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Aug 7th 2020
#Belief_Faith_God_and_Me this is a subject , which to me is very personal and i do not dwell or share it with others; to me it is sacrosanct and it is not meant for a debate and/or a discussion; however a damn good tweet by @chittukuruvi4 got me thinking and hence this; this is
2. not going to be a long one and neither is it about religious practices as prescribed; i have always been a person who goes by what my heart says rather than the peanut brain of mine; my great grand parents/my grandparents and my parents had belief/faith and above all practised
3. what is said in our puranaas/ithihaasas; their belief and faith was impeccable, but they were also pragmatic - they have never imposed themselves on any of their siblings; my experience i have noticed - whether it be my grand uncles/aunts, my own aunts/uncles and my cousins..
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