Official account of Sanatan Prabhat media group. Do read to get exclusive perspectives on Rashtra-Dharma. Working everyday for #HinduRashtra for last 25 years.
Mar 7 • 11 tweets • 7 min read
"The Forgotten Hindu Genocide – A Crime Against Humanity 🚨"
Islamic India: The Biggest Holocaust in World History Whitewashed from History Books
A thread. 🧵
@ElstKoenraad @AtriNeeraj
🚨 The world speaks of genocides, but the mass slaughter of Hindus over centuries is erased from history.
📜 Millions were massacred, temples destroyed, and traditions wiped out.
🔥 A thread on the Hindu Genocide the world ignores. 👇
@mayankjain100 @UnSubtleDesi
May 18, 2021 • 5 tweets • 7 min read
United States' "most prolific conspiracy theorist" #AlexJones has made very shocking revelations regarding #COVID19.
"In 2015, Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) & chief medical advisor to then president #BarackObama paved way to make #COVID19", alleges #AlexJones
🙏शिवजी रात्रि एक प्रहर विश्राम करते हैं!
🌿अधिकाधिक शिवतत्त्व आकृष्ट करने हेतु बिल्वपत्र, श्वेतपुष्प इ. शिवपिंडीपर चढाते है।
🙏शिवार्चन व अभिषेकका विशेष महत्व है।
शिवजीके दर्शन एवं #महाशिवरात्रि व्रतका विधी, शास्त्रोक्त जानकारी हेतु सभी यह thread अवश्य पढे
शिवाची वैशिष्ट्ये-
शिव ही सहज प्रसन्न होणारी देवता असल्याने शिवाचे भक्त पृथ्वीतलावर मोठ्या प्रमाणात आहेत. #महाशिवरात्र हे शिवाचे व्रत असून या व्रताचे महत्त्व,व्रत करण्याची पद्धत आणि व्रताचा विधी यांविषयीची माहिती या #Tweet थ्रेड मधून जाणून घेऊया
1/11 #महाशिवरात्र व्रत माघ वद्य चतुर्दशी या तिथीला करतात.
#Mahashivratri2021 या दिवशी शिवतत्त्व नेहमीपेक्षा १००० पटीने कार्यरत असते.शिवतत्त्वाचा अधिकाधिक लाभ मिळण्यासाठी शिवाची भावपूर्णरित्या पूजाअर्चा करण्यासह ‘ॐ नमः शिवाय।’ हा नामजप जास्तीतजास्त करावा.
Let's learn 𝟭𝟬 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀 about
👉God #Shiva
👉Significance of #Mahashivratri
👉#Rudraksha etc.
in this informative thread
𝟭. 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 #𝗦𝗵𝗶𝘃𝗮 (शिव) has been derived by reversing letters of the word ‘vash’ (वश्). Vash means to enlighten; hence, one who enlightens is Shiva. He illuminates the universe.
@HinduJagrutiOrg was the first to bring forth the concept of "Spiritual Hindutva". It didn't only preach that but every activist of HJS has put it into practice.
No surprise on why could it attain success in various facets in such meager time
Do you know so-called "rationalists" & so-called "environmentalists" who scream that let's celebrate eco-friendly #Ganeshotsav by using paper-pulp Ganeshmurti is actually harmful to environment?
Its also against Dharmashastra
In 2011, the then @INCIndia led Maharashtra govt. issued a GR asking to use paper pulp Ganesh idols which are eco-friendly
Upon that, Shri. Shivaji Vatkar of @HinduJagrutiOrg filed an RTI to understand consequences of immersing such idols in water.
👉Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati was murdered alongwith his 4 disciples by maoists in Kandhamal, Odisha
⛪️ It was a #church conspiracy which is specified categorically in 2013 court judgement (Page 1,2,5) attached @noconversion
Judgement futher says, "Swamiji was a protestor of cow slaughter...... A month prior to the present incident, at his instance, a criminal case was initiated for slaughtering of cow for which there was a threat to his life...."