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Oct 22nd 2020

@HinduJagrutiOrg in its 18 years of vigorous activism spearheaded Hindu cause in various domains-

Foremost among them is - In modern era, it was the first to propound that "India be declared a #HinduRashtra"


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@HinduJagrutiOrg was the first to bring forth the concept of "Spiritual Hindutva". It didn't only preach that but every activist of HJS has put it into practice.

No surprise on why could it attain success in various facets in such meager time

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@HinduJagrutiOrg correctly pointed out the basic cause as to why doesn't Hindu society unite ? It found that it was basically because Hindus are devoid of "Dharmashiksha", its not saffronization of education, mind you seculars.


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