sex spaces

❗️ Stopping Trans ppl from obtaining official ID that reflects their gender

❗️Preventing clinicians from..

Read 7 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
Thread 🧵

In June of 2022, I reported on the insane arrest of a man named Tyler Dinsmoor. Tyler was arrested for posting memes and espousing his religious beliefs online. He was charged with a "hate crime," due to being targeted by the #LGBT community. Image
"In the early hours of the morning on June 17, 2022, Mrs. Tyler Dinsmoor awoke to find some strange messages on her phone and a couple of missed calls. The messages purported to be someone with the police department wanting to speak with her or her husband."
"She was confused and unsure if this was some sort of prank. She explained that in the days prior her husband had been targeted by Antifa online and had been forced to take his website down to protect his customers."
Read 27 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
1/ Short 🧵 on anti-#drag efforts in Texas:

The Senate passed a bill this month that is pitched as a way to protect kids from explicit drag shows.

But legal experts said it would criminalize everything from dirty dancing to #LGBTQ Pride parades.… #txlege
2/ The lawyers identified 4 areas of concern: The bill includes vague descriptions of new crimes, specifically targets people “exhibiting” as the opposite sex, is overly broad in its definitions of “sexually oriented” and lacks discussion of an alleged scofflaw's intent. #txlege
3/ How could this suss out in the real world?

The bill criminalizes "real or simulated" groping of the butt, which the lawyers said could land performers and venues in hot water if dancing crosses is "prurient" content and is in front of a minor.… #txlege
Read 10 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
Silahli isgal yerine
Ekonomik olarak isgal edilirler

T.C.'nin kurulus aşamasinda
Rockefeller'in Eko-isgali
KOC Ailesi ile baslatildi


Karşi hamle olarak
SABANCI Ailesi kuruldu

KOC'lari degil de
SABANCI'lari hedef aldi acaba..#Jewish
Finans merkezi #ABD'dir

#Manhattan önemli bir merkezdir

Chase Bank
Yahudi sermayesidir

#ElKaide gibi
Radikal TERÖR ÖRGÜTLERİni finanse eden sermayedir

Kolay kolay
Ölmek istemeyen
Dangalak Sapkinlardir
#Bilderberg üyesidir

Akliniza gelebilecek
Her türlü
Sapkinlik ve sapikligi

Kacirilan cocuklari/kizlari
Özel Adalar'da bulunan
Yer altindaki
Tapinma yerlerine gotururler

Elleri-ayaklari baglanir
Gozleri acik tutulur..
Read 16 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
[Marriage Equality Petitions in #SupremeCourt - Day 2]

A constitution bench of #SupremeCourt will continue hearing batch of petitions seeking legal recognition for same-sex marriage in India.

Follow this thread for live updates.

#LGTBQIA #SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage Image
Yesterday's arguments ranged from meaning of gender, maintainability of petitions, if court should deal with personal laws & if law should follow popular will.

Find LiveLaw's coverage on hearings here-………
SG Mehta: Before the petitioners start, I have something to place on record. In continuation of my request that states should be heard, UOI has written letters to all Chief Secretaries...

#SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage #LGBTQIA
Read 146 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
[Marriage Equality Petitions in the #SupremeCourt]

A constitution bench of the #SupremeCourt will begin hearing the batch of petitions seeking legal recognition for same-sex marriage in India.

Follow this thread for live updates.

#LGTBQIA #SupremeCourtofIndia #SameSexMarriage Image
The bench hearing the petitions comprises Chief Justice DY Chandrachud, Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul, Justice Ravindra Bhat, Justice Hima Kohli, and Justice PS Narasimha.

#LGBTQIA #SameSexMarriage #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtofIndia
SG Mehta: The subject your lordships are dealing with is the creation of a socio-legal relationship of marriage which is the domain of the competent legislature.

#SameSexMarriage #SupremeCourt #LGBTQIA
Read 197 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
Senate Bill 12 gets FINAL PASSAGE in the Texas Senate by vote of 20-11. It would criminalize drag shows or any other performances deemed overtly sexual if they're in front of or may be in front of minors.

Background:… #TXLege #SB12 #LGBT #LGBTQ #dragqueen
Senate Bill 1601, which would bar public money from libraries that host #drag shows, is up for final passage in the Texas Senate.

@SenRoyceWest, the only Democrat who voted for it yesterday, is asking Qs of the author. #txlege #SB1601
@SenRoyceWest West asks one question: Would the drag queen library bill apply to men wearing kilts in libraries?

@SenBryanHughes says no.

West asks no further questions. #txlege #SB1601
Read 6 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
HAPPENING NOW: Senate takes up debate on bill to restrict, and at times criminalize, drag shows in Texas.

Background:… #txlege #LGBTQ #LGBT #SB12
Bill author @SenBryanHughes says his legislation is just about protecting children from "sexually explicit performances."

But, his bill would also make it a crime for a man presenting as a woman (and vice versa) to perform a "prurient" event "on public property."

#txlege #SB12
@SenBryanHughes Drag performers and their supporters have come to watch this debate. They are in the gallery.

#txlege #SB12
Read 33 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
Senate Bill 14, the ban on medical treatments for transgender minors, is up for final passage in the Texas Senate.

Background here:… #txlege #LGBT #LGBTQ
Bill author @DonnaCampbellTX repeats her opening statement for this bill: "Children who are on puberty blockers and cross sex hormones need more counseling in love. They don't need blades and drugs."

#txlege #SB14 #LGBTQ #LGBTQ #trans #transgender
@DonnaCampbellTX Sen. @Menendez4Texas is speaking on the gender-affirming care ban bill now:

"I believe Senator Campbell when she says she wants to protect children but I don't think she realizes the potential harm the very real harm" of the bill.

#txlege #SB14 #trans #transgender #LGBTQ
Read 11 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
🧵Today a committee in the Texas Senate will take up bills to ban gender-affirming care for minors. This is the first time they'll debate this legislation this year.

I've been covering transgender youth in Texas for years. Here's some of what I've learned.
#txlege #LGBT #LGBTQ
2/ In 2017, the focus in Texas was on the "bathroom bill." Parents of trans kids mobilized to fight it.

"You don’t know my kid. You don't know what he's gone through just to be himself," one Dallas mom told me at the time.… #txlege #LGBT #LGBTQ
3/ The bathroom bill failed, and 2019 was a bit quieter on the legislative front when it came to transgender legislation.

In 2021, state legislators passed a law requiring high school athletes to play sports according to their sex at birth.… #txlege
Read 16 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
Texas just filed its appellate brief in the case it's fighting against parents of transgender kids.

Gov't reiterates argument there hasn't been "any particular harm suffered" by families investigated for child abuse bc kids haven't been removed.… #txlege
The state of Texas' brief also argues two families with transgender kids no longer have standing to sue bc their investigations have been closed and with no finding of child abuse.

Background:… #txlege #LGBT #LGBTQ
Also Texas AG @KenPaxtonTX cites recent @nytimes stories about transgender youth to argue that puberty blockers and hormone therapy may be harmful.

A group of NYT contributors and LGBT advocates recently criticized the paper's transgender coverage… #txlege
Read 4 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
Thread for ‘but is this happening in schools’ #Edutwitter. Yes it is. Firstly personal testimony: “the school nurse had referred her to the school counsellor [who] informed [her] that a hatred of one’s breasts could be an indicator of a non-binary”…
More testimony: “I am utterly horrified at what was taught at a PSHE lesson at my school recently. It was to a group of children, most are 11-12 years old. It is so, so much worse than I thought.” #Edutwitter #DiverseEd #LGBT…
More personal testimony: “We did request to see their transgender policy and it was kafkaesque – it repeatedly conflated sex & gender… & downplayed the effects of binders, blockers and hormones” #Edutwitter #WomeEd #PSHEPeeps…
Read 105 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
#SB12 to ban children from being able to attend drag shows in Texas just referred to State Affairs.

This bill — plus legislation to ban gender affirming care for minors, restrict transgender college athletes and regulate library books — are all @DanPatrick priorities. #txlege
@DanPatrick Also: A bathroom bill of sorts (yes, it's back) was just referred to House Pub Ed.

It'd require schools to have a public policy about bathroom/locker facilities not separated by sex at birth that must specifically denote which facilities fall into this category.

#HB2722 #txlege Image
@DanPatrick Also recently filed: #HB4378 by @Toth_4_Texas to allow lawsuits against ppl who bring a minor to drag show that "violates the prevailing standard in the adult community for content suitable for minors."

It has a 10 year statute of limitations.… #txlege Image
Read 4 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
NEW: A Texas Senate committee will debate legislation to restrict transgender athletes in collegiate sports today. You can watch the hearing live online and I will be live-tweeting about it.

Here is some background on the bill:… #txlege #LGBT #LGBTQ
This is the first bill that affects the LGBTQ community that is getting a committee hearing this session.

On Thursday, another Senate committee will debate banning gender-affirming care for minors. Both are priorities of Lt. Gov. @DanPatrick.… #txlege
@DanPatrick There are about 92,900 adult transgender Texans, according to one recent study.

According to a January 2022 report by Out Sports, 34 openly transgender athletes have competed in collegiate sports nationwide.… #txlege #LGBT #LGBTQ
Read 8 tweets

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