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Mar 10th 2023
🔴🇱🇧 The S.G. #Hezbollah, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, will deliver a speech at the honoring ceremony for commander Haj Asad Mahmoud Sagheer. The ceremony will take place on Friday afternoon at 3:30 in the Imam Al-Mujtaba Complex (Peace be upon him).

#نصرالله #الحاج_صالح Image
🔴🇱🇧 The beginning of the speech of the Secretary-General of #Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, at the anniversary of the departure of the commander leader Hajj Asad Mahmoud Sagheer (#حاج_صالح) in the Al-Mujtaba Complex in the southern suburbs of Beirut
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah: We extend our condolences to the family of the late fighter leader Hajj Asad Mahmoud Sagheer and his brothers who worked with him
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