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May 24th 2023
[ENG] #GIDLE - #Queencard

It's like the next step up from #Tomboy, it's like an improved Tomboy, taken to another level. It's light but it is charged with elements that go beyond the musica. It brings a direct message that got us quickly and goes very well combined with the+++ Image
music; it doesn't allow you to get bored for a second and at the same time it has its respective breaks; it's like a lot in one but it doesn't feel too stuffy. On the other hand, there isn't much to highlight about the music, it's cool that it's not so generic (a bit it is, but+
not that much) and how it fits perfectly into the era of tiktok and dances and things like that. I've seen a lot of people complain but I actually think it's a perfect song for May 2023.

✅Qualification: A.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
Traducción en español "(G)I-DLE TIEMPO DE CHAT: #SHUHUA 🐺" (hilo) 🧡

Por reglas estrictas no se puede subir fotos o vídeos que son de contenido japo*és

#GIDLE @G_I_DLE #여자아이들
1,2; Hola ¡Somos @G_I_DLE!
#SOYEON 🦁: Como #SHUHUA no está aquí vamos a empezar a hablar sobre ella. Ella es la maknae del grupo pero ella toma más bien el rol de unnie
#MIYEON 🐊: Si, ella actúa más como si fuese la mayor del grupo

#GIDLE @G_I_DLE #여자아이들
#MINNIE 🐭: ¡S I!
#YUQI 🦒: 🐺tiene un estilo individual muy claro. Es como si viviese en su propio mundo
#MIYEON: Ella realmente vive en una 4 dimensión. Cuando pienso en 🐺 viene a mi mente sus lindos pies. Se ven muy tiernos cuando saca su dedos

#GIDLE @G_I_DLE #여자아이들
Read 14 tweets

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